Quick Check
#1222 posted by Preach on 2013/11/08 23:37:28
This is probably not the issue, but have you made sure the setsize call happens after you set the model?
 Face Palm That's It
#1223 posted by ijed on 2013/11/09 00:46:01
I was being 'clever' and made a little subroutine to do that for me, leaving it at the end.
So... with that out of the way, if I do this on purpose will the collision be both the right size and orientation?
 Face Palm That's It
#1224 posted by ijed on 2013/11/09 00:46:02
I was being 'clever' and made a little subroutine to do that for me, leaving it at the end.
So... with that out of the way, if I do this on purpose will the collision be both the right size and orientation?
#1225 posted by Spike on 2013/11/09 22:05:21
bbox+bbox collisions fully comply with specified sizes. bbox+bsp collisions have weird offsets+discrete supported sizes.
bbox+bsp collisions are based upon the mins of the bbox rather than the origin of it.
this means you can increase the mins_z to move it up off the ground or decrease it to let droptofloor/walkmove/etc position the base of the tree further into the ground or whatever. it also means you should really try to keep the x+y set to the size of a bsp hull.
if you never use walkmove/droptofloor/tracebox/movetogoal/pushers on your tree then none of that applies and you can set the size to whatever the smeg you want. movetype_none, woo.
#1226 posted by ijed on 2013/11/10 10:27:22
That clarifies things. I've noticed different behavior in different engines as well, but it all seems to come back to not knowing the ins and outs of the format to begin with.
Let's do map objects!
 New Blog Post
#1227 posted by Preach on 2013/12/09 22:05:36
To tie in to the save-game shenanigans from Sunday, here's a blog post describing how to use Preach's black magic for good instead of evil:
Debugging and Save Games
 A Much Sought-After Post
#1228 posted by Preach on 2014/01/03 23:02:04
OK, so it took long enough to debug and make correct that the discussion died down, but here's a post on making ogres play fair and aim vertically:
Proper Ogre Aiming
Hopefully I'm hitting the right balance of maths and code here today, but please tell me if it was too cut-down to comprehend, or waffled too long on the whys and the sums.
 I Suck At Maths.
But I can't wait for someone to compile this so I can get smashed by ogres.
 Aw Snap
#1230 posted by ijed on 2014/01/03 23:22:04
And I just updated their qc in RRP X)
#1231 posted by sock on 2014/01/03 23:27:26
Hopefully I'm hitting the right balance of maths and code here today
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I really can't get my head around all the maths without a good example in QC. This is just perfect for me because I can tweak it and try out different things.
 Also, Bonus Content For Func_
#1232 posted by Preach on 2014/01/04 00:34:39
There are a few places where I made myself leave things out from the QC code as posted, even where the changes are natural and not that hard. This was to maintain the focus on the new idea. Getting gravity correct and moving the launch point of the grenades forward are two such changes that would have distracted; I wouldn't release a mod without them.
The one that I'll share here is how to do the tan function correctly, as you might use it in a maths library. The flaw as I see it is that it changes global state, purely as a side effect, by calling makevectors and overwriting v_forward. It's not hard to imagine how this could break code if users were not aware. Here is the fixed version of tan, which was cut for space:
float(float theta) tan =
� local vector ang; //temporary used to calculate trig values
� local vector v_forward_temp, v_right_temp, v_up_temp;
� //save off global state
� v_forward_temp = v_forward;
� v_right_temp = v_right;
� v_up_temp = v_up;
� ang = '0 0 0';
� ang_y = theta; //assign theta to the yaw to simplify reasoning
� makevectors(ang);
� theta = v_forward_y / v_forward_x;
� //restore the globals
� v_forward = v_forward_temp;
� v_right = v_right_temp;
� v_up = v_up_temp;
� return theta;
 Zaware Ogres
#1233 posted by sock on 2014/01/06 12:52:22
@Preach, I finally got around to merging your code into my ITS QC base and it works like a charm! Thank you :D
You got a spelling mistake in your tan2 function:
"and = '0 0 0';" should be "ang = '0 0 0';"
Also I highly recommend you prefix your tan/tan2 functions with "mathlib_" otherwise they conflict with the DP extension QC file.
I personally prefer (self.enemy.origin + '0 0 24') otherwise the grenades have a habit of falling short most of the time and especially if the ogre is below the player and close to a ledge.
#1234 posted by ijed on 2014/01/06 13:38:17
Need to get this replacing my dodgy code.
I like your approach, it's the more difficult way of doing it, but intrinsically better.
 Where Can I
#1235 posted by ijed on 2014/01/09 19:28:07
Limit the player's movement speed to walk velocity without changing any cfg values?
#1236 posted by necros on 2014/01/10 03:42:08
you can manually modify .velocity of the player when fl_onground is set. It's not going to be perfect though as there's no way to do this without changing cl_forward/back/side settings.
#1237 posted by ijed on 2014/01/10 12:51:05
Ok. My first thought was to just force always run to off, but I know there exist people who don't have that on by default.
But considering what I want to use it for (crippled state) maybe that won't be an issue.
#1238 posted by necros on 2014/01/11 04:58:59
I would modify cl_*speed. Obviously *some* people may actually play with modified move speeds, but I think in your own mod, you have to be able to make some assumptions or decide not to cater to extremes.
 Palette / Wad Question
#1239 posted by Kinn on 2014/01/12 03:26:45
Ok, so I'm writing a tool that reads and writes quake wad files and was wondering if someone knows why some wads include the palette and some don't. Is the palette in the wad used anywhere?
#1240 posted by metlslime on 2014/01/12 04:17:16
gfx.wad probably had the palette in it at one time, before it became a .lmp file instead. Perhaps that is where the palette-in-a-wad came from.
#1241 posted by Kinn on 2014/01/12 05:28:13
so i should assume the palette in the wad is not used and therefore optional.
 Coding Derper
#1242 posted by ijed on 2014/01/15 20:38:53
So, what does 'Implicit Conversion' mean? I assume it means the result of the IF I'm trying is a constant, but I don't know why this:
if ((self.angles == 90) || (self.angles == 270))
Produces it. Basically if it's been rotated to face north/south as opposed to east/west do X instead of Y. Both of which are bounding box definitions.
Little help? How do I write that IF statement so it's not an Implicit Conversion?
#1243 posted by ijed on 2014/01/15 20:40:38
angles expecting a '0 0 0' value type?
 I Think Angles Is A Vector Not A Float
#1244 posted by metlslime on 2014/01/15 20:43:12
#1245 posted by ijed on 2014/01/15 20:53:45
if ((self.angles_y == 90) || (self.angles_y == 270))
Should work?
 Two Alternate Formulations
#1246 posted by Preach on 2014/01/15 20:54:47
if ((self.angles == '0 90 0') || (self.angles == '0 270 0'))
if ((self.angles_y == 90) || (self.angles_y == 270))