Posted by metlslime on 2002/12/23 18:24:21 |
Talk about anything in here. If you've got something newsworthy, please submit it as news. If it seems borderline, submit it anyway and a mod will either approve it or move the post back to this thread.
News submissions: https://celephais.net/board/submit_news.php |
 Sorry Guys...
#108 posted by metlslime on 2003/01/18 10:35:01
but neither of these really qualify as news. Quake retexturing is a generally ongoing thing where a handful of new textures show up regularly -- in this case most of the textures on that page have been posted previously on other pages. And a promo for a map where all you do is provide screenshots, half of which i've seen (i think i even saved a few on my hard drive last year) isn't news either.
Both links are worth checkin out, though.
#109 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/01/18 12:18:45
HL has blatant use of the Q1 clipping bugs. It rather annoyed me in that way.
#110 posted by ELEK on 2003/01/18 13:39:54
#111 posted by Vigil on 2003/01/19 08:16:25
It works! Or did I actually post this already?
 Whaddya Feed A Blue Boar?
There's an outfit down here in Wellgniton that's looking for people to work in the games industry. I've already expressed my interest, but they want samples - on CD, if possible.
Now, none of my crap runs without Quake, so what do I take along to the meeting?
Currently I'm thinking of just making a little Powerpoint slideshow, and maybe adding the zips as well, assuming I can get hold of a burner. Any other suggestions?
#113 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/01/19 15:03:35
I'd say bring a CD with your Powerpoint slideshow plus your best maps. I should think that if they don't have a copy of Quake then they could get their hands one fairly easily.
And GL, Fatty!
the obvious suggestion would be to contact them before the meeting and ask them to install/give them Quake to install on their machine.
Unless i have misunderstood something.
#115 posted by Shallow on 2003/01/19 19:50:48
The other thing you could do is use some sort of utility to grab a video file of walking through a level, it's fairly common for animators to render animations of walk cycles and stuff in CD portfolios, but I've not seen many level designers with walkthru vids, although it can easily give a better impression of a level than static screens without really requiring your prospective employer to have any particular software installed.
You might also want to think about a printed portfolio with screenshots, plans, sketches and stuff that you can take along to interviews. This is handy because it gives you something to talk about beyond the usual 'so, what can you offer the company' bollocks. You can say 'Hey this map is smart, because of this, this and this, and I planned it like this, but I changed this because... blah blah... these are the ironic crates... blah... and I made all my own textures out of scans of used kleenex! And this archway is shaped exactly like hello.jpg! I rock!' Er, well not exactly like that but you get the idea. This technique is especially useful for those who are morbidly obese, have a single nostril or whose eyebrows meet in the middle because it allows the interviewers to not look at the applicant without feeling self-conscious.
Whatever you do, concentrate on what you feel is your best work rather than bringing everything - portfolios that concentrate on a few gems have more of an impact than those laden with less exciting work. Of course, this assumes that you have work that is less exciting, and indeed enough to pick and choose from. And I can't remember if you have, because I suck! LOL!!!1
The last interview I had I seem to remember spending most of it discussing what Dreamcast games I'd been playing and what I thought of them! And the portfolio meant no-one had to steal awkward glances at my webbed, six-fingered left hand!!!
(Sorry, I've been reading too much Digitiser lately)
 Hmm ...
#116 posted by metlslime on 2003/01/19 21:17:59
a printed portfolio is a nice idea. right now i have http://www.celephais.net/cv/portfolio.htm but that's not very helpful in the interview ... well actually, they probably have web-ready computers in their conference rooms, but better not to count on it.
Another thing you could put on a CD-ROM is a complete quake install and the engine of your choice (fitzquake, of course.) With a fast CD drive, you could basically play it off the CD. You could even have some demos of yourself running through the levels ready to run.
The video idea may be a bit far-fetched... my compy is, as everybody knows, heniously out of date. However - I wonder if it would be easiest to just lift the quake dir "as is". While not kosher, it'd be quicker than having to go through the install process. Can this be done, though?
I'll stick with WinQuake, however. Reliability. And I haven't managed to run FitzQuake at all (well duh.)
The feetchewed selections are:
Should about do it, ne?
Incidentally, my parents have given me permission to buy a CD burner. Goodness... I could spend all day happily burning... all sorts of things... Zips... programs... MP3s... witches...
#118 posted by nitin on 2003/01/20 02:51:07
what about czg02?
Surely you could use that as an example of collabation etc? I'm sure companies are keen on mappers who can map with other people's stuff too.
