I haven't read the other posts, so I'm probably just repeating what's already been said, but I'll do it anyway, because omg and yeah.
Awesome q1sp experience. One of the best in recent years, hands down. It all comes together nicely, even if it possibly wasn't layed out like this from the beginning. Basically two epic maps in between a simple story/setting and a breeze of refreshing humor that one doesn't seem to come by often in (Quake) maps these days.
The two levels have a strong Alice/Zer/Portal2 vibe for me which I liked a lot. It's always suprising how height, distance and fog can create such highly atmospheric environments so easily. Wouldn't have believed it when looking at them in an editor view or fullbright game with no fog. Apart from a few more filigrane details, much of the effectiveness comes from beams, butresses and other structures high above or far away that appear on the brink of visiblity in the fog. The other architecture has just the right amount of indentation and slanted surfaces to round it off.
Cool start map, too. There have been a few village maps in Quake, but this one has something special to it. Maybe because it was just slapped together for the sake of it?
Gameplay is pretty much great. Many monster encounters set up as events rather than just simple 'populating' of areas. Good challenge on Hard, with appropriate item balance for the most part. Fortunately, the z-aware Ogres are used sparingly and with consideration.
Grenade and rocket switches add a nice touch, a variation from regular shootable buttons that open as you proceed.
I didn't find that many secrets, maybe 3/7 in each map - this could be the downside of the thick fog. Or perhaps I was just too blind. Good there's a fairly high number of them, though.
Progression is okay, but at times it felt to me like there was quite a bit of backtracking or revisiting forced into it, particularly in Saint. I liked how you first descend in Honey with no or hardly any monster encounters. That's what made me feel the Zer vibe (like in the bloodcube temple).
Uh, yeah: crates!!! Not that they make any sense in a cistern or abandoned temple. But the shapes made up for this.
The epilogue bit had me in tears. Maybe I'm idealizing, but it seemed like proper czg humor again (well, the sfw variety at least). The credits were cool as well, though I didn't get all the references. Also, l�l you look like Dickie Bennett in Justified?!
Anyway, tl:dr = truely outstanding. Too bad you had to read the whole post nevertheless. Finally, here is a demo of me playing so and so on hard skill and dying ten times and commenting on things not worth mentioning... you can watch it if you have nothing to do, if you're feeling miserable, or not but want to, or
whatever. GG