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Fitzquake Mark V
I wasn't planning on doing this mini-project, it started as an effort to address some Fitzquake issues, fix them the right way up to Fitzquake standards (i.e. do it right, once and properly versus continual releases) and donate it back.

FitzQuake Mark V Download:

Short version: Eliminated most issues in FitzQuake thread, most issues I can even remember hearing of ever and marked every single one clearly with a very minimal implementation.

It may be the case that only metlslime and Quakespasm and engine coders may find this engine upgrade of interest.

Features: 5 button mouse support, single pass video mode, external mdl textures, alpha textures (like RMQ), record demo at any time, rotation support, video capture (bind "capturevideo toggle"), console to clipboard, screenshot to clipboard, entities to clipboard, tool_texturepointer, tool_inspector (change weapons to see different info), clock fix, contrast support, fov does not affect gun, gun displays onscreen, Quakespasm wrong content protection, external ent support, session-to-session history and .. (see readme).
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Even if you did get it work, it looks like you have virtually no opengl extensions and it wouldn't be very nice at all.

I coded and tested assuming the worst possible hardware was an old Intel GMA and if it ran fine on that well --- that's the baseline and a very low bar.

You have something with Open GL drivers that doesn't even meet the very low bar of old Intel GMA.

Even if it did run, it would terrible and probably not render correctly in all circumstances.

The Direct X version does virtually everything the OpenGL version does. 
FOUND: ARB_multitexture

Does Mark V have -nomtex? IIRC the Direct3D versions doesn't have multitexture, so it might be worth testing with -nomtex to see if that's your problem.

Otherwise I suspect that the best way to figure what's happening would be to single-step video startup in a debugger on the hardware in question. 
Ok but i've tried with both gldirect and the software opengl driver and the same thing happens. Moreover original fitzquake only runs in 640x400x16: if i select another resolution it starts at 640x400x16, goes to desktop and then i get a black screen with sound when it goes back into the game. That's why i was interested in Mark V, may be it's the 32 bit rendering why it doesn't run? The card supports 32 bits however. 
@MH -- my Direct3D version has up to 8x multi-texture because I made some changes/enhancements.

Otherwise I suspect that the best way to figure what's happening would be to single-step video startup in a debugger

Well, I have no absolutely no intention --- I mean 0.00000000000 -- of trying to support a 2002 era oddball graphics card.

I'm not into that. 
Very well could be. Mark V does 32 bit color. Doesn't even have the option for 16 bit color since even the most worst/terrible/horrible computer I could find for testing would do 32 bit color just fine. 
Things that can help performance on old cards with fitz-style engines:

+gl_flashblend 1
+r_oldwater 1
+r_dynamic 0

Those defaults change from original FitzQuake to QuakeSpasm/MarkV (I think) to better-quality options, which could explain why QS is slower than FitzQuake for you. QS has a "-bpp 16" command line option as well, though from a brief look MarkV always uses 24bpp. 
For $6.50 + free shipping, the graphics card could be upgraded to 16 million colors ... 
toshiba laptop

It's worse than that, he's dead Jim. 
I made the Direct3D version so people with oddball video cards with terrible opengl drivers could enjoy a nice recent engine.

And the Direct3D version runs with flying colors with 99.9% features on even some very horrible machines that no one else's engine will run on.

/And does it with style and a robust feature set and stability 
True, but my point was that a graphics card upgrade is not an option in this case, because it's a laptop and the Trident is an integrated part. 
Usually I am telling that to Spike or someone else in a conversation.

How did I end up on this side of the argument?

Somewhere, someone screwed up this conversation and made it work out weird.

Probably ericw's fault since his username has a extra consonant appended to his name, which is very distracting at times --- especially because a "w" can sometimes be considered a conosant and other times it can be a vowel. 
Any News... 
... about the issues I had reported in #1085? 
Mark V isn't going to see an update until sometime in 2017. 
Well.... That's Crashy 
I'm just updating my Mark V after a long time (in preparation for some FvF :P), and I find all these new versions crash directly after the console says "3 demos in loop."

(the newer winquake versions worked fine though)

Yeah, I am on an older netbook running WinXP... because that's what I had Quake installed on.

I went back and kept trying older versions to see which is the last one that works (in case this might apply to anyone else), and it is:


But at least I can tell that the MP3-playing bug that I had in my previous old versions of Fitzquake has been fixed (i.e., it wouldn't play MP3 tracks unless it detected a real or virtual CD drive) -- I can hear the music playing now with no problem.

I guess it wouldn't do much good for me to report any bugs I find in this old version of Mark V.... I might at some point move Quake over to my Win7 device.

Baker, you really really need some kind of actual project page with just the downloads and notes about the versions, heh. It's difficult scrolling through all this discussion (though I eventually just went to the index of the files). 
Hey Gunter. 
It's difficult scrolling through all this discussion

It's supposed to be difficult to find the right download and keep up with the thread. ;-)

It deters uninterested parties from using the engine. What little development time I may end up having has to be catered towards experienced and knowledgeable beta-testers (like yourself).

The casual player should be using Quakespasm.

NightFright, Pulsar, spy, Fifth and others have provided the feedback I need through extensive testing. It's almost completely polished but there are some things I'd like to improve and features I want to complete.

I just don't have the time to do any more work on it right now --- and sometimes I wonder when or even "if" that time may come.

The current best version is: 
But It Looks Good 
This old version is looking good though....

I'm pleased that you decided to revert to Quake Defaults for most things, with menu options to change them.

Some of the previous minor issues I had seem to have been fixed.

Arrgh, Always So Close.... 
It's always just out of reach, but so close to begin just right.... And Baker never has time to work on it, heh.

