#101 posted by ijed on 2011/07/27 02:32:20
That works great.
Slimeflows coming up.
Wanted: New Animations For Player .mdl
#102 posted by OneManClan on 2011/08/01 11:17:17
Hi all.
If you would like to create something that will be seen (and appreciated) every week by a bunch of TF maniacs, I have two requests:
1. A new animation for player.mdl, where he has his arms outstretched, kind of like this:
I need 1 Standing, 1 walking, and 1 pain.
2. A new player .mdl which is a giant, deformed version of the normal player.mdl. Twice as tall, with a deformed head, as seen at 0:23 at:
He needs: giant_stand, giant_walk, giant_swing_a_club, giant_pain, and giant_die.
I'm not sure how this forum works, it seems to be one long thread(?), please contact me at if you can help
ps, quick ad: BIG TF games every Sunday at 22:00 GMT, check it out:
#103 posted by necros on 2011/08/03 02:56:22
where is that baron.mdl model that is in nehahra from? i seem to recall it was a converted q3 model or something? is there any way to get the original version to be re-converted? the nehahra version has massive amounts of vertex dancing; more than there should be.
Converted Q2 Model
#104 posted by nitin on 2011/08/03 03:29:27
#105 posted by nitin on 2011/08/03 04:12:05
I've always thought his TheForgottenOne model would also work well in quake.
#106 posted by necros on 2011/08/03 05:29:56
and thanks for pointing me towards theforgottenone as well!
i can also see exactly why there's so much vertex dancing in the neh version: there's a sequence where he shoots a laser out of his eye which they probably deleted after it was converted.
interestingly, i can see that the main improvement of md2 over mdl is that the vertex 'resolution' is per frame, not per model hence why evilbastard could get away with the eye laser animation in q2.
My 2 Cents
#107 posted by spy on 2011/08/03 14:54:59
its seems that the infantry dude from q2 and modified to bastion by kinn is extremely underrated . hes so awesome. and fits the base theme very well
#108 posted by necros on 2011/08/03 21:19:02
looks like evilbastard did some extra frames for the nehahra mod as the original ddz baron model lacks those. hmmm not as useful as i had hoped....
it's too bad we didn't know as much about mdl format and vertex resolution that we know now. simply deleting the 'eye laser' frames before converting to .mdl would have increased fidelity by like 400% :(
#109 posted by nitin on 2011/08/04 03:13:28
theforgottenone (at leats the non-winged version) has the same torso as the ddz model. Although the animations may be diffeerent, might be worth looking into that md2.
#110 posted by necros on 2011/08/04 04:15:19
i'm currently looking into what options i have atm...
i considering just re-rigging the q2 model and doing my own animations, since i enjoy doing that. first, it would allow me to just add a sword (which the q2 model is lacking) and do some proper melee swings and such.
i figure i can just use the nice uv mapped q2 model and then try out preach's method of going through the md3 format on the way to mdl and if i can't figure that out, at least i can go to md2->mdl instead.
i'm a little wary of trying to do theforgottenone since the wingspan of that model is fairly large at times. might result is pretty bad vertex dancing and i'd still need to add a melee weapon and melee animations.
when i saw the baron model, i kind of assumed that the sword was part of the original model and that he just held it in his offhand like that q3 model that looks like a crazy hellknight.
Dark Knight?
#111 posted by nitin on 2011/08/04 15:28:56
love that model.
#112 posted by necros on 2011/08/04 19:25:50
yeah, it's awesome. seems like no matter which model i choose, i'm still going to have to end up re-rigging and then re-animating them.
Are there any models of trees around I could use? Preferably via quoth custom objects :E
Are there any models of trees around I could use? Preferably via quoth custom objects :E
Hexen 2
#116 posted by jt_ on 2011/08/07 03:23:32
Has one or two tee models, so does soul of evil iirc. I think quoth might even come with a tree model, you might want to check the pack.
Definitely Does
#117 posted by Drew on 2011/08/07 16:47:47
It's Back
#118 posted by Preach on 2011/09/07 01:15:25
So model of the week took a big hit when I lost internet for the first half of August. Still, I didn't waste all of those hours idly, so here's a non-model "model of the week" with modelling applications:
It's the threatened perl script for manipulating mdl files. Details on how to use are in the readme.
The future:
Future goals include:
� Adding some code for handling the mysterious vertex normals - including the vertex normal table and finding the index that best approximates a given normal.
