The type you set your name in really doesn't fit the eastern-fighting movie genre, imho.
The first ancient rome screenshots i didn't really like. they don't looko thta nice, and are taken at weird angles.
Also, there's a lot of stuff i've never heard of - i think you should provide more shipping dates, otherwise someone could get the impression that none of those projects shipped.
provide a link to the paper, if it's availbale somewhere, or even post a citeseer link or soemthing like that
images need more space above and less at the bottom - or the other way round with the paragraphs - so it's clear the paragraph is for the top image, not the bottom one looks like an unfinished area to me, also it just now came to me it was water that filled most of the picture, looks a lot like tar.
why two shots of the same area in sahara?
the cube shots might not be worth showing at all, or maybe put them somewhere at the bottom
For textures, I used the excellent "Q2Power" set by Lunaran. isn't really necessary to mention, and shifts the focus away a lot from your work
This was originally a project to learn the new features of the Quake 3 tech, something long-since accomplished, but it would be nice to finish it up as a treat for the Quake 3 loyalists. outdated and unnecessary? you're not noob ;) and look washed out like taken with a gl engine and no palette modification.
i like that your resume is so serious - but nothing connects it with the design of the previous pages. you need a link of some sort.
other than that, nice stuff!