#1320 posted by anonymous user on 2009/06/30 18:24:45
more mapping less cady garden bitches!!!
 Forum Search
#1321 posted by negke on 2009/08/04 12:58:21
While the Google trick is well-known to all of us, new members or guests seem to get confused by the apparent lack of an integrated search function here (which often results in misplaced posts/threads). Now, what about simply adding another link up there leading to a simple search form that forwards the request to Google with the site:celephais.net/board argument added?
 Go For It
#1322 posted by DaZ on 2009/08/04 16:59:25
 I Suggest
#1323 posted by Spirit on 2009/08/04 17:42:45
Scroogle is Google without the data mining or ads, it even is SSL encrypted and from my experience after more than a year very reliable:
Without SSL: http://www.scroogle.org/cgi-bin/nbbw.cgi?Gw=site:celephais.net/board
 And A Porn Site!
#1324 posted by RickyT33 on 2009/08/04 17:52:39
 News Archive
#1325 posted by PuLSaR on 2009/08/05 19:56:17
What if divide news archive section into pages? I.e. to make 'all news' button and 'last 50(100) news' one. Since there's too much news today.
#1326 posted by inertia on 2009/08/06 06:34:39
There are many people here who can host the func_ site and/or database. Do you want to switch hosts?
#1327 posted by mwh on 2009/08/06 11:30:38
I'm finding the site inaccessible in my afternoons, which is probably o'dark thirty wherever the server is. Any particular problem?
 Inertia / Mwh
That is fixed now. It was a problem with long running SQL queries in the cube forum, which runs on the same machine. My bad.
#1329 posted by inertia on 2009/08/06 21:33:22
cheers :)
#1330 posted by metlslime on 2009/08/07 03:25:29
Ah good, glad to hear the problem had a cause and a solution :)
the cause was sheer and utter stupidity and the solution involved duct tape and spit, but it seems to be holding together.
#1332 posted by Spirit on 2009/08/07 11:02:33
I would really love to see those queries so I won't be as stupid in the future.
you don't ;-)
It was a combination of stupied queries and a missing index.
 Submitting News
#1334 posted by Jago on 2009/08/17 05:43:19
When submitting news, aren't you supposed to get a message saying something among the lines of "Thanks for your submission" etc?
I just tried submitting some news, and in both IE8 and Firefox 3.5, it would just throw me to the main Forum menu after clicking the Submit button.
#1335 posted by metlslime on 2009/08/17 10:31:33
i'm actually not sure what's supposed to happen, i forgot how i coded it. A confirmation message is probably a good idea though.
I ended up with 4 submissions from you :)
#1336 posted by necros on 2009/08/24 19:33:33
have you changed something recently? the address bar used to have the post # of the first post visible in the bar, so you could change it to jump to whatever post # you wanted to. now, all it does is show:
http://www.celephais.net board/forum.php (replace space with /) no matter what you're looking at.
#1337 posted by Spirit on 2009/08/24 19:39:51
Are you using Opera? If you have focus on the address bar (eg cursor in it), it will not change even if you click on links.
 Firefox 3.5.2
#1338 posted by necros on 2009/08/24 20:20:25
and my cursor isn't on the address bar
#1339 posted by metlslime on 2009/08/24 23:06:21
I haven't changed anything...
maybe its a misguided attempt to show you only the webpage's filename and not the querystring which they consider confusing and complicated?
 Works Here
#1340 posted by Jago on 2009/08/25 01:06:39
FF 3.5.2 here and I see the entire full URL, in the case of right now: http://www.celephais.net/board/view_thread.php?id=2&start=1336
But a bug I just noticed: If I take a full URL, like the one above and put it inside the quote tags, this is what happens:
Nor link doesn't work neither does it get fully displayed as a quoted text.
#1341 posted by metlslime on 2009/08/25 02:54:47
good catch, i'll have to figure out how to fix that.
#1342 posted by necros on 2009/08/25 02:56:22
well, it's not doing it anymore. i'm not sure why it was before, but it must just be been a momentary glitch on my side.
 Many, But Not All, Names Are White In Opera 10
#1343 posted by grahf on 2009/09/03 02:59:34
I just noticed that most people's nicks are white, when I know they should have a color. I don't recall this happening in the earlier betas of Opera 10, just the release candidate and final. On a mac by the way... but Firefox and Safari have no problem.
The following nicks, just from the last 50 posts are white: mine, metlslime, rickyt23, spirit, JPL, inertia, Jago, Pulsar, onetruepurple.
I would guess that Opera doesn't like certain weird RGB combinations? Are there perhaps style options I should change to get around this?
 Opera 10 Bug
#1344 posted by inertia on 2009/09/03 05:35:13
Grahf's color bug doesn't occur in Opera 10.00, Ubuntu Jaunty Jizz