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Doom4 has been announced, id are looking for people, if you are that person, and are good at what you do, have a look.

Doom4, discuss it or not.
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Great, can I not put the helmet on please?
Id rather walk around with a soft squishable head for the demons benefit than see that crap :D

Anyways, biggest gripe of all : I do so wish they had made it moddable and properly mappable.

For fucks sake it is the life blood of immortality for Doom... 
As I Said. 
What CZG said. Kinda obvious. 
Hey guyz I hear some of the demons have techy bits sticking out of them and stuff. Aesthetically Doom has always been an inconsistent and nonsensical mess, so it really doesn't bother me if it turns out there's not a well-thought-out backstory for why monsters drop pickups. 
Oh, I don't want or care about a thought out backstory, just some level of consistency that my brain can get it's teeth into. The original Doom, for all it's weirdness, had that. The universe seemed consistent with itself and I could accept whatever I was seeing.

Monsters dropping more or less health based on how flashy the space marine makes their death ... eehhhh.... I dunno. 
Kinn I find there is this possible degree of consistence of theme within inconsistent fantastical stuff, even in a hodge-podge like Doom.

These things can and should follow some sort of logic within the fantasy.

Simply put it helps with the willing suspension of disbelief, or the immersion so to speak.

Here in this case when the items drop from the monsters it just screams, amongst other things "competitive multiplayer FPS a la q4a" and that takes me right out of the mood/vibe going on there in SP.

I mean all that effort in the hell environment and the beasts and then *that* pops out after their goreporn execution. It is seriously what the fuck, really why ? It boggles the mind, such a small thing to do right, but whatever.

So that bothers, it is sort of minor...or not. And if it doesn't bother you well good for you I guess :P 
There Warren said it better above. Wouldn't of bothered had I seen it. 
You need to drop health and ammo from monsters if your gameplay is centered around respawning-horde checkpoints. 
Speaking Of Which 
Now I'm wondering if we'll get those intermission screens after each levels. That would at least a bit more replayability. 
Kinn I find there is this possible degree of consistence of theme within inconsistent fantastical stuff, even in a hodge-podge like Doom.

These things can and should follow some sort of logic within the fantasy.

The latter is a very good point, unfortunately it doesn't work in your favour as firstly the original DOOM really has no internal logic, and secondly the current one is trying to give some logic - e.g. soldier's helmet highlighting healthable items - which you don't like. 
The Monsters Should Drop Potions 
You know, blue potions. Each one giving a 2% health boost.

And sometimes, megaspheres, invisibility spheres, and megahealth spheres.

That would integrate the old demonic items' designs into the new gameplay mechanics. 
Enemies Should Just Drop Invulnerability Spheres 
I'm really surprised my viewpoint is the fringe one here. So the gameplay designers on this doom game seem to have decided that enemies dropping items on "special" kills is fun and rewarding, and people on func have issues that it seems too...gamey and unbelievable? Are you sure there aren't other things about doom that are completely and utterly abstract and arcadey? 
They want an exact clone of Doom with higher video requirements. That's all. If they don't get exactly that they'll cry as if Doom itself has been taken away from them and they can't just go back and play it any more. 
Thanks for speaking for the group, Lun, but that's not really how we all think. 
so is it a thing that static item pick ups are no longer a good thing? 
That makes sense, actually.

Street Fighter IV went that route. It's graphically refined, but the gameplay strictly follows the 2D foundations of SSFIIT. They added some new mechanics, but the foundations are the same.

That's the approach that the classic Doom fans crave for, and modern gamers would most likely also enjoy it. Only the Doom 3 fans would be left out. But this game clearly is a mix of classic Doom with Doom 3, at least aesthetically.

Anyway, today's id is clearly trying to do their best, and hopefully the game will be really good. 
My Previous Replay Was For #1053 
Eek, Reply. 
Not replay. My phone keyboard is drunk. 
I Was Mostly Speaking For Killes 
Lun you get me wrong, I welcome new ideas to a Doom sequel, it just depends which ideas.

All in all so far I am actually looking forward to playing Doom 4, it actually seems like a fresh FPS for once.
I am thankful it at least not looking to be like Doom3 or Call of Doom.

BUT within this newfangled non stop smooth swimming action Doom, which they do seem to be making an (honest?) attempt at there are some truly ?huh? decisions going on. Especially seeing that seemingly an effort IS being made. So far based on articles id say there is 70% good ideas and 30% crap. If the good ideas are well implemented enough it will outshine the crap and make a decent game.

People will not be playing it 20 years later though, they made sure of that.

And I don't even want a high def remake of Doom2, what the fuck for? I have no problems with the originals gfx. 
Not that a high def remake of Doom1/2 would be so bad either after all but I mean its OK, we have actual Doom1/2 with an infinity of content. Doesn't need to be invented.
But surely a FPS as good and timeless as the original could be created by a modern triple A studio some day ? No ? 
One day Killes. There's money to be made in a fast-paced action shooter with explorative, creative level design and layouts like D2 (and moreso Quake). 
Thank You I Feel Better Now. 
Doom 4 Enemies Dropping Items Isnt An Issue 
But it needs to make sense. Right now it's basically shoot ANY demon and you get a pinata situation of loot.

Doom enemies have always dropped ammo and guns, but they dropped for whatever they are carrying. Chaingunners drop bullets, soldiers drop shells. It wouldn't be out of the question for mancubus's to drop plasma, revenants to drop rockets.... just has to make sense! Imagine if you shot a dog in Quake and it dropped packs of rockets, you'd wonder what the fuck was going on!

Dropping health isn't an issue either. In Blood the enemies would occasionally drop a bleeding heart which served as a health pickup, it was basically your enemies soul. Doom could surely do this instead of dropping medkits. Or hell, have a zombie soldier who is a medic... problem fucking solved!

IMO this is a case of poor design language and exposition than merely poor design. 
"Doom enemies have always dropped ammo and guns, but they dropped for whatever they are carrying. Chaingunners drop bullets, soldiers drop shells."

Yes, this. I always appreciated that. Shooters that don't give you what the enemy was carrying can be frustrating.

"He had a shotgun! Where'd it go?!" 
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