Monster Closets Not So Unrealistic After All
#116 posted by bambuz on 2008/05/30 16:11:43
#117 posted by Zwiffle on 2008/05/30 19:27:41
I dunno whether to be more disturbed that this actually happened or that bambuz posted about it in the Doom4 thread.
#118 posted by Kinn on 2008/05/30 23:30:27
I remember a japanese prank show that was particularly fucked up. One of the gags involved setting up a situation where the victim would be alone, working in an empty warehouse at night which had a number of clothes store mannequins. The gag was that one of the "mannequins" was actually a real person in makeup and obviously very skilled in standing motionless for long periods of time. After a build-up period where they rigged up a few minor events to creep out the victim - odd sounds, things repositioning themselves when not being looked at etc., the "mannequin" picked his moment to pounce.
Yeah, the victim's reaction was pretty fucked up to say the least :/
#119 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/05/30 23:53:38
The Japanese had that show where they locked some guy in an apartment for a year and he had to survive on whatever he could win by entering contests and winning prizes. Truly fucked up - the guy came out of it more than a little screwed up.
#120 posted by Zwiffle on 2008/05/31 00:44:47
I saw a show where some chick had to wrestle an octopus and then the octopus wrestled back and then their aggression turned to passion and it was a good show to watch.
Them Crazy Japs
#121 posted by Orl on 2008/05/31 01:01:41
Zwiffle, I Have All The Episodes If You Want...
#122 posted by bal on 2008/05/31 09:35:59
After Doom 3
#123 posted by Sielwolf on 2008/06/02 20:41:09
does anyone here honestly think D4 is going to be more than a techdemo once again ?!
I remember ID making very bloomy promises before D3 also, and look what we got.
And Look What We Got.
#124 posted by gone on 2008/06/02 21:57:26
best shooter released that year!
. . .
#125 posted by ijed on 2008/06/02 22:26:37
Just a shame they stopped putting gameplay in after the first few levels.
#126 posted by Kinn on 2008/06/03 02:08:04
does anyone here honestly think D4 is going to be more than a techdemo once again ?!
Haven't heard that one before �_�. Say what you want about Doom 3's gameplay and whatnot, but fuck me, there was a lot of content in that game. Most FPS's released around that time (and since) clock in at half the length, if that.
Quake 3 might be a tech demo, if you want to get cynical. A 20-hour single player game sure as shit isn't.
#127 posted by megaman on 2008/06/03 04:05:08
man, i've put a lot of hours into a techdemo :(
#128 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/06/03 12:05:24
"A 20-hour single player game sure as shit isn't."
Yes, but if you've seen all of the gameplay/environment variants in the first hour do the other 19 really matter all that much?
I thought Doom3 was OK but it was hardly what I would show someone as an example of a fun or awesome game.
#129 posted by ijed on 2008/06/03 15:14:22
What annoyed me was that all the best gameplay was in the leaked beta / first couple of maps. Enemies crawling out of ducts, smashing through walls, leaving trails of blood between areas . . .
Then they just ran out of time for design.
#130 posted by Zwiffle on 2008/06/03 16:42:03
Where else could they have gone with the design? I think tbh they kind of boxed themselves into a corner design-wise.
Firstly, the FPS-horror genre seems to me to be incredibly stale. What FPS-horror games didn't get boring as wall-paint after the first hour or so? F.E.A.R.? Don't make me laugh, that was boring after 10 minutes. So really based off this design principle, I don't think Doom 3 is all that bad an example of FPS-horror, but it is as an example of FPS. I just think it was limited in part by it's primary theme.
Secondly, it's location was also very limiting. I mean, they probably chose the inside of a base on Mars due to the tech, so that was kind of limiting too. They couldn't have huge open areas with huge amounts of zombies, and let's face it, zombies aren't too scary unless there's just a fuckload of them. Other monsters aren't really scary imo, so they had to resort to the closet-monster tactic to shock the player, which wore off too quickly. Again, compare to FEAR, which totally swallowed balls, and I think Doom 3 beats FEAR again in this category. FEAR had incredibly redundant enemy "design," none of which lent itself well to horror at all.
Thirdly, this is id. They can do games with tension built into them, but to focus on such a narrow concept of horror when they're known for fast combat is a bit of a departure for them. They slowed down the pace of the game, which was just a huge mistake, but again I think it was limited by the environments. Running around super-cramped halls like Arnold Schwarzenegger in Total Recall doesn't seem to fit the horror theme too well.
I just think they did alright with the direction they went with.
#131 posted by Kinn on 2008/06/03 20:31:13
Yes, but if you've seen all of the gameplay/environment variants in the first hour do the other 19 really matter all that much?
Yeah Doom 3's gameplay is repetitive. Most FPS games are to be honest, except maybe Half-Life 2 - there's some cool shit you can do in that one. Edgy stuff!
#132 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/06/03 20:58:21
There are ways to keep it interesting. A lot of games do it so there's no reason to cut slack here.
I Dont Want Driving Sections In My FPS
#133 posted by gone on 2008/06/03 21:04:39
thank you.
#134 posted by Vigil on 2008/06/03 21:20:51
There's a game called Penumbra: Overture released, er, last year, that should be pretty scary. It's still first person, but there's less shooting involved.
#135 posted by gone on 2008/06/03 21:29:17
like 100x less shooting
Lack Of Surprises
#136 posted by Preach on 2008/06/03 22:01:03
I don't think it was the lack of variety in the combat per se. I think the problem was that the scary ambushes were meant to surprise you, but after a half dozen of them they were repetative, and that meant they failed to be shocks. Because the game was so oriented around that idea, it kept falling short of the expectation it set itself.
#137 posted by ijed on 2008/06/03 22:29:44
1. Teleport blob appears
2. Player turns to face it
3. Player loads shotgun
4. Player has a cup of tea
5. Imp appears and player shoots it
6. Repeat until reaching next area
That wasn't everything, but there was a hell of alot of it. When the gameplay did depart - like the tunnel crawling / trites section, it was twitchy and fun.
There just weren't enough different ways of playing. It didn't need vehicle sections, or hacking or drunken idea #57, just some slight deviation from gameplay design so archaic most mappers on this forum would complain and/or dismiss it if done in Quake 1.
I don't buy the argument that they did well within their chosen direction - if the game concept is lacking then you change it.
If you've marginalised the level design team and have a horde of artists and programmers then what you get is a well made game that looks good, but has repetitive, cheesy gameplay.
#138 posted by DaZ on 2008/06/03 22:33:00
In my opionion FEAR is the best example of a horror fps!
Fantastic gameplay, cool visuals (yes the locations were a bit mundane, but when the bullets fly its so pretty) and the horror factor worked a lot better than Doom.
Granted it wasn't THAT scary when it comes down to it, but it got under my skin more than any other fps game I can think of in recent memory.
#139 posted by DaZ on 2008/06/03 22:34:28
LOL totally forgot about that one, althought I would not classify it as an fps, more a first person puzzle game with fps tones.
Utterly fantstic game, and a fuckton more scary than both doom and fear put together!
I Envy You DaZ
#140 posted by gone on 2008/06/04 00:09:49
you are so easily amused