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Lemme Try 
Not Sure About This 
but is there a delay on adding a new news item and that news item appearing on the rss feed? 
Yes You Have To Wait For A Moderator It Moderate It 
Can take a few hours or more, but someone will take a look at it eventually! 
what he said. Once it's approved, it should immedately be in the RSS too, but there might be some caching issues in your reader or something??? 
Im using the google reader and tbh I have no idea how it all works :)

But thanks for the info. 
FF3 makes the upscaled emoticons/symbols at the tops of threads and news items look all blurry. 
new ways that browsers can inconsistently render content! 
So There Was A Fitzquake Thread After All 
The Offending Post:
Which for some reason contains a shitload of <wbr/> tags, though I don't see why that should mess things up. 
It's Daz 
from his Dadaist era. 
seriously... I never posted that!

I call hacks! 
I've been getting this the second time now when i tried to post. Hacked? 
and about that FF3 blurry crap? Are they using some stupid "smooth" filtering for all upscaled images maybe? The GLQuake of webbrowsers? 
that's weird... anybody else get that? 
Its Fine Here 
maybe do a spyware / virus scan Megaman just to be sure your not getting hijacked! 
Major DNS Vuln 
i thought everyone patched that already... 
Can be sorted by latest post (like the short version on ?
That would make finding stuff much easier. 
Spirit's uncontrollable urge to catalog and organise things... 
not a bad idea, i should probably have options to sort both ways... 
Got This Just Now--just In Case It's Useful In Any Way 
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Too many connections in /home/johnfitz/sites/ board/_database.php on line 9

...when clicking "new 8" in the skinny norris thread. Second try worked fine.

(added a couple of spaces to the url to avoid ...fuckery) 
thanks, not much i can do about that, but it seems like a rare but consistent problem that i've been seeing for several years. I guess during times of peak activity the server gets overtaxed or something. 
Oh No 
In FF3 there's a gap between the red X smiley and the skull smiley, and in FF2 there isn't.

this is terrible 
FF2 Rendering Error 
Chrome shows a gap there as well 
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