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Fitzquake Mark V
I wasn't planning on doing this mini-project, it started as an effort to address some Fitzquake issues, fix them the right way up to Fitzquake standards (i.e. do it right, once and properly versus continual releases) and donate it back.

FitzQuake Mark V Download:

Short version: Eliminated most issues in FitzQuake thread, most issues I can even remember hearing of ever and marked every single one clearly with a very minimal implementation.

It may be the case that only metlslime and Quakespasm and engine coders may find this engine upgrade of interest.

Features: 5 button mouse support, single pass video mode, external mdl textures, alpha textures (like RMQ), record demo at any time, rotation support, video capture (bind "capturevideo toggle"), console to clipboard, screenshot to clipboard, entities to clipboard, tool_texturepointer, tool_inspector (change weapons to see different info), clock fix, contrast support, fov does not affect gun, gun displays onscreen, Quakespasm wrong content protection, external ent support, session-to-session history and .. (see readme).
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@dwere - I wanted to leave it on during beta to see how many people even noticed (very, very few). So shall be off by default in next version.

@qmaster -- the bolts, yeah .. fixing

@johnny -- I'll think of something, I have something in mind ...

@pulsar -- I fixed the demo pause thing, I forgot to list that. Thanks for reporting that! I hate stuff like that.

(1) --- that's for reminding me to disable mirrors in DX. In theory, they should work but the Direct3D wrapper has built-in optimizations that mirrors bust.
(2) r_shadows -1 will do what you want in next one, which will be less than an hour.
(3) Could you test download, "disconnect" and clears server aliases/key binds (3 items). Rename your maps folder so Quake can't find them. Connect to your server. Play dopa or terra. I need ProQuake depot auto-download tested. "alias" lists all aliases, "bindlist" lists all keybinds. your impulse 39 tricks for chat should get cleared on disconnect. 
Crash To Desktop Bug 
I'm guessing that my bug where trying to bind a new forward key through the menu is just me?

I get this crash in the winquake version too. 
I'll check that out and fix. If I can't reproduce, might need you to post your config. 
@fifth ... 
I've got it ;-) So no need. 
... Start up the open GL version
Post the c:\quake\id1\qconsole.log
Your post about Dr. Watson made me think about something. 
Feedbacks And Bugs 
Baker, thanks a lot for the release! .. I really appreciate.

second ... I�m a Mac user, hence I�ve only tested the software under Wine 1.8.5 (

The hdfolder command works fine but only one way. From "" to hdfoldername for example, but then it is not possible to come back to "", not even by restarting. The only workaround I�ve found is to set hdfolder to "" in the autoexec.cfg.

If the demo files are not present in pak0.pak the software stucks for a while (1 minute) but then it works fine.

In my configuration the software crashes systematically when the delete button is pressed for setting new command keys in the command menu.

Multiplayer works fine with me! � nice job! 
start up with -nomultisample -nostencil -developer when you do the log 
Thanks for the feedback on the hdfolder thing. 24 hours ago that wasn't even an idea.

I'll see if I can identify and correct.

/I'll think about quickly I can do a Mac build. Have to think about it. 
Resetting server-bound keys works. Good feature.

Hm, server-set aliases are cleared rather than reset to user settings. For example, if I set:

alias colors "say colors!"

Then connect to FvF -- which sets alias colors to an impulse to set your colors (including a hack to force the unsupported colors 14 and 15 to work -- which reminds me, how about support for colors 14 and 15? heh).

Then disconnect from the server. Now the "colors" alias is just cleared. I guess you just do an unalias command?

I don't see this as being much of a problem though....

Downloads work. Now do I turn it off? heh. It downloads loc file, which I have no use for.

It TRIES to download fvf sounds, but fails because those aren't located on Quakeone.

It successfully downloaded terra1.bsp 
Gunter: Type ... find loc in console. Should tell you what to do ;-)

Want to promote the idea that "find" solves a ton of questions instantly.

I'll add the FVF sounds to the primary depot. 

The hd folder can only be selected during the initialisation process and not afterwards.

If the demos are active, the initialisation console is skipped and no further initialisation commands can be introduced.

Once the demos are running, the hdfolder command only generate the following message "please disconnect first".

For users like me .. it can be confusing! 
I'll make hdfolder auto-disconnect. I was considering that since "game" already does that. 
Ah, the sound downloads work now!

