#1170 posted by metlslime on 2007/10/23 23:29:43
the crate was just there as a fun, temporary Portal reference, since that crate was from Portal. It was never considered as a permanent logo.
#1171 posted by DaZ on 2007/10/24 01:46:46
maybe have a random title graphic or let users choose in their profile what pic they want?
Just a thought
#1172 posted by inertia on 2007/10/27 06:34:47
IKBase crate!
#1173 posted by bal on 2007/11/19 10:59:30
Gmail has stolen the func_crate!
Metl, sue google and make millions!
#1174 posted by Zwiffle on 2007/11/19 23:15:18
That's why we need the COMPANION Cube, a loyal box that would never lend itself to other sites. Func_crate is an internet whore.
#1175 posted by Spirit on 2007/12/17 15:17:37
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Too many connections in /home/johnfitz/sites/www.celephais.net/board/_database.php on line 9
ERROR: Can't connect to database.
#1176 posted by JPL on 2007/12/17 15:23:52
it should work :P
 It's Better Now
#1177 posted by Spirit on 2007/12/17 15:27:39
was unreachable for ~30 minutes (for me at least).
 I Saw This As Well
#1178 posted by ijed on 2007/12/17 16:21:22
But just reloaded about ten minutes later and it was fine. Just high traffic I take it?
#1179 posted by metlslime on 2007/12/27 21:14:45
I was trying to fix a problem in the table that keeps track of unread posts for each user, and accidentally fucked it up. The result is right now all posts are now marked as read in any thread that you've ever looked at, so you might miss some recent posts if you don't go back and look at the previous 25 of each active thread. Sorry about that.
But, I did fix a bug also.
#1180 posted by metlslime on 2007/12/27 22:06:17
to explain further: everything will work from now on, it's just that you lose the "new" posts that already existed at the time of my fuck-up.
 Umlauts In Titles
#1181 posted by Spirit on 2008/02/10 12:22:21
I just noticed the Zerst�rer post has a "?" showing for me on forum.php, but neither on news.php nor view_thread.php (shows the "�" fine on those). I am using Linux, Firefox and I think my system defaults to UTF-8.
None of the pages have an character set/encoding specified so I have no idea what might causing it.
 Same Here
#1182 posted by ijed on 2008/02/10 15:09:06
On windows/firefox.
 Yup - Me Too - Firefox
#1183 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/02/10 17:02:35
TBH I often get ? marks to the point where I dont even really notice it anymore. For me also, in FitzQuake, if I want to type " then it gives me @
and vice-versa. Fixed in Darkplaces though!
 Works Fine For Me
#1184 posted by bambuz on 2008/02/10 18:27:59
at least now. In Opera, win2k.
#1185 posted by metlslime on 2008/02/10 22:17:45
i'm viewing it as ISO-8859-1. Sounds like i need to explicitly set the encoding in the html.
#1186 posted by Spirit on 2008/02/14 13:25:51
It randomly works sometimes. This might be related to some other bug I encounter sometimes: The font sizes get smaller, most often after I posted something.
#1187 posted by czg on 2008/03/03 18:23:12
 Uhm, Now I've Got The Correct IP
#1188 posted by czg on 2008/03/03 18:26:16
But all my posts made from the sbz office have as IP. It happens to other people as well I see. (Starbuck's last post in the film thread)
I can't imagine how any network settings would be able to spoof an IP like that, so I'm guessing something mysterious is afoot.
 That Is Weird.
#1189 posted by metlslime on 2008/03/03 21:57:22
What the hell...
 Posting From Work
#1190 posted by czg on 2008/03/04 12:53:37
 W00t, Weird IP
#1191 posted by czg on 2008/03/04 12:53:53
 Just Got This
#1192 posted by DaZ on 2008/03/22 15:58:20
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Too many connections in /home/johnfitz/sites/www.celephais.net/board/_database.php on line 9
Im guessing the site was just busy?
#1193 posted by metlslime on 2008/03/22 21:37:43
hmm, yeah i guess so. I'm not sure if the connection limit is per-database or for the entire domain, so we might be competing with the cube forums or something.
#1194 posted by Spirit on 2008/03/27 21:38:58
Could we get a spoiler tag that makes the text inside color #333333?