#13658 posted by distrans on 2008/02/28 00:52:41
...gutsy effort, I applaud you!
I've got a little number in beta at the mo', Siewolf has already got me rethinking some gameplay and func_ use.
It's all about atmosfear baby...
#13659 posted by ijed on 2008/02/28 01:33:15
There'll be a fair few maps in a while then.
Wierd when you think how old the game is, and there's all of us still keeping it alive.
Meh, Quake Is So Old And Boring
#13660 posted by bear on 2008/02/28 05:47:50
Everyone is going to the mall these days: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mJAsgIIfNM
#13661 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/02/28 10:37:53
...really wanna look at your shots on the thread you linked to at #13651 but the links arent working for me :-(
Mediafire seem pretty good for hosting.
Hehe - I like screenshots! :D
Also - never scrap stuff unless you think its REALLY SHIT. The guy who strives really hard to get everything perfect never gets anything done because nothing is ever perfect.
Just a thought. Let the crucifiction begin...
Oh yeah, and czg - Quake isnt dead. It was never alive. Its a computergame. You thought you were in denial all of this time that Quake was dead, when now you are in denial that it is still 'alive'. Metaphorically speaking.
Garfield - Grafield
#13662 posted by ijed on 2008/02/28 13:19:17
#13663 posted by bambuz on 2008/02/28 16:46:36
what if you removed garfield, odie and the guy from the strip? I think it would be better with every removal iteration (and it would still suck).
#13664 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/02/28 17:14:21
we dont have malls over here in england. We all go to the pub!
Quake Dead?
#13665 posted by gb on 2008/02/28 19:07:01
I hear the real Quake 2 comes out soon, thanks to Kell and team. Let's not talk about the infamous Base Pack, or Quake RMX.
Dead? Yar har har.
#13666 posted by ijed on 2008/02/28 20:21:28
Sorry bambuz, next time I'll just remove the post .
Le go fuck yourself.
#13667 posted by starbuck on 2008/02/28 20:38:04
#13668 posted by rj on 2008/02/28 21:45:47
...really wanna look at your shots on the thread you linked to at #13651 but the links arent working for me :-(
i guess that proves my point about free hosting! :P
i'll check mediafire out, want to get a few more newer shots together before re-uploading though. and no way in hell is any of it getting scrapped, i've spent far too many hours of my life on it for that!
#13669 posted by Hrimfaxi on 2008/02/28 23:23:46
RickyT23 look in beta thread for my reply for maps in the works.
#13670 posted by Tronyn on 2008/02/29 02:59:03
Shouldn't you be out in the streets, unshaven and dirty, holding up a cardboard sign?
#13671 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/02/29 13:02:57
That is funny!
Half-Life 2
#13672 posted by DaZ on 2008/02/29 17:11:16
I still have a free gift of Half-Life 2 on steam for anyone here that wants it, just let me know!
Pick Me !
#13673 posted by JPL on 2008/02/29 22:42:43
HL2SP: The Citizen
#13674 posted by negke on 2008/03/01 22:13:32
A very nice HL2city-themed custom SP campaign with 15 maps, fairly good voice acting and 15 secrets/easter eggs - finding them all unlocks some additonal stuff at the end (I found 13/15 in the first run). Approximate playing time 3-4 hours.
#13675 posted by ijed on 2008/03/01 22:34:47
Looks pretty cool, will have to try it.
Still waiting for They Hunger, though.
Bump/normal Maps In Ogre Engine
#13676 posted by necros on 2008/03/02 18:54:15
has anyone used the ogre engine here?
i've been trying to get normal maps to work in there but it's a lot more complex than doing it for say Doom3. apprently, ogre doesn't have normal map shaders built in and i don't really know how to write any sort of shader. i would guess i'd need to do it in CG, but beyond that, i get totally lost.
is there some kind of tutorial on how to write the shader and hook it in so i can call it with my materials?
Map Change Confirmation
#13677 posted by Orl on 2008/03/02 21:19:44
This is a very simple Quake question that hopefully everyone can answer.
If your playing a deathmatch map and there is no trigger_changelevel on the map anywhere, when the match ends is it supposed to reload the same map you were just on, or does it warp to the start map?
Depends On Server Config
#13678 posted by bambuz on 2008/03/02 21:35:46
I assume you mean quakeworld.
People use ktpro or ktx (progs) usually on mvdsv (server executable) I think.
FFA servers have map rotation (time or fraglimit) and on 1on1, 2on2 and 4on4 servers it goes back to same map (usually timelimit) to prematch mode where you can change map by simply typing the map's name (over half of the players present have to agree to change the map). And you can change other settings like time/fraglimit, game type (deathmatch mode, instagib, midair etc...)
Oh And Of Course
#13679 posted by bambuz on 2008/03/02 21:39:21
trigger_changelevels are disabled in the progs I think during DM games, although there was a rare very weird bug in some old ktpro where one player became invulnerable during game when touching the trigger_changelevel with certain criteria. (Was it during prematch and the first player? Don't remember) I think this was in e2m2 at least (Dunno if id forgot to flag the end tele to only in sp.)
#13680 posted by ijed on 2008/03/02 22:05:50
The game Spirit posted on other PC games thread (Flipside) appears to have normal mapping - maybe you could email them on how they did it.
#13681 posted by ijed on 2008/03/02 22:07:03
That was made in Ogre.
#13682 posted by Orl on 2008/03/02 22:17:05
Actually, I'm talking of netquake. And not any server in particular, just vanilla deathmatch using the standard progs. Nice info though :)