I do wish I could use the most recent Mark V, but like I said, everything past mark_v_e just crashes (with one of those Microsoft error reports, if you would like all that mass of information....).

I can use the winquake version of the newest mark v, but of course winquake looks like butt :D (Arrgh, and it's got RCON in it... I so wish the old version that I can use did too!).

It does seem a lot of the old bugs were fixed, but I'm also seeing new issues that didn't exists in my previous old old version, r15.

For example (these issues also exist in the new winquake version):

No particle trail on vore balls. What happened to them?

The FPS display is in the top right... but if you size the screen area down, it does not stay in the top-right -- it just vanishes (or is not being drawn, or is hidden behind the "brown screen border").

Why did the HUD move to the center (single-player style) instead of moving to the left edge (deathmatch/proquake style) like it used to, so you can also display some player names in the extra space....

In the winquake versions only, if I set the screen to an 800 x 600 window (my netbook screen is 1024 x 600) then the HUD gets cut off at the bottom of the screen (pushed down too far, really -- looks like the full-screen console is the same way), by about the same amount of space that the title bar takes up at the top of the screen, maybe.... You might be able to replicate this by setting a window height to the same resolution height of your screen?

Eh, there are other bugs, but it looks like they have been fixed in the newest version (judging by the winquake one).

What are the chances that the GL version will ever be fixed so that it will work on my WinXP Quake netbook again? ... I suppose that's moot, since Baker has no time to work on it anyway, heh....

I tried Quakespasm. Oh my gosh, it runs like ass. I don't know what it is, but some effect it's creating causes the frame rate to be like 10 FPS on my netbook, in the entry area of the Start map, unless I turn and face a wall. Seems like the colored lights or something; it depends on where I'm looking. I promptly deleted it, and will continue to use the old version of Mark V.


Well, it's still better than any other client for me, but it's always just SO CLOSE to just right! D: 
Does the Direct 3D version run?

(Voreball trail is probably a mistake in a last beta build which involved a change regarding model flags, easily fixed. If the DirectX version runs for you, I'll fix bug and post an update.)

I don't normally include the Direct X version because Microsoft --- and only Microsoft out of 53 anti-virus providers --- says it is a trojan or something crazy. 
Well, Microsoft ended support for WinXP, so I had to uninstall MS Security Essentials, so I definitely won't be getting a security warning! Hey, my netbook still makes a find Quake device! :D

Yep, that DX version works, and looks nice. At first I thought it would not be usable, because I was getting only 10 FPS, but then I switched to full-screen mode and it works fine! I guess DX doesn't like running in a window. I generally prefer to run Quake in a window so I can easily switch around to other things while I'm playing, so I can look at config files and make notes about bugs I find in Fitzquake ;) but I will definitely use this, even if I gotta go full-screen now!

Thanks very much for that!

While you're fixing the voreball particles, here's my quick wishlist for three ProQuake-type features that you might consider adding in (because these should be pretty easy additions), listed in order of assumed simplicity:

Colors 14/15 (just a simple option that gives players more choice)

Proquake style Centerprints -- they appear near the top of the screen (just below the chat area) instead of blocking the view directly in the center of the screen. FvF does use a good amount of centerprints....

Bring back the deathmatch-style HUD... the way it used to be in Fitzquake (and ProQuake), over on the left (with extra player names on the right), instead of centered at the bottom single-player style (with no extra player info), as it is now....

I have another issue that is FvF-related (not really that important, but I will report it). FvF does not allow blank names, and will automatically assign a default name if someone tries to name themselves "". Well, during a game if I go to Multiplayer -> Setup, and try to erase my name to change it to something else, as soon as I erase the final letter of my name, that means my name is "" and FvF instantly assigns me a default name, heh, so I can never fully delete my name in order to change it to something else. I don't think the name should be "set" until the player is done editing everything and "accepts changes." (This didn't happen in old old versions of Fitzquake mark v.)

Anyway, thanks again for the DX version!
Best Quake Client so far, for my needs! 
I tried Quakespasm. Oh my gosh, it runs like ass.
Only if you're interested,... it would be nice to know why that is the case. If MarkV GL runs well, it's 99% likely just a configuration difference causing the slowdown, since QS may have different defaults(?).

I guess I should add this to an FAQ for QS, the settings to try for a low end laptop: (try each setting in sequence, checking if it increases FPS in start.bsp)
- use fullscreen
- r_oldwater 1
- gl_flashblend 1
- r_dynamic 0

Less likely to help: launch with command-line args:
-bpp 16

Also what is your gfx card / and which driver is reported by "gl_info"?
Sorry for the spam, Baker 
scr_sbarcentered 0 
@ericw --- if someone says GL version low fps or problems and then says the words like Netbook or Windows XP or even hints at "old computer", it's always Open GL drivers.

I just say "DirectX version" and then they say "Works fine. 200 fps. Thanks!" It's 100% problem solver in that department. 
Agreed, I just thought he mentioned that GL markv was running reasonably while QS was giving super low fps. 
yeah, or they could scrape the internet looking for the right opengl drivers, find lots of 404s, and the resign themselves to buying something that is actually still supported!... stupid laptop manufacturers that refuse to allow the chipset manufacturers to provide generic drivers...
or yeah, they can use d3d.

FTE has a d3d renderer too... :) 
Would you be willing to try Ericw's list of settings in Quakespasm to see if it works --- I bet the -bpp 16 may make a bit difference.

And then do a review of Quakespasm from the perspective of someone who runs a standard ProQuake Quake server (GLQuake compatible, Quake protocol) and plays online? 
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