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Inspiration & Reference
I just wanted to know if people had any links to good websites for either level design inspiration (photos, paintings, concept art, etc.) or just for architectural reference. We had a thread like this on the old qmap, but we know how much good that does us.
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Modern Arch 
If Anyone Hasn't Seen This Site...

Very chilling. Photos and description of Chernobyl area from the point of view of a motorcyclist who enjoys riding through the desolation (with trusty geiger counter handy to avoid hot spots).

Not really an archetecture/art site, but really thought-provoking re: any sort of level design with a post-apocalyptic theme. And just generally Really Fucking Cool. 
see post 76. 
Post 76: "pjw is senile and late to the party."

^^^That one? Ah well.
Oh look! Something shiny... 
Anyone Know 
where I can find pics of the Asiatic Fortress used at the beginning of The Shadow (the Alec Baldwin movie). I've googled the subject, but no luck. 
Rent The Movie. 
Movie Sucks 
so that is out of the question. 
Well . . . 
It wasn't listed at either of the two places I go for movie shots, but I'll mention them anyway, since they can be good general reference . . .

(/me hopes these haven't been posted too) 
Thanks Pjw 
I'm likely to get greatly distracted looking over those sights but they definitely fall under the Inspiration and Reference headline 
None From The Shadow, But Plenty From Sirens! 
Industrial Decay 
Got some images of an old cement works near where I live, I find the place very inspirational for mapping and have put up a gallery of images taken there, theere will be more added as soon as I figure out how to break in without being arrested: 
how to break in without being arrested

Crowbar. Flashlight. HEV is optional.

Also, seriously, tell someone you trust where you're going just in case something happens. 
Well, I Assume 
you are not procurring anything, you can always contact the owner, explain what you are doing, and get an arranged visitation. What is the point of taking the risk without any real gain? Try explaining you were trying to get pics for tilable textures to a bunch of cell mates. 
Nice Site You Have There DaZ 
because taking risks is fun. it can make whatever little gain feel like much more. ;) 
I Remember 
Playing Arabian Nights when it came out and liking it emensely. Visiting your site reminded me of that experience. Makes me wanna do another run through some time when I have the free time.

Necros: Yeap. I think I understand what you mean about risk. Like raiding a hotel pool at 2 Am even when you can afford the fare for a room. It is the cheap thrills that sustain my existance. 
Another Nice Site With Industrial Photo 
<Friction> Btw. 
<Friction> AMAZINGLY inspiring site for extra heavy duty industrial designs

Not mine, just pasted from IRC. 
Kell Said I Should Post This Here
Not scat.

Oh, and awise fwom your gwave! 
thanks for the link... lots of cool busted up machinery. ^_^ 
Old Electronics And Other Stuff...

This seems to be an online store for buying old parts and equipment, but there are tons of nice photos just for browsing purposes, too. Example: the Oscilloscope page, which has 40 or 50 nice pictures of oscilloscope instrument panels:

I don't know if it has been already view but, looks good ..

Enjoy ! 
Islamic Architecture 
nice one metl. Sometime soon I might post some pictures of a house i visited while it was under construction that looks like a q3 map, interesting place. 
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