All Fine Here Too
#1345 posted by Spirit on 2009/09/03 08:29:55
Maybe it is an Apple feature because white is trendy? ;)
Check if the visited links are set to white in Preferences -> Web Pages. And make sure you did not enable some style/mode/layout.
 Fine Here Too
#1346 posted by megaman on 2009/09/03 23:00:54
#1347 posted by megaman on 2009/09/03 23:01:39
i think if you switch on fit to width, it enables some mode that takes care of bad colour contrasts , too
#1348 posted by metlslime on 2009/09/03 23:16:45
meaning it is disabling colored text when the color doesn't contrast against the background sufficiently?
#1349 posted by necros on 2009/09/04 00:42:40
but, for example, JPL uses bright red, surely that contrasts enough?
 Oh Weird
#1350 posted by grahf on 2009/09/04 06:46:56
Megaman was right. "Fit to Width" was causing the problem. Never would have guessed that.
#1351 posted by megaman on 2009/09/04 10:47:42
yeah, it's modifying the colour then.
 When I'm Away For A While...
#1352 posted by mwh on 2009/09/11 10:26:52
... and don't read func (because, say, I'm on honeymoon) it's hard to catch up because (particularly) the permanent threads have like 300 posts and there's no way to only read some of them. If I click the "new 300" link, they all get marked as read.
I guess I should just get over this and not read 300 posts of mostly pointless bickering, but have you thought about making this easier, maybe paging through new posts 25 at a time or something?
#1353 posted by metlslime on 2009/09/11 11:07:27
i haven't really thought of that, but it might be doable. Currently the "unread" status is per-thread, not per post -- each thread stores the highest-numbered post you've seen, and so if the post count is higher than that, it means you have unread posts.
Since viewing only the first page of "new" posts would only bump up that "highest read post" up by 25 (if you have 25 to a page) then it would correctly remember that you haven't read them all yet, if you get interrupted and don't actually get a change to read all the pages of new posts.
 Grrr Metl
#1354 posted by Spirit on 2009/10/09 09:39:36
Please fix the special character -> html entity code so they are not html encoded again when you pull them from the db (guessing).
It should display the character not the HTML code.
You HTML-卍!
#1355 posted by anonymous user on 2009/11/14 13:25:18
#1356 posted by negke on 2009/11/15 10:00:45
The links to the PQ review sites are dead. You should probably change them to Spirit's mirrors.
#1357 posted by metlslime on 2009/11/15 10:09:26
yes, good idea
#1358 posted by Spirit on 2009/11/15 10:21:43
There are no Spirit's mirrors yet, sorry. Quakewiki.net is someone else and he was not cooperative.
 Okay All Fixed...
#1359 posted by metlslime on 2009/11/15 10:45:12
I used the mirrors at quaddicted.com for the three sites that seemed to be mirroed (SPQ level heaven, teamshambler, and quake map hotel) and then used quakewiki.net links for the remainder.
Tenfour, which is hosted at telefragged still, seems to have recently broken (script error.) Hope that gets fixed.
Talon's strike is at archive.org still, might be good to grab that and put it in a zip file on a website that one of us actually controls.
And crash is still at quake2.com, can't believe that's still running.
#1360 posted by metlslime on 2009/11/15 10:46:27
and just wanted to give some additional recognition to Spirit and the other people at i3d who did all the archiving work a few months ago. A big effort, and you guys managed to save a lot of un-replacable stuff. Thanks again.
#1361 posted by Spirit on 2009/11/15 12:02:27
Oh, you found some old directory. I did not even remember it was still there, heh.
The "new" mirror files are not uploaded yet. I will properly announced that. Finished some sites already.
They screwed up their hosting by not interpreting ASP (or something like that) but instead listing whole directories on some accounts. That means private and personal data was exposed. So apart from removing ads and fixing links I also have to check everything for accidentaly included stuff. What really pisses me off about it is that I mailed PQ when I noticed and the answer was "nah, we never had ASP support"...
underworldfan will officially be at Quaddicted. We had some conversation a while back, I should resurrect that.
 No Wait
#1362 posted by Spirit on 2009/11/15 12:07:26
Those are good mirrors!
I am so damn unorganised... Found 3 different mirror directories on my harddisks.
 Stereotypes :P
#1363 posted by JPL on 2009/11/15 15:42:48
I am so damn unorganised..
Aren't you German or what ?
 QuakeOne Navigator Updated
#1364 posted by Baker on 2009/11/18 07:01:42
And heavily revised to increase the ease of finding resources and far more complete than before.
/places info here rather than starting new thread.
#1365 posted by nonentity on 2009/11/18 12:39:35
I would have thought GA rather than here (or mebe a news post, less worthy stuff gets news'd tbh).
One thing tho, some of those links are hinting the IGN/GS bullshit "this page is down for maintenance" error page they use for content they stopped hosting...
 Not News
#1366 posted by Baker on 2009/11/19 00:46:57
It's not news worthy, just updating a resource that helps people find things.
I don't believe the new version has any PlanetQuake links in it so that message shouldn't be possible but then again maybe I need to double check some of the links.
#1367 posted by nonentity on 2009/11/19 12:32:40
Heh, just blind luck then. Only one I clicked was the console commands (iirc) and got the dead page page.
#1368 posted by Baker on 2009/11/19 20:42:32
You're right!
I blew it.
 SQL Errors
#1369 posted by Jago on 2009/12/02 19:58:11
Have started popping up on a daily basis