Posted by SleepwalkR on 2013/03/01 18:37:12 |
Today I am releasing TrenchBroom 1.0 for Windows and Mac OS X. TrenchBroom is a modern cross-platform level editor for Quake.
- True 3D editing, no 2D views required
- High performance renderer with support for huge maps
- Vertex editing with edge and face splitting
- Manipulation of multiple vertices at once (great for trisoup editing)
- Smart clip tool
- Move, rotate and flip brushes and entities
- Precise texture lock for all operations
- Smart entity property editors
- Graphical entity browser with drag and drop support
- Comprehensive texture application and manipulation tools
- Search and filter functions
- Unlimited undo and redo
- Point file support
- Automatic backup
- Support for .def and .fdg files, mods and multiple wad files
- Free (as in beer) and open source (GPLv3)
- Cross platform (Windows, Mac OS X and Linux supported)
Check out a video of TrenchBroom in action here.
You can download the editor here.
If you would like to give feedback, please do that in this thread. If you find a bug or have a feature suggestion, please submit them at the issue tracker.
If you are wondering where the Linux binaries are then sorry, but currently there are none. The Linux version has a few problems which I could not fix before this release. I will get working on those right away so that the Linux version should be available in a couple of weeks, too.
Finally, I would like to thank necros for all his work over the past year. Without his tireless efforts, TrenchBroom would simply not exist. Or it would suck.
Alright, enough of this. Have fun with the editor!
Update: 2.1 here:
Features "cool shit". |
 Lava Croft
Thanks for the report, it will be fixed in 1.0.3.
 TrenchBroom 1.0.3
- Objects are no longer displaced when duplicated.
- Fix off-by-one bug of mod list in map properties dialog.
- Snap vertex coordinates if close to integer coordinates.
- Add logging on all platforms.
- Properly merge spawnflags when loading fgd or def files.
- Fix crash bug when clipping all selected brushes.
- Properly set the size of point entities from fgd files.
 Oh And
Scratch the first item. That's 1.1.0 - sorry!
#115 posted by sock on 2013/03/03 17:02:40
Having a gizmo with 3 axis and 3 planes would be really handy at times.
Yep, totally agree, also an axis lock function.
Add flythrough mode
A noclip fly mode is a must for me.
#116 posted by JneeraZ on 2013/03/03 17:22:47
I feel dumb .. how do I move brushes back to the worldspawn?
#117 posted by JneeraZ on 2013/03/03 17:24:31
FFS, NOW I see it in the docs. Never mind. :)
#118 posted by JneeraZ on 2013/03/03 17:24:31
FFS, NOW I see it in the docs. Never mind. :)
#119 posted by JneeraZ on 2013/03/03 17:24:42
 The Gizmo Issue
Ok guys, I see that a lot of you want a gizmo for moving things around. The thing is, unlike everyone else except for necros, I have already seen how gizmos work in TrenchBroom, and while he may disagree, I don't think they work very well because
1. They clutter up the viewport, esp. if you have only one entity selected.
2. They are harder to hit than just clicking and dragging anywhere on an object.
3. They seriously diminish what some have called the "slickness" of this editor. The ability to just grab and move things around is very important, and it is hindered by having these gizmos.
Now you might suggest that I implement both. But that would be redundant for everything except restricting movement to one single axis. So what I really hear when you say "I want a gizmo" is "I want to be able to restrict the axis of movement". Note that you already have restrictions in place though:
- By default, you can only move things on the horizontal plane.
- You can restrict the movement direction to the Z axis by holding ALT.
So what I think is really necessary is a way to restrict the axis of movement to the X or Y axis. I have just thought about a solution that I'm going to implement to see how it works.
Bottom line: I'm not going to add gizmos for movement until all other options are exhausted. And even then I might not do it because I think they are, for the reasons outlined above, a bad solution to a fundamental UI problem of 3D software: How to translate 2D input into 3D.
 Make Optional?
#121 posted by RickyT33 on 2013/03/03 18:19:27
I understand the whole 'developers license' as in 'artistic license', but you could make it optional, off by default.
#122 posted by JneeraZ on 2013/03/03 18:42:09
Not to bash on you, but that's the crappy way out on stuff like this. Adding scores of checkboxes to an app just adds ton of code paths that all need testing before each release and just slows everything down. If he can hit on a "right way" and just do that, it's far better in the long run.
#123 posted by JneeraZ on 2013/03/03 18:43:17
"So what I think is really necessary is a way to restrict the axis of movement to the X or Y axis."
Yes, totally agree. If something simple can be worked out for axis locking on brushes and entities, I think you'd be golden!
I agree with Ricky, make it an option (or a hotkey like holding alt does with z axis, or have it pop up like when you press R for rotation). I'm getting quite used to the workflow now, it's becoming less of an issue the more I play.
I need to figure out a good way of making curves in TB now... Also, I have noticed that the entities don't seem to have all the options available (for instance the light entity doesn't have the light, style, _color key etc).
