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Lots Of Exits Vs. Few Exits... 
I don't see multiple exits from a room to be a problem. If a mapper makes lots of exits, the person combining all the pieces can always have the extra doorways lead to little dead-end rooms with ammo, or have them link to secrets, or just have them curl back around and connect into the same room again. More exits only gives the mapper doing the combining more choices. 
So There I Was, Minding My Own Business... 
when i start to hear this funny crackling sound (a bit like when crts turn on).

suddenly, BAM, like a motherfucking cap gun in the ear, from somewhere in my pc case or the monitor, this extremly loud pop noise comes out of nowhere...

screen goes black, i think the machine rebooted... i freak out and hit the powerbar off.

in shock, i sort of sit around for a bit, sniff the air, searching for smoke, nothing.
the inside of the case looks fine, and the monitor is giving the normal test pattern when it's not receiving any signal.

cautiously, i power it back on, dreading whatever odd errors would accompany some critical hardware failure, only nothing is wrong! it boots up perfectly fine, not even asking to do a disk scan.

has anyone ever heard of this (or had it happen to themselves)??

i'm trying to figure out wtf just happened. :S

obviously, it wasn't a capacitor as it would have smelt like ass and smoke would have been there... i'm guessing some kind of electrical arc from dust inside the case... but can an electrical arc be that loud? i mean, it was really really loud. o_o litterally like shooting a cap gun off in your ear. 
Just a quick hello to an old comrade =). Hope you are doing fine, too! What are you up to these days? 
Peek! X2 
Hey mate, how are you?

I actually thought of you the other day when I stumbled across your old PQ website again, good to see you're still doing the old Quake thing.

Also, hello Mr. walkR :D 
Goldenboy Wins The Discussion 
having a bunch of people interested in a map and just regularly 'checking in' your progress back onto the shub hub, with the only guideline being 'add what you feel is necessary if you have the map' sounds like it could work out real well. 
when you sum it up so sensibly, I can't see how he could have lost. So what does the juror award Golden_boy? 
Yes could be interesting to put up a repository for all of the GPL:ed quake maps and see what it can mutate too. Might work well because it doesn't require much commitment by any individual.

+Welcome back peek! 
That sounds like something worth trying. 
WalkR: I've been in grad school for landscape architecture, which is a bit like designing levels (not that I actually released any levels mind you). Nevertheless, my brief forways into worldcraft and other level design software really came in handy when working with CAD as well as other 3D modeling applications. I'm presently trying to figure out how to use Vue 6 and/or the World Construction Set to model future scenarios for a river restoration / dam removal / urban park project with which I'm involved. It's been a good time.

Anyway, my Quake+LAN experience is more of an anual event than anything, but it was fun.

Glad to hear from you all. 
GPL Maps 
Regardless, I think it would be nice to come up with a list of all the GPL maps available. They're useful for educational purposes too. 
it occurred to me in the shower [thinking about czg] that BT does what you want wrt to hash checking. 
Hopefully you won't mind a little selfp1mpage... 
sigh i have to do it too

(it's best 2on2 imo) 
...I'll join the flock.

There's three in here

qtdm1 is strictly 4v4 and not surprisingly not on any server

qtdm2 (2v2) and qtdm3 (8ffa) are on (CAx) and (DM+) 
Easy Now 
Actually, I was thinking of updating the site one day, then I ran into this:

You can tell I've been out of the loop a long while. Nevertheless, I'd be much more inclined to fill in gaps in that site than update an essentially redundant resource filled with a million broken links.

Thanks for the mentioning your maps, I'll look at them nevertheless. 
A tag system for the news would be very handy. :) 
Anyone Else 
notice any issues with fitzquake and the new nvidia forceware drvers (163 release).

When you load a demo or level, the text in the console starts behaving all blurry and jittery and out of focus. It seems to go back to normal on level/demo load.

Havent really ried it properly to know if that's the only issue. 
not all capacitors smell or smoke, either because they�re too small, or because they�re old and the stufff inside has dried out.
(I asked a friend because I found the story "interesting")

In any case you should run a thorough check. 
you're a genius! 
Updated Q1 Section 
Q1 Engines? 
What engines seem to get the most use by the q1 crowd. I was pretty impressed with easy quake, cuz it was easy and looked quite nice. The in-game server browser is huge too. 
easy quake = ezQuake? 100% the right choice then if you want multiplayer. :)

For singleplayer use Fitzquake or aguirRe's glquake. 
Is good for SP and MP 
netquake u mean 
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