~ Cast "Summon Preach" ~
#1022 posted by Kinn on 2015/10/14 22:12:17
Ok so for * reasons * that are too long-winded and boring to explain I am writing my own .mdl utility.
Anyway, there are a couple of minor things about the format that I'd like clarifying:
using this page as reference: http://www.gamers.org/dEngine/quake/spec/quake-spec34/qkspec_5.htm#CMDLF
In the file header:
scalar_t radius
Should this be the radius of a sphere that bounds the entire model over all frames? Or something a bit more fuzzy like the average bounding radius of each frame? What does the engine do with this?
scalar_t size
Average size of the triangles over all frames apparently?? Trivial to calculate, but a peek inside some .mdl files suggests not everyone bothers with this! Naughty.
Of the ones that do bother with it, their value often differs subtly to the one I get when I recalculate it (assuming it's the average over all triangles over all frames) and I'm sure my code is perfectly pukka.
What does the engine do with this? Is it just some obtuse software quake relic?
#1023 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/10/14 22:15:17
From what I remember, Carmack's software renderer would just paint vertices if a model got too far away from the camera ... so know how large the triangles were, on average, was probably tied to that.
I imagine nobody sets it because it's sort of a non-useful optimization these days.
#1024 posted by Kinn on 2015/10/14 22:20:44
From what I remember, Carmack's software renderer would just paint vertices if a model got too far away from the camera ... so know how large the triangles were, on average, was probably tied to that.
Fantastic prompt reply cheers! And yes that rings a bell now.
Anyone know about "radius" ?
#1025 posted by ericw on 2015/10/14 22:27:22
radius appears to be parsed but never used by the original engines: https://github.com/id-Software/Quake/search?q=boundingradius
I imagine it was put in to reduce loading time in case the model radius was needed, but they didn't end up using it and didn't bother removing it from the format.
#1026 posted by Kinn on 2015/10/14 22:33:53
Ah nice one! So another useless value, like eyeposition.
#1027 posted by Preach on 2015/10/14 23:01:00
If you still use QME as your model viewer (which I still do) then the eyeposition determines where the ground plane for the model is placed. Useless in-game but sort-of handy outside it.
Another useful reference for the format is:
Cheers Preach
#1028 posted by Kinn on 2015/10/14 23:19:55
There's an error in the link you posted, as well as in the link I posted, which both describe the .mdl format.
Both of them include the same error in their descriptions of the framegroup structure, i.e. they both say
long type; // Value != 0
trivertx_t min; // min position in all simple frames
trivertx_t max; // max position in all simple frames
float time[nb] // time for each of the single frames
simpleframe_t frames[nb]; // a group of simple frames
but it should be
long type; // Value != 0
long nb; // number of pictures in group
trivertx_t min; // min position in all simple frames
trivertx_t max; // max position in all simple frames
float time[nb] // time for each of the single frames
simpleframe_t frames[nb]; // a group of simple frames
I guessed where those tasty bytes of crucial extra info were stored and turned out to be correct.
#1029 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/10/14 23:31:55
I imagine the radius thing was probably being used as a culling shortcut at some point ... test the sphere against the frustum, discard the entire model if it's outside of it. But then never shipped ...
#1030 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/10/14 23:33:50
FWIW, ToeTag included the source as a download and it read MDL files successfully ... So if that's of any use to you, it's here:
Can't promise it's pretty, but it works. :P
No writing tho...
#1031 posted by Kinn on 2015/10/14 23:48:16
Cheers, I've actually got things pretty much working now though :)
#1032 posted by Preach on 2015/10/15 00:11:32
Another error in the quoted text (kinda)
float time[nb] // time for each of the single frames
Aha, you wish! It makes you think that you could have a variable framerate in a framegroup animation. And in software Quake you can. But in GLQuake (and basically all engines nowadays) this is broken, and the time value of the first frame sets the animation rate for the entire thing. So the only option compatible with all engines is having the entire sequence animate at the same rate.
To add insult to injury, you still need to set the values correctly for software compatibility (plus any engines which might try to fix the bug - a futile effort by now). And they aren't set how you'd expect:
[0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, ...]
