Weird IP Closure
#1196 posted by
RickyT33 on 2008/04/01 13:11:54
Post #18 on the Slave thread, I was using my friends laptop through a USB wire-less modem.
Gave one of those weird IPs people were talking about;
How exciting!

IP Thing...
#1197 posted by
metlslime on 2008/04/01 21:32:12
thanks for the extra info. I wonder if it's a PHP bug or maybe this is a "feature" of some routers.

It Can't Be Router Thing, Can It?
#1198 posted by
mwh on 2008/04/02 11:38:38
I mean, if you think the other end of the socket is connected to the IP address, you'll have a hard time sending a web page to them...

Posting Through TOR
#1200 posted by spirit on 2008/04/02 12:55:49

#1201 posted by
Spirit on 2008/04/02 19:34:39
Posting from Windows XP now. Firefox 3.0b4.
And got the
No proxy for sure. But a router (like always).

#1202 posted by Spirit on 2008/04/02 20:21:59
now from ie7

#1205 posted by
metlslime on 2008/04/03 00:37:58
good leads, i'll check this stuff out when i get a chance. Possible Fix
#1206 posted by
metlslime on 2008/04/18 10:13:59
I changed the IP fields from ints to unsigned ints... which is weird because i'm fairly certain they WERE unsigned, but all the server migrations and upgrades in the past few years might have done something to it.
Anyway, someone who was able to generate the address before, please try again and see if it still happens.

#1208 posted by
metlslime on 2008/04/18 20:35:32
i just noticed, some people in the thread above are now
but at least CZG is legit now.

#1209 posted by
metlslime on 2008/04/19 10:27:47
so that wasn't the right fix, ip2long and long2ip are supposed to use signed ints. I have reverted the changes, fixing the problem.
I still can't tell what's wrong, but at least old data from the database is coming out and displaying correctly, but new data going in is getting IPs >= turned into The change coincides with the latest server move. So maybe it's a PHP or mySQL version issue.

#1210 posted by
metlslime on 2008/04/19 11:12:42
perhaps it's a 64-bit issue, though i can barely believe they would do something so dumb:
But apparently it's "not a bug":

New Fix
#1211 posted by
metlslime on 2008/04/19 11:14:34
implemented a new fix assuming that the problem is 64 bit ints. Hope it works. This can't help all the addresses from the past two months, though.

The Old Response
#1212 posted by
ijed on 2008/04/19 18:28:42
It's not a bug, it's a feature!

Once Again !
#1214 posted by JPL on 2008/06/09 20:46:29
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Too many connections in /home/johnfitz/sites/www.celephais.net/board/_database.php on line 9

Hang On, I'm Testing Something
#1215 posted by
czg on 2008/06/17 21:53:59
Something weird

Ok I Guess You Haven't Implemented AJAX Posting Or Something, Metl?
#1217 posted by
czg on 2008/06/17 21:55:48
Because for some reason I'm posting without leaving the page here...
I guess it's some Opera 9.5 feature.