Not Sure About This
#1222 posted by
DaZ on 2008/06/22 18:14:33
but is there a delay on adding a new news item and that news item appearing on the rss feed?

Yes You Have To Wait For A Moderator It Moderate It
#1223 posted by
RickyT33 on 2008/06/22 19:37:40
Can take a few hours or more, but someone will take a look at it eventually!

#1224 posted by
metlslime on 2008/06/23 02:25:59
what he said. Once it's approved, it should immedately be in the RSS too, but there might be some caching issues in your reader or something???

#1225 posted by
DaZ on 2008/06/23 12:26:16
Im using the google reader and tbh I have no idea how it all works :)
But thanks for the info.
#1226 posted by
Lunaran on 2008/07/13 10:45:18
FF3 makes the upscaled emoticons/symbols at the tops of threads and news items look all blurry.

#1227 posted by
metlslime on 2008/07/13 21:01:51
new ways that browsers can inconsistently render content!

So There Was A Fitzquake Thread After All
#1228 posted by
Spirit on 2008/07/14 20:43:46

The Offending Post:
#1229 posted by
czg on 2008/07/14 21:20:20
Which for some reason contains a shitload of <wbr/> tags, though I don't see why that should mess things up.

#1231 posted by
DaZ on 2008/07/15 01:44:07
seriously... I never posted that!
I call hacks!
#1232 posted by
megaman on 2008/07/21 12:04:11
I've been getting this
http://pastebin.com/f2e9c8abd the second time now when i tried to post. Hacked?

#1233 posted by
Spirit on 2008/07/21 16:17:38
and about that FF3 blurry crap? Are they using some stupid "smooth" filtering for all upscaled images maybe? The GLQuake of webbrowsers?

#1234 posted by
metlslime on 2008/07/21 21:21:44
that's weird... anybody else get that?

Its Fine Here
#1235 posted by
DaZ on 2008/07/22 04:06:18
maybe do a spyware / virus scan Megaman just to be sure your not getting hijacked!

#1237 posted by
metlslime on 2008/07/22 08:25:12
i thought everyone patched that already...
#1238 posted by
Spirit on 2008/08/11 19:34:16
http://www.celephais.net/board/view_all_threads.php be sorted by latest post (like the short version on
http://www.celephais.net/board/forum.php ?
That would make finding stuff much easier.

#1239 posted by
RickyT33 on 2008/08/11 20:15:22
Spirit's uncontrollable urge to catalog and organise things...

#1240 posted by
metlslime on 2008/08/11 21:44:31
not a bad idea, i should probably have options to sort both ways...

Got This Just Now--just In Case It's Useful In Any Way
#1241 posted by
pjw on 2008/09/06 05:47:10
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Too many connections in /home/johnfitz/sites/ www.celephais.net/ board/_database.php on line 9
...when clicking "new 8" in the skinny norris thread. Second try worked fine.
(added a couple of spaces to the url to avoid ...fuckery)

#1242 posted by
metlslime on 2008/09/07 02:50:57
thanks, not much i can do about that, but it seems like a rare but consistent problem that i've been seeing for several years. I guess during times of peak activity the server gets overtaxed or something.

Oh No
#1243 posted by
Lunaran on 2008/09/16 17:15:22
In FF3 there's a gap between the red X smiley and the skull smiley, and in FF2 there isn't.
this is terrible

FF2 Rendering Error
#1244 posted by
Lardarse on 2008/09/16 18:56:47
Chrome shows a gap there as well