#13458 posted by ijed on 2008/01/30 22:06:29
Prefer to keep them and have a weapon progression, even if its not the standard weak -> strong that everyone expects. I mean getting the GL out of sequence and getting the RL in the final map, for example.
Losing weapons when not returning to a hub feels strange, especially when moving in a linear level progression. I remember in HL2 being pissed off at the confiscation chamber crap. Felt like a conceited way to show off the physics a bit more but only in the final stages of the game.
IMHO SSG, NG, GL leaves enough open gameplay strings to follow with the other weapons coming later and not being dropped. The advantages of the others are just more power, apart from the range of the RL - which I guess is why you're asking.
My 2 pence.
#13459 posted by necros on 2008/01/31 01:31:20
"You lost your rocket launcher stumbling on the level exit, duh"
i think this type of thing is entirely to the mapper's discretion. what will provide the better gameplay? what way makes it more fun? etc etc
#13460 posted by distrans on 2008/01/31 09:24:56
Mike, if I was in some unknown hell dimension being ported to who knows where my grip on the fire power would be tighter than a fish's arsehole. Losing some for anything other than a very plausible reason would certainly be annoying. I think ijed makes some good points.
Ricky, careful you'll put someone's eye out. And just for the record, this level takes up less than one eighth of the available build volumn and has (at this stage) less than 70 enemy on hard.
 That's Ridiculous
#13461 posted by negke on 2008/01/31 09:34:49
Don't even think about releasing!
(Still, if you need overly picky beside-the-point comments, you know where to ask..)
 Do You Mean 1/8th Of The Availiable Lightmaps?
#13462 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/01/31 10:35:09
but with 100% marksurfaces?
As in its horrendously detailed and full of higher end enemies?
(just bust a bloodvessel..)
#13463 posted by Shambler on 2008/01/31 10:54:46
If you can do it, what I quite like is for the maps to be designed that you keep your weapons for the normal level of challenge, but also for them to include a couple of weapons so that you can play them individually at a harder level.
The Id maps are quite good for this, obviously they are consecutive but many of them you can jump in, grab a NG and RL (or whatever's on that map) and have enough to play with.
#13464 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/01/31 11:08:02
When playing levels for the sake of recording demos, it pisses me of when you start a map and there are no low end weapons and l00ds of ammo for them!!
Why not replace one of those large boxes of shells with an actual SSG or a box of nails with a NG......
Having said that, if a weapon ditch is for a reason, then I agree with what necros said in that it's entirely up to the mapper!
#13465 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/01/31 11:35:00
My 2 cents ...
It's Quake. Do whatever feels fun.
 Email Downtime
#13466 posted by aguirRe on 2008/01/31 13:11:49
If you've tried to reach me via email the last ten days, please try again with the new address in the People section. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks to ijed for the new account.
#13467 posted by gb on 2008/01/31 17:59:17
In an episode set of (say) three maps, would you as players (not mappers) expect to carry all of your weapons from map to map, or would you be happy to start each map with the default weapons, or would you expect to lose maybe one or two weapons and keep one or two?
Normally, expect to keep them, like in id levels.
Having said that, I like if the mapper gives me the option to play each map individually, i.e. put a nailgun or SSG somewhere in the first third of the map, and maybe a GL in a later secret. Or whatever I need to deal with the given monsters; if the map is full of Death Lords, I'd like a PG or an RL plz even if I started from scratch. Remember Doom, there was always a shotgun near the start of the level, it would either just sit there or someone would drop it.
You can get away with it, removing weapons I mean. Both TombRaider 1 and 2 did this, the former very late in the game, the latter a bit earlier. I fondly remember the part where Lara gets captured on the oil rig or whatever it is. She has no weapons, she must do some crate pushing, climbing, switch pressing and escaping through a timed door, and then an alarm goes off. A few thugs come running for her, which she must dodge past and hide away for a bit until she finds most of her stuff again, in the crew quarters I think. It's the same level where she goes diving (The Deep? 40 Fathoms?) in TR2. One of my all-time favourite games.
She gets the weapons back quickly, though.
Lara can do more than Quakeguy, too, like pushing crates, climbing and a pile of other stuff :-/ and the level design is often more creative, probably as a result of this. Like the level which is upside down (sunken ship). More traps, too. Quakeguy can practically only shoot, so once his weapons are gone, it gets a little boring. OK he can bunnyhop, so there. *g*
 Thanks For The Responses
#13468 posted by Mike Woodham on 2008/01/31 20:23:17
I'll clearly need to think through the strategy very carefully.
#13469 posted by Spirit on 2008/01/31 21:54:57
Funny Facts: After countless copy'n'pastes the hands start to hurt.
157 new descriptions at Quaddicted, 220 (!) to go.
 DOOMEdit And Vista
#13470 posted by Kinn on 2008/02/01 11:17:56
anyone tried using DOOMEdit with windows Vista? Does it work ok, any problems etc?
I just ordered a new laptop with Vista and now I'm getting paranoid that I'm going to have problems.
#13471 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/02/01 13:51:47
Cool!! :D :D
 Mapping Fever
#13472 posted by madfox on 2008/02/01 21:40:50
having dreams of the afloor_31 texture
pile up everywhere I watch.
#13473 posted by Shambler on 2008/02/02 13:41:13
Someone release some Quake SP maps plz kthx bye.
#13474 posted by JPL on 2008/02/02 15:55:14
...thought... :P
#13475 posted by biff_debris. on 2008/02/02 16:05:05
Just be sure and diable the Aero color scheme with Vista, it tends to br0k the editor display good.
#13476 posted by Tronyn on 2008/02/02 16:59:43
#13477 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/02/02 17:51:48
"Someone release some Quake SP maps plz kthx bye."
Working on one. Still in the first area though. :P
#13478 posted by Trinca on 2008/02/02 17:54:02
roullff i dont even know if i will finish my maya map :\ i might start another...
#13479 posted by Kinn on 2008/02/02 19:11:54
Yeah, I suspected that this horrible Aero thing could well bollocks things up.
To be honest when the system arrives I'm probably gonna reformat and do a clean install of XP, assuming I can get hold of a copy, not just for the fact that XP doesn't hog an insane amount of resources compared to Vista, but also to get rid of all the garbage that Dell will no doubt have pre-installed on the machine.
#13480 posted by distrans on 2008/02/03 11:18:23
...sooner than you think, and made to order - you big cuddly you :)
#13481 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/02/04 11:16:54
Cant stand it!!!
Any yeah, just to say I got mine with XP installed. Why half your memory with Vista!!???!?! Why would anybody want to do that to a perfectly good computer? Why is it everytime computer technology gets faster, Windows gets more self indulgent on your machine, and does pretty much what it has been doing right from day one??!!?
#13482 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/02/04 11:26:03
That's why god invented Apple and OSX. :P