� Creating a companion to mdl::list_framedata which provides a list of skindata which ignores whether a skin is in a group or not.
� Including more example scripts.
� Creating a companion module which will load MD3 (then maybe MD2) models into a similar perl structure. Then include example scripts for loading an MD3 and outputting a MDL.
The last one ought to be useful in practice. I was at one point working on a new version of md3tomdl with expanded options for how the conversion would be performed. I abandoned this when the challenge became parsing the config file rather than performing the conversion. Instead I began looking for a scripting language which handled binary files and there perl was...
Anyway, the plan is NOT to have all three model formats load into a single common structure. The thinking is that how you resolve the differences between the structures is the most important part of the conversion, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution (especially when it comes to combining multiple segment MD3s with independent animations). Instead the plan is to start from a basic conversion script each time and customise it in all the relevant places to suit the model in question.
#119 posted by madfox on 2011/09/12 08:37:30
Rather intrigued by Preach I tried the waterfall model. I opened it in qmle and saw it were all film files. As it is a one patch line I couldn't use it in normal Quake. It just disappears.
So I decided to make one that turned round frames like a coil, so it can be used to simulate waterfalls or taintracks.
The screenrecorder went chunky so I made a gif to illustrate the principle.
...and now I'm on it I might as well turn you the file, maybe you get texturing inspirations for a praxinoscope like me.
Seeing Double
#120 posted by Preach on 2011/09/14 00:33:53
Glad to see it getting used MadFox, certainly the watery realm in your map looks like the perfect home. To bind that model in with the perl stuff above, here's a quick script I just cooked up which offers another way to solve your problem.
It takes an input model and makes all the polygons in it double-sided, so you can see it from front and back. Here's the output when you run it on waterfall.mdl:
Just remains to say that I didn't write the script just to help with the waterfall, it should also come in handy with the next model in the pipeline. You heard that right - this isn't even model of the week! (what an ugly tease...)
A Vine Model
#121 posted by Preach on 2011/09/19 23:22:02
It's time for Model Of The Week, only a day late. Or if you prefer, bright and early at the start of this week!
Time to plant some vegetation in your map! This model will decorate bare surfaces in your map, making your medieval walls look vibrant or your base maps overgrow and abandoned. And at just a shade over 40 triangles per model, why not add two!
The model comes with 7 poses for the vine, and the following 4 skins:
Tropical Vine
Poison Ivy
Autumnal Tips
The model is designed to tightly hug a wall in your map, and so the polygons only face in one direction. To get the right placement, position the origin of the model 8 units away from the wall it will be rooted to. In the case of the 'limp' frames, the origin should be 64 units from the ground, and in the case of the 'creep' frame 32 units from the second wall that it wraps around.
The script in the previous handful of posts in this thread would also be useful here, if you would rather create free-hanging vines which you need to see from both sides. Bonus points if you can adapt the script to make it instead clone the triangles in the model and make a single vine model with multiple creepers. You'll save entities!
Turbulence Waterfall
#122 posted by madfox on 2011/09/21 01:23:08
Fine piece of artwork there, Preach. Wish I had these when making my venividifuzi level.
Roman art would like that, as well as the vine texture.
I wanted to add some turbulence to the waterfall, as it is a bit strange to see so much water falling in a peacefull water.
Also made the length somewhat longer.
#123 posted by roblot on 2011/09/21 01:48:09
Those vines isa useful, thanks man.
Big Wave
#124 posted by Preach on 2011/09/22 01:05:51
I had worried about the bottom of the water in the same way, but decided to go in a different direction for the next models and return to it later, so I've been beaten there! I hope you plan to share the model once it's finished. It probably could stand to have some particles along with it in a map to add noise to it, but it certainly creates turbulence.
At the base of the splash you have a wave washing over, which makes me wonder if you could make the entire splash section loop around in the way that the main waterfall does, and so create a series of waves. The problem I can anticipate is that it forces the waves out in just one direction, but it might still be worth exploring.
#125 posted by madfox on 2011/09/22 02:37:06
Glad you like it.
Not a case of beaten, just an idea involving by cherrishing it up! I also was thinking for a sprite with buble but that changes in view.
Fog also would do, but that's kind of hazzard trying shaders.
Two models, the starting one as in the gif file, and another one I tried to make the wave bigger and more floating off. Funny to see the waterbulb go under the normal wayer surface.
I already tried to make the vertices change directions, but you can make a try by dobbling the vertical one and change it in front of it.