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Headbob Hell 
Yeah it could end up that way but on the other hand if they succeed in making something that feels good and is fun it make make all other first person games look silly. 
I've nothing against them going for more customers by making bloodless games; they are a company making a product at the end of the day.

But I prefer 'adult' games, even if they are more teenager in their implementation. And those effects only matter after gameplay anyway. 
Quake Engine Of The Future 
I hereby decree that PantsQuake shall be created, with full support for bollocks mapping and spankular highlights. 
...and how is that different to modern custom Quake engines?? ;) 
In Case Anyone Missed It 
All iD games are available on Steam now. At 5$ a piece, really no reason not to own both q1 mission packs if you don't already. 
if you buy the mission packs through steam, can you play them in the custom engine of your choice? 
Interesting question metl, I guess we'll have to wait till someone who has bought them can tell us the format the data comes in (if its the same old pak files and what have you, I guess its fine, but who knows how they will bundle it?) 
I bought the big pack with all the games. I've let them download and I've exited Steam.

I can now just go into Steam\steamApps\common\<...> and pick out the .wad, .pak, progs.dat, pk3 whatever from there and play it with whatever source port I like.

All the old games are wrapped up in DOSBox when launched from Steam.

There is supposedly a way to launch other engines from within Steam ( ) but I haven't tried that. 
You are teh legend. I will now also have to go buy them all.

2 Map Reviews Posted: 
Pretend Best Friend (by Than)
five Rivers Land (by JPL) 
Still no Portal of Praevus on Steam :( 
Portal Of Praevus 
Was published by Activision, developed by Raven. Nothing to do with id. 
John Carmack Interview: Talks About Doom 4, Sequels To Quake 3 Arena

This is just the third page, but it's the one where he talks about the future games that aren't Rage. I don't know if Quake Zero is old news but it sounds cool.

The plan is to make a free version of Quake 3 Arena where most of the menus and everything happens on a webpage, with new downloadable content I think. And he says later they want to make an id tech 5 version, which excites me for some reason.

We have a kernel team and we�ve seeded it with people from our main team and moved them over, and the plan is right now to do a bridge project that we�re calling Quake Zero. This is experimental and this is one of my pet ideas. We�re taking the Quake Arena code base data sets and repackaging it for incremental web downloads and make it a free game and we�re going to try a sponsored advertising supported free version of the game. I want to try this. Where the website is the hub for everything, most of the menus are gutted out of the game. The game is something that launches instantly. You set up everything on the web page, all of your community stuff there. You get sponsors and advertisers on there to see if we can support this. We have a unique opportunity for this because we own all the stuff on there � it�s still a good game. We can do this with the kernel of the first six developers on here.

The goal is here to make � after Quake Zero � then we�ll probably take all of the lessons we learn from that interaction and make an id Tech 5 Quake Arena sequel with all the bells and whistles. All of the modern stuff on there. That kind of boot strapping process will be the best path. I expect we�ll wind up with 40 something employees. We�re still tiny as far as the big studios go. I want to keep us under fifty.
I'm sure it will be far inferior to quakeworld. But that is no news of course.

(blah blah yadda yadda about sensory processing capability and the lowest common denominator and bad internet connections in the US.) 
About Screenshots 
I am using this line now to convert and post-process screenshots.
convert quake00.tga -gamma 1.4 -sharpen 1x1+1+1 -quality 85 -strip quake00.jpg

That's imagemagick (yes, available for Windows too but probably not as easy to use). Ingame I use 4x, 9-tap Gaussian Anti-Aliasing and 16x anisotropic filtering.

Ignore that rectangular in the upper right...

Any further suggestions how to improve? The jpeg compression is quite visible. :( 
I Think The Sharp Filter 
is the culprit here more than the jpg filtering. See how it looks with pure bmp output instead of jpg. 
Jpg Output NOT Filtering 
still sipping my first cup of coffee. 
Q3 > QW 
I wonder if you'll be able to make custom maps for Quake Zero, that would be interesting... 
Oh And Also 
you need a good display and a mouse for snappy qw. (Not that I have any skills...) 
I Already Said This 
But if they were clever they'd hook up a deal with Tigger-on to connect QZ to lvlworld and grab levels directly from there.

Me Either 
but damn is it fun building stuff in that engine, and quake3's "I don't give a fuck" game design is a great way to basically experiment with looks and themes and call it an honest map with the least amount of effort spent on making it such. 
(blah blah yadda yadda about sensory processing capability and the lowest common denominator and bad internet connections in the US.)

nice ;) 
What Lun said really, my best mapping experiences have been with Q3. 
Q3 is the crap :p 
Q3 Ftw 
Trinca u sux :P 
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