I guess it doesn't download "skins" because they are attached to a model... annnd, yeah, that would be tricky since each server might have a different set of skins attached to the standard player model.... Hm, perhaps Mark V could keep a different folder for each server it connects to, and if it does not have the skinned models for that server, it could grab them. But then I guess that would require a different folder on Quakeone for each server.... Yeah, tricky.

But it could work -- you'd just have specific things in a server's folder instead of general things like the maps.

So like, you have a download folder for "" on Quakeone that contains the FvF files, then when a client gets an invalid skin request, it knows to try and download that model for the server it is connected to, and it will create an "" folder in id1 to store those files....

Though I suppose instead of doing it piece by piece like that, if you just have an "" folder at Quakeone, it could just contain the FvF custom pak file to download, and Mark V could automatically grab it when it connects to

Of course... that would take longer... but it would be kind of nice. Though perhaps that would need a user prompt, "automatically download pak file for this server (15 meg)?" 
qconsole.log following instructions posted above?
If you want me to help your old computer use GL, it's literally today or 2018? 
Today, please!

Command line: [ ]
Log file: C:\Documents and Settings\Aaron\My Documents\Games\Quake1/id1/qconsole.log
Wed Nov 16 18:13:32 2016
Mark V Version 1.00 Windows
Exe: mark_v.exe (1121 kb)
Exe: 06:35:23 Nov 16 2016
Caches: C:/Documents and Settings/Aaron/Application Data/Mark V/caches
UDP4 Initialized: INADDR_ANY,
UDP6_OpenSocket: Address family not supported by protocol family
UDP6_Init: Unable to open control socket, UDPv6 disabled
Exe: 06:37:32 Nov 16 2016
256.0 megabyte heap
GL_VERSION: 1.4.0 - Build
GL_EXT_texture_lodWarning: texture_non_power_of_two not supported
Intel Display Adapter detected
Max texture size: 2048
Multitexture: 455190012
Non-Power of 2: 0
Combine: 1
Stencil Bits: 8
Hardware gamma enabled
joystick not found -- no valid joysticks (a5)
Input initialized
Avi capturing module initialized
ACM module initialized

Sound Initialization
Set primary sound buffer format: yes
Using secondary sound buffer
2 channel(s)
16 bits/sample
11025 bytes/sec
DirectSound initialized
Audio: 16 bit, stereo, 11025 Hz
Sound sampling rate: 11025
CDAudio_Init: MCI_OPEN failed (266)

========= Quake Initialized =========

execing quake.rc
execing default.cfg
couldn't exec config.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
3 demo(s) in loop
Playing demo from demo1.dem.

the Necropolis
Using protocol 15 
Wait, were "instructions posted above" adding the -nomultisample -nostencil?

That seems to make no difference, other than adding:

Warning: Stencil disabled at command line
Warning: Multisample disabled at command line

to the log.

Also, I could email this stuff instead of cluttering this thread.... 
Revision #2

Everything fixed except ...
1) Icaro HD folder. (Will be fixed in revision 3)
2) mfx/fifth tidle console. (Will be fixed in revision 3)

@fifth - Made 2 mirrors that can see other, the 2nd mirror becomes "non-mirror" in that frame. 
What are last 5 lines of qconsole.log when crash on your old XP computer? That may be enough for me.

Be sure to you are using -developer in the command line. 
Stab in the dark .. possible fix.

Let me know!

Make sure you run this .exe which has a different name. Crosses fingers. 
Oh, sorry, I missed that small post you made above telling me to use -developer.

I got the new version, and here's what I get as the last lines after crash:

Playing demo from demo1.dem.
Mouse Released
Serverinfo packet received.
Clearing memory

the Necropolis
Using protocol 15
e1m3 loadname
e1m3 cl.modelname 
huh, and if it matters, if I disable the startup demos and just try to load the Start map, the blank lines that appeared after "clearing memory" above (I deleted them because they just looked blank), instead say:

SpawnServer: start
Clearing memory
Programs occupy 403K.
PR_AllocStringSlots: realloc'ing for 256 slots
Mod appears to support impulse 12
start loadname
maps/start.bsp sv.modelname
Try the one I just posted that has a possible fix. 
Sorry again! I missed your "stab in the dark" ... This "forum" page is a bit hard to navigate, heh.

One moment....

Nope, no good. qconsole log seems the same. 
You up for one last try in the next 15 minutes?

I think your video card may not support glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE) 
Ok... Gunter.

Do it again, with **zero external textures** in your Quake folder.

If it works when you do that, your video card doesn't support glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE)

If it doesn't, it's something else. 
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