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Re: Planetquake Hosted Files Upload 
There's actually a couple of different ways to do it now...

Check here for details:

(log in w. user/pass) 
Unfortunately this is another one where the demo only tells you if recovery is possible (and I already know the data is still there) but you have to pay to get the program to actually do the recovering.

I'm still looking. 
Mike Woodham 
my Linux hacker friends also suggest GetDataBack for this kind of situation.

Recovery software (for windows, that is) typically costs money because it's a huge industry based off the fact that most people are too lazy to make backups.

In fact, I will backup my home directory right now because your story really scared me.

Perhaps a local computer store can help you. 
I Forgot 
Someone said that you can use the XP install disk to repair your XP installation. It should check for an installed XP or something. 
Golden_boy, Spirit, Madfox Et Al 
I used a program called PC Inspector File Recovery, which does exactly what it says on the tin - and it's free - and recovered my Quake stuff. The only other important files were my music and they are already backed up to my laptop and to my Creative Zen.

So I could now experiment without fear. First I did a system file check using the XP disc, no good. Then I did a registry check, no good.

Then, and I don't know why I didn't do this first(!), I booted into Vista and it immediately reported that I needed to check drive D:\. So I let it do that and on completion Vista sees everything OK and I can access everything on D:\ drive as normal. Vista reported finding an error in a HalfLife pak0 file but I don't play that so I will uninstall it anyway.

I suspect therefore that I do have an XP problem and I am not interested in trying to sort that out due to the inordinate amount of time it's likely to take. Therefore, I will do a quick over-install of XP tonight and if that doesn't work, I'll reformat the C:\ drive and do a fresh install.

Or I'll just continue with Vista, which is pretty but I must admit that, apart from my XP problem, there is no compelling reason to buy Vista. Still, I've got until June/July before the beta expires.

Ummm..., that's if anyone is interested :)

Thanks for the suggestions guys. 
Hey Mike, 
I noticed your musical selection in a pic earlier this summer. I know the traveling bit would be a little out of your way, but have you ever done Merlefest? ;) 
I've heard of the Merelefest but never thought to come over for it or any of the other many festivals that you have over there.

Although I have been to the US (and Canada) many times, I have only managed to catch a few concerts and gigs by chance, not by design. I tend to be a bit of a tourist and therefore stick to the blindingly obvious - mainly skiing in Colorado and Vermont. However, when in Boston (some friends lived there) I used to go (got taken) to a couple of clubs/bars that had some good live music with a few 'names'.

But I've been quite lucky in that I have seen and heard some of the greats in the UK and Europe as they always end up coming over here. I've seen Bukka White, Sony Boy Williamson, Rev Gary Davis, Doc Watson, Tom Paxton, Dave Van Ronk, Michelle Shocked, Suzanne Vega, Bob Dylan, Happy Traum, Sonny Terry and Brownie McGee, John Sebastian, Stefan Grossman; oh, and so it goes on - yup, you could say I've been around a long time. My greatest claim to fame is having met and chatted to Jessie Fuller. I even held his guitar, although I wasn't allowed to play it! 
Mike Woodham 
Sounds like your hard drive could be dying.. back that shit up ASAP! 
It Is Resolved... 
I said earlier that there was no compelling reason to buy Vista but maybe there is.

So, I related earlier that Vista found and cleared the problem with the D:\ drive so that everything was working under Vista: well the problem remained in XP - it ended up freezing or at least going so slow that it was unworkable. Therefore, just before I took the irreversible step of over-installing, I decided to give Sytem Restore one more go. It worked.

I suspect that whatever the problem was, XP was incapable of self-repair. Vista found the problem that XP couldn't, and corrected it; and the Restore took XP back to a system configuration that was prior to the D:\ problem. The first Restore I did was before Vista had done its bit, which is why it didn't work. The only problem is that I don't know what caused it in the first place. Perhaps it was one of those dodgy Chinese sites that I visit from time to time ;-)

Anyway, all's well that ends well. So maybe I will get my finger out and get the final FMB finished before XP does it again.

And as for backups - I will continue to do so with my music as a lot of it really is not replaceable: 10,000 tracks, including around 500 LPs from way back when "I was just a little bitty baby, my pappy would rock me in the cradle..."

But as for everything else, nah, there's nothing else on there that would cause me too many sleepless nights. OK, a year's worth of new Quake mapping; yes, and the 10 year's worth of family photographs; and the correspondence that I haven't kept paper copies of; and all my Excel VBA modules that I have accumulated over the years; yes, allright, and the plans for my new house that I would have to pay an architect to redraw; and...

Gulp, I hope Santa brings me a new remote HD so I can do some backups! 
Be VERY with Windows' fixing harddisks. If you want to recover something from a delete/whatever harddisk, you better not access it with anything except recovery tools. 
coul'dn't be so hard disks anyway 
Thanks To Megazoid For The Logo... 
i'm leaving on a jet plane... have a good holiday everyone. 
Judging by the date on this thread, Func is 4 years old tomorrow. Congratulations everyone! I'm actually a little suprised there's as much life left in this community as there is. 
Happy holidays to you.

Thanks for keeping Func_Msgboard going. 
I dont like the logo, especially the color combo 
Stop being a spoilsport and embrace the capitalistic festival of purchasing! 
fuck you Speeds in MY NACIONAL FLAG

green and red :p OWNSSSSSS

nice one metlslime and megazoid :p

Boas festas para todos
Merry Christmas to all 
Speeds u are a bitch but...

Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva i s Novim Godom 
Oooh Festive. 
Big respect to Metl for the board, and him and everyone else who posts and stuff - it's nice to have a bit of the gaming community that's stable enough that you can chat about shit with vaguely familiar oiks ;).

* Shambler goes to sit in SM130_neg!ke for a few more minutes 
It's ok, the logo doesn't like you either. 
Get your fat ass on IRC 
Jago... might happen yet! 
Prey DM Released 
I figured this wasn't really news, but Freakman released his Prey DM map over at 3D Realms. Even if you don't like Prey (I'm looking at YOU, Trinca) the pics are still purdy.

Happy Chistmas, Merry Chanukah 
a restful Festivus, Lovely but belated Ramadan too you as well, and fuck you Kwanza, you silly made up patronizing holiday whom even my African kin hate, like some mutant May Day in December. 
Prey Dm Map 
the lighting is really nice, which is impressive in that engine. 
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