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Umm Starbuck 
phones have gone forward since that e70 or whatever old Nokia model. The high end models have probably just as much memory as iphone.

But I've heard from friends that have used other things too that the iphone is easy to use. With the dollar course it's pretty cheap now to bring from USA since they don't sell it here in Europe, though of course it's probably been complicated somehow by now. 
Uh Starbuck 
And being able to SSH into your server, wow, big market for that.

that'd be one of the main selling points for a new phone for me (if it wasn't so retarded expensive aroudn here). having sort of a mini laptop device. 
"But if you want a phone with a nice interface and good multimedia/web features it's about as good as you can do."

I am very sorry to burst your bubble, but you are only right on the first point and not the second. The iPhone has a great interface, it looks good and trendy, has a great screen and is easy to use. However, when it comes to multimedia and web features, its so far behind other phone manufacturers it makes a grown man cry.

Wheres 3G/HSDPA support? I am sorry, but being stuck with 230kbit EDGE tranfer rates when using mobile data, alone, is a reason I wouldn't consider getting the current generation of iPhone. Where I live, in Finland, 70% of the population is covered by 3G/HSDPA, which provides transfer speeds of up to 2 MBit and the iPhone doesn't support it. Welcome to the year 2008 Apple.

You are touting iPhone's multimedia features when it doesn't even *have* MMS support of any kind in the first place? WTF? Wheres the Internet Radio support? Oh wait, nevermind, can't do that reliably with only an EDGE-capable phone, too bad. Push Email? Installing custom software from a library of more than 5000+ custom Symbian applications? Oops, nocando...

If you live outside of coverage of a 3G network, want to look trendy, make calls, send sms. *slowly* browse an occasional website and pay a completely ridiculous price mark-up for it, then the iPhone is for you. Now, if you want to actually purchase a "smartphone", you need to seriously start looking elsewhere. 
I'm Sure Phones Have Improved Since Then 
but my point was that it's stupid to say a phone has unlimited memory, just because you can buy infinite memory sticks and keep them in your pocket.

Personally I probably wouldn't buy an iPhone, but I completely understand the appeal, it's seriously fucking cool to play around with and I would have sex with it all day long. It's just that my personal taste in phones is for something a bit smaller (not thinner), and I really don't use any fancy features: I've got an iPod for music, and I can usually wait until i get to a computer if I want to google something. Plus, I suck at touchscreen typing.

Anyone from the UK seen these amazing contract deals going round recently? I saw one for �30 a month for 12 months that not only gives you a pretty good new handset, but a 40gb PS3 too! 
Okay, maybe I phrased that badly, but I wasn't saying that the iPhone is some groundbreaking feature packed web-device. When I say it's about as good as you can do if you like 'nice interface and good multimedia/web features', I'm talking about the market the iPhone is actually aimed at, for which good multimedia/web features means: good for playing videos, listening to music, looking at pictures, and browsing the internet a bit. I wouldn't even call the iPhone a 'smartphone' really, I see it as more of an iPod touch with a phone added.

The lack of 3G is pretty ridiculous however, I agree with you here. In fact, what were they thinking? Do they have much 3G networking in the US? 
And being able to SSH into your server, wow, big market for that.

that'd be one of the main selling points for a new phone for me (if it wasn't so retarded expensive aroudn here). having sort of a mini laptop device.

That's cool and all, but all I'm saying is that really isn't something the average consumer cares about, and the iPhone is an incredibly 'consumer' product, so it's pretty pointless to put something like that in a comparison table. For what it's worth, a quick google search just told me that it's actually very easy to SSH from an iPhone nowadays.

Personally I think this is the pinnacle of phones, the fucking nokia 1100!

- You can make phone calls
- And receive them (sometimes)
- You can play snake
- Simple monochrome screen, no confusing colours
- It has a LIGHT on the top of it you can use to make things BRIGHTER! Amazing feature. 
disregarding all of the arguments for and against I just gained a lot of respect for you Jago. I can't stand Apple and their marketing, they're like a mini-Bill Gates who tries to argue that because they're less successful, they're more virtuous. Even IF Apple offered a better product, I'd still find them bullshit artists. The fact that most of their products they sell at market-high prices due to their name alone, just makes my type of argument easier. They're no different from the next company, they just have a bigger advertising budget, and advertising is for fools. 
The 1100 
is one of the best simple "phones" made in the past few years, you missed a couple of very important points:

- it's VERY cheap, last I saw, they were 45 euro new
- it's durable, I've thrown those against walls with little ill effect (dont ask)
- it's light and relatively small
- the battery life is good 
Tronyn, I actually like many Apple products (ipod, mini, macbook), but simply put I am not their target demographic, since I work with high-end mobile technology for a living. 
"They would also like a pile of dog poo if it was designed by Apple, named iPoo, priced at 500$+ and needing a special proprietary shovel to lift."

These are hardcore Windows users who have never purchased an Apple product in their lives. They LOVE their iPhones. 
"I can't stand Apple and their marketing, they're like a mini-Bill Gates who tries to argue that because they're less successful, they're more virtuous."

When have they ever said that? I think your projecting more than a little here.

"The fact that most of their products they sell at market-high prices due to their name alone, just makes my type of argument easier."

What type of argument? Baseless ranting?

Yes, Apple computers are expensive. If you don't want to buy one, don't. I don't understand why not wanting to buy an Apple computer causes Windows users to get belligerent and mean spirited. 
You Guys All Missed The Point 
BAM! Now what, motherfuckers? 
26 new messages and it wasn't a spambot, or shambler fumbling with his cell phone. 
Good old fashioned Apple vs Windows. 
sup 1100 fan buddy. I bought one of those 4 years ago and it cost me �20, and it was great! It did all the basic phone stuff much better than my shitty Motorola does now. Except look cool, but oh well. 
I'm Blogging About It. 
Stay tuned for my exciting Twitter bulletin on the subject, coming soon to a Fecebook near you! 
If You're Studying For A Degree 
the official term is Failbook. I know this first-hand. 
I Have A 1100 
..and intend to keep it until i die. and with any luck, even after that. with the C button at hand i'll always have a light to move towards... 
Fuck Off All Of You! 
Phones are shit! 
My 2c 
iTunes for Windows is a total pile of shit. Quicktime player for Windows (not the codec itself) is a total pile of shit.

Apple need to hire some competent people to make their Windows software.

There hardware is quite nice I guess. I quite like my nano, though I don't like trying to get files onto it because the software is shit.

p.s. I thought the price of the nano was good actually. 
their hardware.

I know you were all talking about the iPhone in particular, but it started turning into a windows vs mac argument.

Windows is shit, OSX is more modern from what I've seen, but I don't know if I'd say it isn't shit as I've not used it enough. 
Rail Shooters 
I was wondering what you guys thought of these kinds of games. Like starfox 64 and the like... 
Name me one OS that's good.

And then I'll ridicule it and boast how the one I'm using has its problems but is still better than your stupid suggestion.


I'd say rail shooters are more of an arcade play style, which isn't necessarily bad - the ones that were good became legenendary. The relatively recent Killer7 was great.

Every once in a while one comes along, and they're generally good because of the immediacy of the play - which allows the team more time to for the polishing of art / AI / cool shit. 
I think I prefered my spam to this discussion :P 
"Apple need to hire some competent people to make their Windows software. "

Stop for a moment and give that one some thought. :) 
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