#1095 posted by PuLSaR on 2007/04/05 23:26:03
ERROR: Error message number 42
wtf? I get this error when I try to post in MadFox's new map thread
#1096 posted by metlslime on 2007/04/06 19:45:53
is it possible your IP address changed between viewing the loading the thread, and submitting your post?
Becuase that's what that error means (i made it sound cryptic to give spambot writers less information.)
#1097 posted by metlslime on 2007/04/06 19:47:28
is it possible your IP address changed between viewing the loading the thread, and submitting your post?
I meant to say: is it possible your IP address changed between loading the thread, and submitting your post?
#1098 posted by PuLSaR on 2007/04/13 12:59:23
wow, how that can be? I don't use any hiding IP programs
#1099 posted by metlslime on 2007/04/13 20:35:07
I assumed that it wasn't possible unless you were a spambot.
But, maybe somehow your dynamic IP changed and your browser cached the page so when you posted a comment, it was submitting an outdated form (with the wrong IP hash in it.) That shouldn't be possible becuase the pages on this site should never be cached (they are set to expire immediately.)
Does any of this sound possible? Or maybe a web proxy that cached a page when it shouldn't have? Or something?
If this happens much, I guess I'd need to remove the IP address requirement.
 View All Threads Problem
#1100 posted by Shambler on 2007/04/23 19:20:03
Hasn't worked for me since the change to a new host.
Works in Firefox, but not in IE. The only webpage I attempt to visit that doesn't work...
#1101 posted by Vigil on 2007/04/23 19:35:03
So why is it a problem that it doesn't work in IE?
#1102 posted by Vigil on 2007/04/23 19:35:21
What the hell? Title can be empty?
#1103 posted by Preach on 2007/04/23 19:58:14
Now I'm back in uni, here's the error message I get from clicking on view all threads:
" * The request or reply is too large.
If you are making a POST or PUT request, then your request body (the thing you are trying to upload) is too large. If you are making a GET request, then the reply body (what you are trying to download) is too large. These limits have been established by the Internet Service Provider who operates this cache. Please contact them directly if you feel this is an error. "
#1104 posted by metlslime on 2007/04/23 23:47:33
So i finally was able to reproduce it. For me, Firefox works just fine. I thought I'd try IE to see what happened.
Logged out: page loads
Logged in: "Can not find server or DNS error" (error message is fucking useless of course)
Also, it seems that all complaints from other people have either said it was an IE problem, or didn't mention the browser. Is it correct to say that everyone who has this problem is using IE?
#1105 posted by Preach on 2007/04/24 00:13:32
Using latest official firefox client, but it seems to be a problem with the proxy here.
 I'm Using IE
#1106 posted by aguirRe on 2007/04/24 00:22:41
beneath GreenBrowser.
#1107 posted by JPL on 2007/04/24 10:38:41
I just got these messages on top of each page
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/johnfitz/sites/www.celephais.net/board/_display.php:56)
in /home/johnfitz/sites/www.celephais.net/board/_user.php on line 106
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/johnfitz/sites/www.celephais.net/board/_display.php:56) in /home/johnfitz/sites/www.celephais.net/board/_user.php on line 107
What's happening ?
#1108 posted by JPL on 2007/04/24 10:42:32
It just disappeared... wtf ?
 View All Threads Bug Fixed?
#1109 posted by metlslime on 2007/04/24 10:44:48
JPL: It was caused by my clumsy tinkering :)
Good news: I fixed it so that, at least on my computer, I can now View All Threads using IE even when logged in, where before I could not. The problem appears to be that the page was taking too long to process, causing IE to think it had timed out. By slightly optimizing some redundant code, I made it respond faster.
#1110 posted by Preach on 2007/04/24 10:55:32
Now works for me!
#1111 posted by Vigil on 2007/04/24 11:04:57
It also works for me with Firefox. I only forgot what I was supposed to look for in the threads.
#1112 posted by aguirRe on 2007/04/24 12:03:57
to work here to.
 CSS Web2.0 Blingding
#1113 posted by Spirit on 2007/04/24 12:38:32
I played a bit this morning and realised that one could small down the page size of func about 1/2 by reworking it in css. Getting rid of all the tables and using div, p and span instead.
If there's interest in doing this I would volunteer doing the hard work for metl (as in providing the visible layout). It might look slightly different but only slightly.
#1114 posted by metlslime on 2007/04/24 20:10:40
it's true, and I do plan to switch to CSS eventually. Just haven't gotten to it yet.
Thanks for the offer, but I am also capable of doing this. You should work on quaddicted :)
#1115 posted by Spirit on 2007/04/25 09:45:27
I am also capable of doing this
I was never in doubt! :)
#1116 posted by ijed on 2007/04/25 16:10:07
I have trouble at home loading the forum page, but my provider is crappy, but also the only one that reaches my area.
At home I use Firefox and at work IE. Can't go back to IE at home just yet since I managed to corrupt it and don't want to start monkeying around until next week.
CSS - I remember a lecture from a while ago - this works on cascades and saves space because it doesn't hit repeats of the same info?
It's strange that func_ has trouble loading when its mostly text, apart from a few non-windows graphics. Mind you, I know next to nothing of web maintenance.
 RSS Feed
#1117 posted by sLon1x on 2007/05/02 19:54:59
What u think about RSS on speedq1 site?
#1118 posted by metlslime on 2007/05/02 20:29:14
There isn't one, is there?
#1119 posted by sLon1x on 2007/05/03 12:22:27
oh, sorry ))
"learn from my mistake" (c) Down II