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Jackhammer 1.1.700 Public Beta Is Out
Hi all!
Yes, now we're in beta status, which means lots of bugfixes and improvements were done. ^^

New version highlights:

* Archive Support: Jackhammer can load models and sprites from game archives (PAK, PK3). This is useful if you open other's map which uses models, and your game resources are not unpacked.
* Compiling in Editor: now it is much more convenient to compile maps in the editor, because the compile process doesn't block it. You can continue editing the map while the long compilation takes place. You can also terminate it at any time simply by closing the Process Window.
* Improved Decal Rendition: you can preview Half-Life decals (colors and transparency) in the 3D-View just the same as in the game.
* New Texture Application Modes: "NULL to Selected" (applying NULL or caulk texture to selection), "NULL to Unselected" (same as the previous mode, but texture is applied to the other brush faces; handy fast removal of backfaces), "Apply (texture + values + axes)" (copying texture axes information, simplifying texture application to complex objects and landscapes, especially when combined with "Align to View" mode).
* Automatic Selection in 3D: you can select multiple objects by pressing mouse button in 3D-View and then dragging a cursor. This mode is convenient for quick selection of lots of nearby objects (e.g. landscape brushes), when clicking can become annoying.
* Model View: you can specify an external model viewer (e.g. HLMV) and open any model simply by a context menu command. Also it is now possible to reload a model from disk without restarting the editor.
* Update Check: the editor can automatically check for new version available and notify you, so you can immediately download and install the update.
* Lots of improvements: the new version traditionally contains lots of bugfixes and improvements in comparison with the previous release. The editor became much more stable and functional, and now it is a beta. Please view a changelog for the details.

This version supports Quake, Quake II, Quake III, Half-Life, Gunman Chronicles and their modifications.
Supported operating systems: Windows, Linux.
Supported architectures: x86 (32-bit), amd64 (64-bit).

Web page
Feature list
Changelog of version 1.1.700


Thanks for the feedback, some features were added because of your requests. Hope you enjoy Jackhammer, I've put much effort to it.
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It is probably a problem with game directores. Your texture folders' names should appear as "textures/bricks", not "C:/Users/...etc". Are you sure your game directory is set to "DoD Editing"? Please make a screenshot of "Directories" tab also. 
I was unsure if that could be part of it, so I moved the texture files into the base game folder.

Here are the options set under configuration. The textures are inside the base games directory.

This is what the texture browser looks like with the above configuration loaded. I notice that Jackhammer displays the textures by their specified name rather than path/filename.

Here's a surface that should have the above texture (selected in the texture browser) applied to it. It instead displays as missing.

If I save this map, this is what is in the resulting file:
"classname" "worldspawn"
"gravity" "800"
"sounds" "1"
"mapversion" "220"
"_generator" "Jackhammer 1.1.700 (vpQuake2)"
( 512 0 256 ) ( 512 0 0 ) ( 512 -32 256 ) The Bricks [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 256 -32 256 ) ( 256 -32 0 ) ( 256 0 256 ) The Bricks [ 0 1 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 512 -32 256 ) ( 512 -32 0 ) ( 256 -32 256 ) The Bricks [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 256 0 256 ) ( 256 0 0 ) ( 512 0 256 ) The Bricks [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] 0 1 1
( 256 0 0 ) ( 256 -32 0 ) ( 512 0 0 ) The Bricks [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 0 ] 0 1 1
( 512 -32 256 ) ( 256 -32 256 ) ( 512 0 256 ) The Bricks [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 0 ] 0 1 1

It seems to also be saving using the texture name rather than the file path/name. Would this be part of the issue? 
I should make the correction that the third image with the surface properties window open is a map I had saved from another editor, while the map file contents which follows is a different one made and saved with Jackhammer. 
WAL Files Incorrect? 
It seems that I've figured it out. Jackhammer takes mip name from WAL file directly. Mip name is likely to be specified as "The Bricks", instead of correct "textures/bricks/thebricks" (or something).
JH works around empty WAL mipnames, but if they are set, it uses them. Sorry, it is impossible to use these textures in JH unless you edit them in a certain way. 
Another Suggestion 
Texture filtering option for the 3D view. This would make it easier to prevent and adjust against bad color bleeding when two different textures are used on neighbouring surfaces. 
What's the different between the suggested feature and already existing option "Filter Textures"? 
It seems that I've figured it out. Jackhammer takes mip name from WAL file directly. Mip name is likely to be specified as "The Bricks", instead of correct "textures/bricks/thebricks" (or something).

Looks like removing the texture names from the WAL files corrects this issue, I'll just make an alternate version of the files for use with Jackhammer then. Thanks for the help! 
Filter Textures? 
I didn't know; where's this option? When clicking on the "Camera" caption in the 3D view, the only options available are wireframe, filled shaded polygons, textured polygons, and textured shaded polygons.

I'm at my job right now, I'll search for it when I get home. 
In the menu go to Tools->Options, then in the "3D Views" tab there's a "Filter textures" checkbox. 
:D Thanks 
Well, if that's what you need, I would rather make a hotkey to toggle "Filter textures" at any time. :) 
I'd like to advocate again for art tablet support. It's -right there-. :) The only thing it does wrong is if I try to use my Wacom tablet to rotate the camera in the 3D view, it's WAY too sensitive and flies all over the place. But it seems usable for everything else.

PLEASE give me the ability to use my tablet for Quake mapping. My shoulder would thank you!

I don't know specifically what needs to be done but it seems like damping the input into the 3D window would just about do it ... everything else, as I said, seems fine. 
Have you tried to change mouse sensitivity setting in the preferences? 
I did. Even dropping it as low as it can go is still way too fast. 
Would you mind estimating the acceptable sensitivity, as a percentage of JH's sensitivity value = 1 (the lowest)? 
Actually, in playing with it ... you know what? I think the main problem may be in the way the viewport handles the mouse.

When using the mouse to rotate the view, it looks like you're re-centering the mouse with each change in rotation. That works fine for the mouse but I think it's wrong for the tablet.

If I confine my initial clicks to the center of the viewport, it feels pretty normal.

If I click to the extremes of the viewport, it goes CRAZY which I imagine is because it's seeing a huge delta from the center of the viewport to mouse cursor.

You don't do that in the 2D viewports and they work perfect ... maybe relevant? 
But to answer your question ... currently I'd estimate you'd need 20% of the current lowest speed to feel OK on the tablet. So instead of 1, it would be 0.2 or something. :)

But, as I said above, I think tablet input may require some special handling as it's not exactly the same as a mouse. 
Ok, thanks, I'll think of correct mouse handling. Fortunately I have a Wacom tablet to test it. :) 
Having a tablet definitely helps. I remember bugging the coders on UE4 to properly support tablets and they kept borrowing my spare tablet whenever problems came up. :P

So Sleepwalkr 
When are you going to convert Trenchbroom to UE4?? 
Fuck, wrong thread! Damn you func_ and your lack of an edit button 
So Xaerox 
When are you going to convert Trenchbroom to UE4?? 
This is confusing. 
You're posting such things right at the moment when I'm downloading UE4. Is this the sign?

Jackhammer to UE4 tool would be nice. 
it's been discussed elsewhere on this board in the past, and warren-willem can surely elaborate, but making bsp architecture in UnrealEd isn't frustrating because the people who wrote it suck, it's because bsp is just about the single worst thing you can use Unreal3/4 for. it's simply enforced at the tool level.

jackhammer or trenchbroom for UE4 would only allow you to quickly and easily create levels that are still relatively plain and boring compared to what UE4 can do with meshes, at a big performance cost. 
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