 Hl Nightwatch
#119 posted by nitin on 2003/01/20 07:05:41
#120 posted by daftpunk on 2003/01/20 07:54:04
metl. your portfolio blew me! of course many of the chaps here have abundance of games experience so fatty, i hope you can make something like that. basically, nobody cares if you put the quake dir in your cd and run it from there. i dont think there are gonna be any "slowness" probs or legal problems just for an interview. go ahead and do it!!
from experience with my interviews (in automotive industry: not the same but you still bring along designs, renderings, bits and bobs you made in workshop...) i always take as much as i can and then see what the guys want. if they like doing aptitude tests that's fine. if they want to see your innovation show them your shower-cum-coffemachine-cum-bed etc...
oh. why do you still have a crappy pc!!!! get a job at the petrol station or whatever. and YES, grab a video even if it's with your dads 20 yr old vid cam. adjust the contrast though!!! and the crt refresh will make those lovely frame flickers...lol
 Credit To Mark Shan
#121 posted by daftpunk on 2003/01/20 08:34:04
dunno if you all checked ALL the screenies. they are ab fab! wish he had time to make a couple more q1dm maps...
bel lavoro mark. in gamba!
 Really Impressive!
#122 posted by Snaga on 2003/01/20 09:34:31
refers to post #119
And here one is trying to make nice Q1 sceneries...need a beer or five..
oh well, any ways, portfolio looks great metlslime!
#123 posted by metlslime on 2003/01/20 12:03:15
i'm not suggesting that you install quake at the company's office during the inteview -- i'm suggesting that you put the installed game onto the CD and play it from there. Loading might be slower, but the game will run just as fast.
As far as how "kosher" it is ... it's totally legal! You own a license to play the game, and if you're at some company's office playing it then that means you're not at home playing it at the same time. As for mailing the CD to people, or giving them the CD at the end of the interview, that's not such a good idea, though maybe you can get away with it.
 Playable CD
#124 posted by spentron on 2003/01/20 13:25:56
Is possible, I've done it. Be sure to have everything right, maybe even shortcuts setup to work at the CDR root level (including engine options). Note, for others wanting this for more fun purposes, there will be no savegame or options saving, although the latter at least produces no error messages.
BTW, the Winquake windowed mode pixel doubling uses the following sequence to turn off ( ;) ):
vid_stretch_by_2 0
vid_forcemode 2
#125 posted by necros on 2003/01/20 18:15:24
i've been using the same 'install' of quake since two years ago. and i've had to change hds twice, and survive a mobo crash once. i just copy the entire quake dir into a zip, then toss it off onto a cd. this game doesn't have any reg keys or anything to worry about, so 'installing' isn't even necessary (you could just copy the files right off the cd).
not sure if this is what you meant.
OK, so I get carte blanche to buy a CD burner, and I screw the thing in and plug it all up...
Take out the old CD-ROM, rewire, try again: BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH.
Lessee... got enough memory, reasonably fast processor, wires are plugged in the right way, sufficient hard drive space free. Why does this fargnaxing thing keep crashing!?
Gods. Why am I even bothering?
 Might Sound Stupid But...
#127 posted by necros on 2003/01/20 19:34:18
do you have the sucker set up for master/slave properly? mine cddrive is always a slave, but sometimes i get a drive which is set as master, and it fucks up the comp when i start it up without checking... it's worth a look...
beyond that... what os are you running, when is the bsod happening, etc...
 No, It's OK, It's B----y SCSI1HLP.VXD
It was causing some sort of b0rkage, so I removed it, now everything's jake.
Should've looked at Ahead's webby first, eh?
It's just that this is a big step for me, and a shitload of money.
Now I have a free CD-ROM drive, which I may try to insert into the Compaq, if I can figure out how...
Heh. Yesterday, the shelf above the Compaq fell on top of it. Mercifully, my essay survived, and if you'll ex-squeeze me, I have to shift some files...
#129 posted by daftpunk on 2003/01/21 05:01:58
2 cd drives is always cool for multi cd. play something and have the music. oh, wait. on a slow comp put the music cd in your hi-fi system. sorry... didnt mean to hurt your feelings....
in my celeron 500 in italy 2 cd and cdr drives conflicted (even when changing slave/master bla bla). it just used to crash once in 3 times. the cdr is a LG, so i't better than the original drive at READING cds so i just used the other in another pc (no, i dont have 6 pc. just my dad has an old one.
#130 posted by daftpunk on 2003/01/21 15:27:55
new discussion topics posts have to be given the go ahead by the admin. how organized. it's a useful tool anyway...
i await in despair...no wait, that should read patiently
#131 posted by nonentity on 2003/01/21 16:50:17
Fatty, what is it you're trying to get, since I could do videos of your maps and upload them for you if you want.
If it's just CD burning I'm less help :)
#132 posted by metlslime on 2003/01/21 18:43:06
what are you talking about?
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