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The TrenchBroom Level Editor
Today I am releasing TrenchBroom 1.0 for Windows and Mac OS X. TrenchBroom is a modern cross-platform level editor for Quake.

- True 3D editing, no 2D views required
- High performance renderer with support for huge maps
- Vertex editing with edge and face splitting
- Manipulation of multiple vertices at once (great for trisoup editing)
- Smart clip tool
- Move, rotate and flip brushes and entities
- Precise texture lock for all operations
- Smart entity property editors
- Graphical entity browser with drag and drop support
- Comprehensive texture application and manipulation tools
- Search and filter functions
- Unlimited undo and redo
- Point file support
- Automatic backup
- Support for .def and .fdg files, mods and multiple wad files
- Free (as in beer) and open source (GPLv3)
- Cross platform (Windows, Mac OS X and Linux supported)

Check out a video of TrenchBroom in action here.

You can download the editor here.

If you would like to give feedback, please do that in this thread. If you find a bug or have a feature suggestion, please submit them at the issue tracker.

If you are wondering where the Linux binaries are then sorry, but currently there are none. The Linux version has a few problems which I could not fix before this release. I will get working on those right away so that the Linux version should be available in a couple of weeks, too.

Finally, I would like to thank necros for all his work over the past year. Without his tireless efforts, TrenchBroom would simply not exist. Or it would suck.

Alright, enough of this. Have fun with the editor!

Update: 2.1 here:
Features "cool shit".
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Protip: Sort The Files By Date To Find The Latest Betas. 
So far I feel like this is kind of a huge step back in a lot of ways from version 1.

- bring back ctrl d duplicate. Please.
- Would like to bind keys without needing ctrl as a modifier, I like to snap to grid using space bar (like all the time). That is unless you have fixed the issue of wandering vertices
- Would like to WASD without having to press F first (it seems terrible that this is a toggle), and allow flying to be back to the speed it used to be.
- bring back the reset button for textures
- bring back copy face attributes feature (when a face is selected press alt and left click on another face)
- would like to be able to work in a window straight away rather than having to select it, like in tb 1
- would be nice to have the old black void rather than pure white. Or at least allow is to choose our own colour
- would be neat if TB showed us when we were getting to the map border (+/- 4096 units)
- make it easier to select the frame to adjust the size of the windows please, right now it feels like I have to select something 1 pixel thick
- why can I no longer add my own keys to entities? Please bring this feature back
- The texture rotating thingy on the face
manipulator is way too sensitive to be of any use at all, this would be better as a slider IMO. Less fancy but I would rather have something that works.

-might be worth having the texture implimentation that I *think* is in quark, that is it just grabs the textures from the .bsp files rather than having to find the appropriate wad file.
I dunno how this works with compiling though? It might be a better way of getting the textures though instead of searching around online.

I am tempted to flesh out maps in TB1 and then use TB2 to finish off the very last bits. I suppose this defeats the point of having a new TB though. 
First of all, remember that this is a complete rewrite. Some features might just have been forgotten, so please do create feature requests for the stuff you're missing.

- bring back ctrl d duplicate. Please.

Add a feature request to the issue tracker. But you can now duplicate by Ctrl+LMB drag or by Ctrl+Arrow key as well, so I'm not sure whether Ctrl+d is still necessary.

- Would like to bind keys without needing ctrl as a modifier, I like to snap to grid using space bar (like all the time). That is unless you have fixed the issue of wandering vertices

This is simple impossible due to the fact that some OSs don't allow this and it basically rendered the editor useless on Linux. That said, some actions which are only useful in the 3D view can be bound to single keystroke hotkeys, and I can add the snap command to those if you wish. Please create a feature request.

- Would like to WASD without having to press F first (it seems terrible that this is a toggle), and allow flying to be back to the speed it used to be.

The fly speed can be set in the preferences. WASD can be always on, please create a feature request.

- bring back the reset button for textures

That's already on the todo list.

- bring back copy face attributes feature (when a face is selected press alt and left click on another face)

That should already work, but you have to hold Ctrl+Alt to copy the face attributes too. Without ctrl it will only copy the texture.

- would like to be able to work in a window straight away rather than having to select it, like in tb 1

That was never the case in TB1. You have to click a view to focus it - how else should the view get focus?

- would be nice to have the old black void rather than pure white. Or at least allow is to choose our own colour

Feature request.

- would be neat if TB showed us when we were getting to the map border (+/- 4096 units)

Already on the todo list.

- make it easier to select the frame to adjust the size of the windows please, right now it feels like I have to select something 1 pixel thick

Yes, this is a problem, but I'm reluctant to make the dividers thicker as it looks shit. I'll think of a solution for this, but it shouldn't be such a huge problem now because TB2 remembers your window layout.

- why can I no longer add my own keys to entities? Please bring this feature back

That's a bug ;-). Please make a bug report.

- The texture rotating thingy on the face
manipulator is way too sensitive to be of any use at all, this would be better as a slider IMO. Less fancy but I would rather have something that works.