[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, ...]
Yeaah Boyyyyyyyyyyy�
#1033 posted by aDaya on 2015/10/15 10:28:22
Looks Good
But I think that muzzle flash is a bit over the top. I would tone it down a bit, it looks cartoony as it is now. Or was that the intention?
It Was Meant To Be Big, Yes. Kinda Like TF2's Minigun
#1035 posted by aDaya on 2015/10/15 13:19:50
#1036 posted by Kinn on 2015/10/15 14:43:11
Preach - Cheers! That's some useful info to have. It sounds like it could be nice to have the corrected .mdl format info in the Quake Wiki :)
Daya - I like the cut of that weapon's gib. I think I'd have gone with a smaller/subtler muzzleflash, and I'm not too big a fan of the raised "idle pose" of the weapon, but basically do what you want and don't listen to me.
To Wit
#1037 posted by Kinn on 2015/10/15 14:49:55
I may update the quake wiki myself with all the .mdl info. Could be a fun little distraction.
Nice Work Daya
#1038 posted by Preach on 2015/10/16 01:03:36
You worried that team fortress might outcode you, but there's no doubt now your model surpassed what they could do.
that's really awesome to see in game, love it mate!
Lovely Stuff
#1040 posted by Skiffy on 2015/10/16 07:53:17
Nicely done man. Look forward to seeing a map use that weapon.
Gatling Gun Polishes + Nail Infantry
#1041 posted by aDaya on 2015/10/16 15:13:17
Realized I missed to play an extra frame in the programming for the barrel to rotate smoothly during the shooting loop. Also fixed the non-fullbright pixels on the muzzleflash texture.
Quakespasm webm: http://webm.host/b2613/vid.webm
Darkplaces webm: http://webm.host/08742/vid.webm
Also, I have started working on the Nail Infantry, which is basically a recreation of Doom 2's Chaingunner. Taking the Enforcer as a base, I have 2 designs in hand, but I don't know which one to choose:
Obviously the messy textures are temporary. I'm just looking for the right shape.
Thats Cool
#1042 posted by ijed on 2015/10/16 15:56:26
I'd say the bottom one, since it will give him a slightly more recognisable silhouette.
Muzzle Flash
#1043 posted by Mike Woodham on 2015/10/16 17:09:33
What does it look like when played against a Quake enemy? First impression is really good but just wondering if the muzzle flash might be a little too big?
Nevertheless, I like it.
#1044 posted by Lunaran on 2015/10/16 17:27:33
It does take up a lot of the screen, yeah. Resist the urge to put all your work front and center - AAA shooters that lavish detail on their guns and then make them cover a quarter of the screen are sort of irritating. When the gun is firing, the muzzleflash comes all the way up to the crosshair.
Still gives me Wolf3D flashbacks, too. :)
How did you solve the problem of vertex interp on the rotation? If I stop firing on the right frame does the gun collapse on itself?
#1045 posted by metlslime on 2015/10/16 18:33:49
at least in fitzquake, any frame with a muzzleflash is not lerped into or out of.
#1046 posted by aDaya on 2015/10/16 20:59:53
Depends on which firing frame is the last one before switching to the spinning down animation. The farther it is to the first spinning down frame's barrel rotating angle, the squichier the interpolation frame gets.
But because the firing frames have a self.nextthink of 0.05 instead of the traditional 0.1, the "collaspe" is barely noticeable when it happens.
As for the muzzleflash's size, I'll wait until level playtesting to see if the size needs to be changed.
Also, I modelled the muzzleflashes (there's actually 2 of them, I have to rotate the barrel 45� at each frame [360/45=8, it takes 2 frames for a proper minigun-like muzzleflash to animate, when one finishes its 2-frame animation, it goes back at the tip of the barrel, gets minuscule and let the second muzzleflash do its animation, and so forth], going further would make the barrel look like it's going so fast it would collapse by itself, like you said) so that it's extremely minuscule just at the tip of the barrel's interior, and it follows the barrel in every frames until the firing state, where it gets out just a few little units forward.