So You Want Recommendations
#1 posted by nitin on 2012/07/23 08:00:16
but not recommendations of classics? But only after keeping in mind that not everything that is a classic is actually a classic?
This does not make any sense.
But I will reply when I get home anyway.
#2 posted by
Ankh on 2012/07/23 08:39:38
My picks below. All maps seem to be from the hrarder sort so easy skill would be recommended for quake beginners.
Adamatine Cruelty (ac)
Tale of Abbot's Rune (Sgodrun1, Sgodrun2)
Ceremonial Circles (czg03)
Rain Palisade (rainpal) and Storm Dungeon (storm) from the Rapture pack
Halls of the Shambler God (Ikspq3)
Homecoming (Ikspq4)
Whispers in Darkness (soe2m4) from Soul of Evil
To recommend some smaller maps I need to give it some more thought.
#3 posted by
rj on 2012/07/23 09:32:39
is it not obvious the 'classics' tend to get that label because they're the ones that most people feel that way about in the first place? penumbra of domination is still my favourite and that's not because of any pressure from review sites to feel that way (it came direct from, or impossibly hard gameplay. there was only joy in completing that one. i also would have thought hell in a can & moonlight assault were pretty recognised classics...
but assuming this is just a badly worded question asking for understated old maps i'd chip in the following;
bnt/bnt2: bridges & towers
cursed: the occursed
iam1: myworld is yourworld
morbid_2: morbidity 2
solfall: solarfall
shoggoth: chapel shoggoth (probably an acquired taste this one)
#4 posted by
Ankh on 2012/07/23 09:42:26
Some more. All mixed up:
ant - Antediluvian
wishes - The Well of Wishes
thehand - The Hand That Feeds You
ne_lend - The Living End
mappi - Red Slammer
fmb_bdg - This Onion
bnt - Bridges & Towers
prodigy_se - Prodigy Special Edition
oms2_2 - Conflagrant Rodent
a3 - The Journey Home
dis_sp6 - Ruined Nation
cjhsp1 - The Katagean Redoubt
and of course Travail and Beyound Belief
Basically All Excellent- And Nice-rated Maps At Quaddicted
#5 posted by
negke on 2012/07/23 09:59:24
Neil Manke, Matt Sefton, Fat Controller (e.g. Otranto)
Going For Older, Non-classic Maps Then
#6 posted by
erc on 2012/07/23 11:19:27
Anonca Base 3 by Rob Marton -
Black by J.F. Gustafsson -
Daredevil's Descent / Cryogenic Crypt by Dan Koppel -
Death's Taste by Utah -
The Epoch Turning by Andrew Smith -
The Forgotten Level by Anders Persson -
Habeas Corpus by Dan Thibadeau -
King Solomon's Mines by Roger Staines -
Notlob's Moonshot by Steve Clarke -
The Sacrifice of Flesh by Jonas N.P. Lindstrom -
The Virtus Episode from
Deathmatch Maker retail -
More can be extracted from: (~)
#7 posted by
mwh on 2012/07/23 11:58:47
Menkalinan had a pretty big impact on me. Februus Depth too. I'd also think that e1m1rmx might be a good map to start someone on.
#8 posted by
Spirit on 2012/07/23 12:27:22
you know what would be great? if more people would rate maps (with honest ratings) at quaddicted.
#9 posted by Baker on 2012/07/24 05:40:22
Yes this is true, but I think you and I need to figure out some system to unlock all your hard work.
In my experience, people are adverse to saying something negative and prone to saying something positive. And I don't think human behavior can be relied upon to change.
I've thought recently that maybe one key to this is figuring out "level complexity class".
Someone new might not be ready for a map with 160 monsters and some puzzles that are mad complex ... regardless of how perfect the brush work is or how much people like the mapper.
Now, I *like* super-hard maps and as an example Masque of the Red Death was something that I viewed as a challenge.
But is that the kind of thing that represents an ideal first experience to Mr. Newboots? It isn't.
#10 posted by Baker on 2012/07/24 05:49:36
not recommendations of classics?
I don't have the answers. You tell me. I *don't* have the answers.
The Quaddicted database needs to be exploited in a way that makes things easy for someone new to step into single player.
Anything you have to say is of value.
Feedback And Ratings
#11 posted by
sock on 2012/07/24 06:39:55
In my experience, people are adverse to saying something negative and prone to saying something positive. And I don't think human behavior can be relied upon to change.
I don't agree with this, I believe it is the way round. How many times have you heard that people want a dislike button on facebook? How often do you hear 'I can't post that comment because someone will get their feelings hurt!' I would love to post constructive criticism on lots of things but it is always seen as 'being negative' instead of 'suck it up and realize this is things you should consider improving!'.
Sites with user rates are worthless, there is no other polite way to say this. Nobody goes to sites for random user ratings, people want a viewpoint by someone they can trust. People read blogs/news sites because they value that persons viewpoint and opinion. User ratings are just background noise, it might as well be a random number generator putting stars at the top of the page!
The best solution is what shambler did with his review site. If someone wants to do quaddicted a good service is get together a group of people and they write a short review of the map. Agreeing on some review standard beforehand might be good but something consistent that can be compared. It maybe a lot of work initially but review the personal favourite 'best of list' first. Produce actual content that is worth reading on a review site.
For this to work it does not need to be amazing reviews either, just a couple of lines by a couple of people, once a week and good sized screenshots instead of the usual micro thumbnails! Someone agree on the map to review that week, make sure the group of people download it, send back their short review, consolidate it, get some nice screenshots and post it. Worthwhile news and something to comment on/discuss.