You can have more precision by increasing the radius. Just start your drag and move away from the circle center. Also notice how the textures are snapped to the face edges to make alignment easier.

-might be worth having the texture implimentation that I *think* is in quark, that is it just grabs the textures from the .bsp files rather than having to find the appropriate wad file.
I dunno how this works with compiling though? It might be a better way of getting the textures though instead of searching around online.

I don't think getting and using wad files is such a problem. Notice that you can add wad files simply by dragging them onto the editor window from Explorer.

I am tempted to flesh out maps in TB1 and then use TB2 to finish off the very last bits. I suppose this defeats the point of having a new TB though.

Yes, it does. I can only repeat that this is beta software and stuff is still missing. The point of being a beta tester is to report these things. 
To Add An Entity Property 
Just hit Ctrl+Enter. Sorry, that's not very obvious I know. 
This is simple impossible due to the fact that some OSs don't allow this and it basically rendered the editor useless on Linux. That said, some actions which are only useful in the 3D view can be bound to single keystroke hotkeys, and I can add the snap command to those if you wish. Please create a feature request.

Can this just be required on Linux? I've been resorting to hacking the registry keys... :D 
You Will Get Into Trouble 
because those shortcuts might no longer work in text fields etc.

If there are functions which you feel must have a one key shortcut, then they must not be menu items, and they can only be available when the 3D view has focus. And no, I won't make this a Linux only requirement because it has created a nightmare of problems in the past, and it violates the UI guidelines of Windows and Mac OS X. 
if there are such functions, then I'll gladly move them from the menu to the 3D view, where they can have any shortcut you want. 
I Will Be Back 
At some point to give usable feedback.

So far I haven't tried the TB2 builds, but will. 
off the top of my head:

Clip mode: x (I would actually prefer if you could flat out drop clip points without having to enter a mode at all)
Entity editor: n (like simulating radiant)
Face editor: t (radiant again...)
Deselect: Esc
Grid size: 1-9
Grid snap off: 0
Grid display: g
Freeze selection: f
Hide selection: h

Basically, modifier keys suck. While I am a firm believer in GUI and control standards when it comes to generic applications (eg: Winforms, web), with specialized applications like this one, I lean more towards efficiency and speed. 
put this in the issue tracker. It will just get lost here. 
Beta Request Is Possible? 
Hello SleepwalkR,

Been away for ages but its nice to see you still working on the new revamped editor. Possible for access to the beta version as well? If so awesome. My mail is rbanninga[at]gmail[dot]com

Does the current beta work with quake 2 map editing or still quake 1 at the moment? Sorry if this was already covered in the discussion above

it does hexen 2 and quake 2 editing. I haven't tried quake 2 editing yet but I will be doing it soon. 
Just Fyi 
I wouldn't call TB2 in beta really. It's more of an alpha. There are a lot of feature just plain missing, and many things do not function 100% correct just yet. You can't really use it to make a map. 
Please Add All Missing Features 
To the issue tracker. That would be very helpful. 
Trying To Add As Much As Possible 
sorry dude I have been really busy, you did mention to add things to this thread though. I'll try and keep stuff github as well (though I still get a bit confused on where things are on there). 
I'm Probably Bringing Up Old Issues And Such... 
...but I can't get the stable release of TrenchBroom 1.1.1 to work properly. The two main issues I'm having are crashes when either choosing the vertex tool or trying to drag and drop certain entities. I didn't quite know where to put these issues, nor could I find any fixes for them. Sorry if I'm not posting in the right places. 
Go To Preferences 
And set OpenGL instancing to force off. That should fix the vertex tool. As for the other issue, I need more info, such as your OS and steps to reproduce. 
Thank You! 
The OpenGL setting fixed the vertex tool for me. My OS is Windows 7 64 bit, my graphics accelerator is built into the processor, an Intel 4000 HD. I saw the entity issue on the GitHub issue tracker, and supposedly a driver update should have fixed the problem, but I'm sure my drivers are up to date. 
Well Then 
Which entities crash the editor when you try to drag them? 
Well I Think I Got It To Work... 
I rolled back the driver to a previous version which seems to have fixed it for me, but the entities that previously crashed the editor were the ones that are represented by a 3d model. Now the editor runs fine, thanks for all your help!! 
this editor.......
from this to this took 30 minutes.

Literally just built one section of that inner circle bit, started rotating, then just lopped off a few bits that were poking out. And yes, that is a 32 sided outer circle and a 16 sided inner one.

I feel like I have been waiting my whole life for this editor. 
should have mentioned to not deceive anyone, this is with the beta of TB2. 
That is amazing, it looks so perfect, you just rotated, no errors? 
This proves once more that SleepwalkR is but a giant troll. Being able to create nice curves and angled architecture used to be a real skill; in TB you just press rotate and it's done. Even the greatest noobs like skacky and mfx can now pull things off. Disappointing. 
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