Doges And Gruntes By Salvador Dali
This is how the dog and grunt models look in GoG-packaged WinQuake or GLQuake. Whatever it is that it wants to run with a glide wrapper. They don't crash the game, but that's not really a good look.
In turn, DOS Quake 1.08 fails to start when I have the pak file in the id1 directory. Sadly, I can't see what error it prints before exiting. I'd need to find out how to run it from command line instead of in a window that closes immediately, so I might get back to you on how it goes. (The problem might be that the skin is too big?)
I have found out that DOS Quake can handle the Knight model by Lunaran, but the Shambler model makes it quit. I worked this out from being able to play on E1M3 in Normal mode (no Sham-Shams) and not in Hard mode (with three Sham-Shams), while using a pak with only the knight & shambler in it.
So, I have modified the entry to say it requires an advanced engine after all. Since this is such a minor change, I replaced the previous file, and the link is same:
Please check it out for any dumb mistakes. Is this package worth releasing now?
I will upload to Quaketastic and write up an announcement in a couple of days, unless someone suggests more improvements. I made this mostly for myself, but I can share it with the hope other people find it convenient. Small thing really, with all the work being done by the actual modellers. Thanks to them for their work.