Well I Have Two Comments That You Probably Know And Wont Help
#14052 posted by bambuz on 2008/04/23 13:11:51
1) if you notice weird hd sounds or the comp freezing or crashing when accessing certain files, mark those files as bad and don't access them. Rename them like badsector.inv or something so anything doesnt load them. I've done it when I used a Quantum bigfoot.
Do not remove them as then when you put something else to the hdd, it's put on the bad sectors.
2) windows has checkdisk which has the option for a bad sector scan but it takes damn ages (probably days?) and sucks otherwise too - I also don't know what it does to them once it finds them.
 Keyboard Layout
#14053 posted by bambuz on 2008/04/23 13:15:30
Why do computer vendors think their keyboard gets better if they move some random keys around a little?
Like moving delete and insert so they're not where they used to be.
What's the thought process behind that?
I understand laptops to some degree and even have some sympathy to the idea of compact keyboards but standard keyboards, really, man...
#14054 posted by negke on 2008/04/23 18:57:15
Yes, there are occasional clicks when rebooting, but rarely (used to be more often in the past, until i shifted the boot partitions to the front). I can't rename affected files (only know about one folder so far). Some Windows autostart programs are delayed.
Checkdisk doesn't do an in-dept scan for some reason (maybe because it was considered unnecessary for ntfs?), it only checks the file table and indexes. Back then (on a fat32 drive), checkdisk would attempt to recovery the files and mark the sectors as bad (so they wouldn't be used again).
#14055 posted by bal on 2008/04/23 20:20:17
Some logitech keyboards don't even have an insert key anymore, but a double delete key instead.
#14056 posted by HeadThump on 2008/04/23 20:27:09
Checkdisk doesn't do an in-dept scan for some reason (maybe because it was considered unnecessary for ntfs?), it only checks the file table and indexes. Back then (on a fat32 drive), checkdisk would attempt to recovery the files and mark the sectors as bad (so they wouldn't be used again).
there is an overly complicated solution involving using your Windows XP CD to create a second partition where you can load CHKDSK onto it to do real repair work on top of the three step indexing that it does without this overly complicated and quite asinine set up. I think the software engineer who came up with idea at MS should be thrown down an elevator shaft, but that is just my humble opinion.
 Quake + Nokia N95 8GB = AWESOME
#14057 posted by Jago on 2008/04/24 03:57:30
Installed the game yesterday and had a blast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9GQXvMdy8g Not my video, but the exact same phone model and game client used as I did :)
 Get An E70
#14058 posted by - on 2008/04/24 08:04:13
 Checkdisk Problem
#14059 posted by SleepwalkR on 2008/04/24 09:10:10
You should try the Ultimate Boot CD, it comes with a host of hdd utilities and it is bootable, so there is no problem modifying the disk. Just google it, download, burn, and reboot your pc.
#14060 posted by Vigil on 2008/04/24 09:57:31
That guy died in E1M1. Really impressive video!
 Ultimate Boot CD
#14061 posted by negke on 2008/04/24 11:30:25
That's the one I used. Most of the tools seemed to be designed for specific brands/models though. The Samsung ones sucked. I also used mhdd or something and some other tool whose name I forgot. Will try again.
#14062 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/04/24 12:29:55
"Get An E70"
That guys page is almost irrelevant these days. His ranting has been embarrassing over the last year or so in a "OK, grandpa, that's cool, we're getting off the grass" sort of way. He needs to catch up with modern times.
#14063 posted by Jago on 2008/04/24 12:33:01
E70 is a vastly outdated phone model.
 Quake On A Mobile.
#14064 posted by Shambler on 2008/04/24 12:42:10
Looks cool. A lot like Quake really.
I can't imagine the controls being much fun to use...
#14065 posted by gone on 2008/04/24 12:53:37
but can it run marcher?
 Maybe Pandora Will Be Good For Portable Quake
#14066 posted by bear on 2008/04/24 13:47:39
And it's not even a phone! (well might be with skype or whatever)
 The Point Isn't To Buy The E70
#14067 posted by megaman on 2008/04/24 15:01:01
the point is NOT to buy the eye phone.
#14068 posted by gone on 2008/04/24 15:17:26
I believe the point is not to wank over the usless trendy hitech toys that cost ~1000$
#14069 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/04/24 15:18:12
Yeah, see, ranting about not buying the iPhone is an extremely grandpa thing to do. It's awesome and it kicks the shit out of your E70. Deal. His checklist of features is fairly misinformed as well. But then I guess that sort of sums up most of his site.
#14070 posted by DaZ on 2008/04/24 15:45:15
I believe the point is not to wank over the usless trendy hitech toys that cost ~1000$
Amen to that! :)
#14071 posted by Spirit on 2008/04/24 16:13:45
I wanted to save for a PSP when I saw that said project is near release. It will run Quake very well if there is someone doing a port.
#14072 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/04/24 16:37:15
An iPhone is useless? Not according to anyone I know who bought one. They love their iPhones.
#14073 posted by Spirit on 2008/04/24 16:39:34
They would also like a pile of dog poo if it was designed by Apple, named iPoo, priced at 500$+ and needing a special proprietary shovel to lift.
#14074 posted by ijed on 2008/04/24 16:42:20
I got given an ipod and was going to give it to my missus, but then started using it; turns out to be a pretty neat hitech toy.
I have no burning desire to own an iphone, and if my ipod was stolen I probably wouldn't buy another. But it's nice to have.
#14075 posted by gone on 2008/04/24 18:14:55
well there is a difference between just buying ans using a good product and this
#14076 posted by starbuck on 2008/04/24 18:52:48
I used to like Maddox a lot back in the day, but that article completely misses the point. Fair enough, when Steve Jobs described it as an Phone, an iPod, and a mobile communication device, it was kind of retarded, but that was in the context of hyping it up in the 30 seconds or so before they released it, and it was kinda tongue-in-cheek too.
I love how he describes the storage on the Nokia as 'unlimited' because you can swap out 2gb memory cards. I don't say my pc has unlimited storage space because it's got a floppy drive. Okay, the iPhone has fixed memory, but at least it comes with 8gb or 16gb included... I don't why you'd need more than that on a phone.
And being able to SSH into your server, wow, big market for that. Ok, maybe that Nokia is better if you're a network administrator, but I don't think that's the iPhone's market. But if you want a phone with a nice interface and good multimedia/web features it's about as good as you can do.