#125 posted by necros on 2013/03/03 19:07:24
If he can hit on a "right way" and just do that, it's far better in the long run.
I agree with this. I'm all for customization, but not on core functionality.
#126 posted by JneeraZ on 2013/03/03 19:08:28
Hit the "+" button. You can add all the keys you want.
Yeah I know, I just have a terrible memory for remembering all the keys :P
I'm sure I remember seeing a colour picker for coloured lighting...
 So I Love This Editor
#128 posted by DaZ on 2013/03/03 19:12:54
I agree with others that a way to clamp to x or y axis is needed.
Something of a more advanced feature for people that are awful at maths (like me) would be a nice brush curves tool where for example you could select a brush or combination of brushes and then select a bend angle and amount of segments and it would create a nice clean on-grid brush curve for you. Similar to how czg's curve tutorial handles things but automated.
Adding more functionality to the entity window would be awesome too, things like light value entries, wait, delay, colour etc.
 Just Wondering
#129 posted by Spiney on 2013/03/03 19:19:29
Is there a reason for doing page-up/down rather than alt+arrows?
<quote>I understand the whole 'developers license' as in 'artistic license', but you could make it optional, off by default. </quote>
<quote>I agree with Ricky, make it an option (or a hotkey like holding alt does with z axis, or have it pop up like when you press R for rotation). I'm getting quite used to the workflow now, it's becoming less of an issue the more I play. </quote>
See Willem's response. That's exactly how I feel about this.
<quote>I need to figure out a good way of making curves in TB now...</quote>
<quote>Something of a more advanced feature for people that are awful at maths (like me) would be a nice brush curves tool where for example you could select a brush or combination of brushes and then select a bend angle and amount of segments and it would create a nice clean on-grid brush curve for you. Similar to how czg's curve tutorial handles things but automated. </quote>
A patch builder is on my todo list. It would basically allow you to create patches and then generate brushwork (trisoup) for them.
<quote> Also, I have noticed that the entities don't seem to have all the options available (for instance the light entity doesn't have the light, style, _color key etc). </quote>
The entity property editor is quite rudimentary as is, I agree. I plan on the following features
- Easy way to add "known" properties (from fgd or def file).
- Display additional description strings from fgd and def file.
- More smart property editors (angle, mangle, target, etc).
- Better navigation (tab to navigate row-wise, enter to navigate column-wise, create new property when leaving the last row).
- And other things I can't think of right now.
<quote>Is there a reason for doing page-up/down rather than alt+arrows? </quote>
Alt+Arrows is currently taken for the camera movement. You will be able to completely customize this in the next version though. I agree that Alt+up/down would also make sense given that Alt+Mouse will move things vertically.
 Fucking Hell.
I understand the whole 'developers license' as in 'artistic license', but you could make it optional, off by default.
I agree with Ricky, make it an option (or a hotkey like holding alt does with z axis, or have it pop up like when you press R for rotation). I'm getting quite used to the workflow now, it's becoming less of an issue the more I play.
See Willem's response. That's exactly how I feel about this.
I need to figure out a good way of making curves in TB now...
Something of a more advanced feature for people that are awful at maths (like me) would be a nice brush curves tool where for example you could select a brush or combination of brushes and then select a bend angle and amount of segments and it would create a nice clean on-grid brush curve for you. Similar to how czg's curve tutorial handles things but automated.
A patch builder is on my todo list. It would basically allow you to create patches and then generate brushwork (trisoup) for them.
Also, I have noticed that the entities don't seem to have all the options available (for instance the light entity doesn't have the light, style, _color key etc).
The entity property editor is quite rudimentary as is, I agree. I plan on the following features
- Easy way to add "known" properties (from fgd or def file).
- Display additional description strings from fgd and def file.
- More smart property editors (angle, mangle, target, etc).
- Better navigation (tab to navigate row-wise, enter to navigate column-wise, create new property when leaving the last row).
- And other things I can't think of right now.
Is there a reason for doing page-up/down rather than alt+arrows?
Alt+Arrows is currently taken for the camera movement. You will be able to completely customize this in the next version though. I agree that Alt+up/down would also make sense given that Alt+Mouse will move things vertically.
 This May Be A Stupid Question...
But is there a way to group together brushes? I had a look through the Help document but couldn't find anything. It would make things a hell of a lot faster.
I generally create a set of pre-fabs to work with (saves time, keeps everything looking consistent).
Also, WIP of Deck 16 remake (completely done in TB) -
#133 posted by JneeraZ on 2013/03/04 00:43:34
I think the only way is to create a func_group entity with everything inside that you want grouped. They are added to the worldspawn at compile time...
#134 posted by necros on 2013/03/04 00:48:13
Make sure you add -group to your compiler or it will treat it like a normal brush entity. Adding -group is what makes the compiler merge those func_group entities as if they were normal brushes.
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