Oh, Zwif
#14152 posted by HeadThump on 2008/04/30 03:53:03
if you are on the level design team keep an eye on your boss:
From his pic there, he looks like a certain temperate, Australian actor. Just watch out for the flying phones, all I'm sayin'.
#14153 posted by HeadThump on 2008/04/30 04:00:06
I probably meant the word 'temperamental' but too tired to care. Must be all the push ups.
 Congrats Zwiffle!!
#14154 posted by nitin on 2008/04/30 10:09:27
convince them to do a Rune 2 please.
 Heh - Pending Mugshot Zwiffle?
#14155 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/04/30 12:18:57
We'll have to link to it on the "Who are these people?" thread!
#14156 posted by bambuz on 2008/04/30 15:34:29
I think you need more gif animations. A page is boring to look at if nothing moves. Blinking text would rock too.
 Survival Advice For Zwiffle
#14157 posted by bambuz on 2008/04/30 15:41:37
If my boss had hunting as his first hobby and "If I Did It" as his favorite book then...
#14158 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/04/30 15:49:05
...OK, getting somewhere with it now:
(For those who think this is computergame related/interesting, er, its not)
 Internet Explorer...
#14159 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/04/30 15:52:06
...sucks the sweat from a dead horse's phallus.
Why do they think they have the right to screw around with things like padding?
Why doesn't the most popular browser support things like opacity?
And the rest...
#14160 posted by Spirit on 2008/04/30 16:04:48
welcome to the wonderful world of webdesign.
That new look is much better. I would get rid of everything right of the text (the cow and the bottom logo), make it fixed width and horizontally center it.
And in the navigation the backgroundcolor is too aggressive. Maybe simply use the color from the rest of the page.
You are still using the Eras Demi ITC font that no-one has.
#14161 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/04/30 16:11:28
I cant figure out how to center the main column in the space to the right of the nav bar.
4:00am I went to bed last night, and I just couldn't figure out the correct way of doing it!
Any clues?
style.css is in the root dir.
My hands are tied on the font thing, but I made it default to sans-serif if Eras Demi ITC is not present :) - it was just on plain old Times New Roman. (Not that Arial is much more exotic)
 Bambuz Is Right, Zwiffle
#14162 posted by HeadThump on 2008/04/30 16:44:29
If my boss had hunting as his first hobby and "If I Did It" as his favorite book then...
Bosses want employees with balls of brass who challenge them and don't bore them. You should put up a Smiths Meat is Murder poster up at your cubicle right away.
#14163 posted by starbuck on 2008/04/30 19:16:32
Bosses want employees with balls of brass who challenge them and don't bore them. You should put up a Smiths Meat is Murder poster up at your cubicle right away.
Or take it to the next level and start hunting your boss.
#14164 posted by Orl on 2008/05/01 00:14:13
Internet Explorer sucks the sweat from a dead horse's phallus.
Shut your face. Internet Explorer is great and for saying that it sucks, I will never look at you the same way again ever.
But I still think you and your maps are awesome ;)
But in all seriousness, I can't see any major difference on your site between IE7 and Firefox. Besides the cow being slightly off the table and the left column not highlighting when I hover over it, they look basically the same.
#14165 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/05/01 01:35:50
Those are the things which piss me off. And its because Internet explorer is TOO FUCKING GOOD for half of the code, which was designed by people trying to reach a standard protocol for all browsers because of all of the discrepancies with incompatibility issues.
I feel that Microsoft left small little niggling things out of their browser's code out of SPITE because they weren't the only ones calling the shots for once.
And to top it all off THEY DO HAVE THE MOST POPULAR BROWSER OF ALL OF THEM. Most people dont even know what Firefox or Safari are!!!
I'll tell you what they are:
Properly Coded
Better than Internet Explorer.
#14166 posted by Vigil on 2008/05/01 02:01:13
There's no real reason to leavy my house anymore, because I can get online, watch TV, meet friends, date girls (possibly men, not sure yet), send text messages, drive around, and mug people.
Everything in the new Grand Theft Auto, only the music's taken a huge step backwards.
#14167 posted by Spirit on 2008/05/01 15:23:04
You could do so by putting it into a div and giving that a fixed width with margin-left:auto and margin-right:auto. It would look weird on wide screens though, better move the whole page to the center.
Orl: You never tried designing a website I guess? IE is horror.
#14168 posted by Orl on 2008/05/01 15:49:05
On the contrary, I have a rather simple site for my maps.
The page displays perfect in both Firefox and IE7. The only minor difference is the table borders look a little different in IE7 compared to Firefox. But that's hardly a reason to get upset.
#14169 posted by than on 2008/05/01 15:53:57
congrats on the new job. Hope you have fun working on Prey 2 or whatever. I hope there are less vaginas and peeled testicles in the sequel.
#14170 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/05/01 16:02:57
Well TBH Safari is slightly different from the others too. My crappy Picosearch box is slightly to the right of where it is in IE and Firefox.
Safari is pretty cool though!
I dunno. Some stuff only works in IE. Like One.com's built in FTP service only works in IE.
It's easy to start bashing people's programs and browsers, but in all honesty I dont really know what I'm talking about! :P
Spirit - Thanks for the tip. After a bit of headscratching on my part, if I use this:
#column2 {
width: 580;
margin-left: 22.5%;
padding-top: 4px;
then it is more towards the center, and fits quite snugly into a 800x600 window, it even works on a narrower window - the second column doesn't get pushed below the menubar like it was before.
Having said all that, the idea of having the entire thing about 750px wide or something and centered in the screen would look pretty smart too :D
#14171 posted by megaman on 2008/05/01 18:06:52
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0">
yeah, uh. table-based-design, and all.
#14172 posted by megaman on 2008/05/01 18:12:12
<span style="font-family: Georgia; color: rgb(238, 239, 220);">
goddamnit metl, the shortening function is pure evil.
#14173 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/05/01 18:58:16
I can't decide if this thread is more boring than the sex thread is ridiculous. It's a tough decision.
#14174 posted by JPL on 2008/05/01 19:08:55
At least, in sex thread, you will learn something :P
#14175 posted by than on 2008/05/01 19:19:21
get mapping and stop reading stupid threads on func ;)
It's like this from time to time. Nobody posts anything insightful for days* at a time.
*maybe weeks sometimes.
#14176 posted by ijed on 2008/05/01 20:02:18
Conversational vacuum - gets filled up with pointless crap.