Mark V - Release 1.35 - Windows / Linux (Stable!)
Download at normal location:
The Mac build remains version 1.20.
New Features vs. Mark V 1.20
- Very fast "triple the fps" DirectX 9 build courtesy of MH
- WinQuake looking water warp in Open GL/DX9 (MH again)
- Volumetric shadows - r_shadows 3 (MH again)
- Sky speed up in Open GL/DX8/DX9 (Yeah, MH)
- Linux Open GL build (thanks to JimBob for testing, Spike for debug tips)
- Linux WinQuake build
- Resize on-the-fly windowed mode in all builds (except DX8). Yes, even Linux. Tried to make the Linux build fancy. May have succeeded.
- QMB enforcer lasers available
- Improved NVidia cards experience (killpixel, Kinn, johnny law, pulsar)
- 2 Extra options in video menu for convenience.
- Automatically bypasses GOG.com's ancient opengl32.dll (Syrion)
- Warpspasm correct startdemos by overriding Quoth 2.2 (path0gen)
- MH solved context creation issue in version 1.25 (dwere, breezep,
- MH added extra control over r_waterwarp in 1.35. Type "find r_waterwarp" in console for details.
Next update hopefully some time in the spring! All feedback, comments, etc eventually get considered, a nice thing about the Func_Msgboard layout.