#2 posted by
Shambler on 2018/10/15 23:16:21
With a delicate slime jus.

Nice Map.
One of those is bigger than the other because particles, lol.

Cool Stuff!
#4 posted by
Breezeep_ on 2018/10/16 02:50:05
Skill 2 FDA
I accidentally typed "skill 3 at the start, so don't get confused.

Damn! Another Map Already?
#5 posted by
than on 2018/10/16 04:34:15
And a fine one at that. Had lots of fun here, and was frequently low on health. Died twice, once from some sneaky spawn in a secret, and once when I got cocky after I found the quad.
Not in love with poison enemies because the staus effect is annoying, but they fit the theme and I only got poisoned a few times.
Here's a demo. I died near the end and don't know how to continue recording, so the last 10 seconds of me quadding everything into oblivion is cut off. First try doesn't end well, which you can see.

#6 posted by
jcr on 2018/10/16 05:11:43
I love the encounters you set up for this one. I also liked those curvy brushes you used for walkways. Looks way better in game when compared to your screenshots tbh. Great stuff!

Updated Version With Exit Bug Hopefully Fixed.
#7 posted by
Shambler on 2018/10/16 09:43:27
For reference: "a bug slipped through testing. When the exit structure is revealed, if you try to impale yourself on spinning spikes, you can trigger the exit prematurely. So don't do that. Sorry about this, it didn't crop up before."
Also the exit barrier was damageable and could be shot open prematurely too. Sigh.

#8 posted by
Shambler on 2018/10/16 13:13:19
Can't check demos the now, but...
Otp and Breezeep, thanks.
Than, thanks. At some point people might get used to be putting Spawn in scecrets - but not yet ;). I agree about poison enemy and don't like them myself, but they fitted the map and made it more AD-y. I did, after a tester's suggestion, make sure almost every Fumigator, and most Spitting Swamplings, had a health pack nearby to cancel the poison.
Jcr - thanks, yes it was hard to get good shots of this, but people seem to like the look which is nice as it was a bugger to wrestle into shape. Glad you liked the encounters, I think the base map lent itself to a decent mixture of sneaky little ambushes and a few bigger ones.
Ionous - replying here cos reasons - thanks to you too and thanks for the crazily prompt stream. Glad you liked the designs (for the reason above) and the use of Id textures, I've always thought they had more mileage in them so I'm pleased it's working. If it got a bit tough at the end, well 66% of the testers asked for it to be beefed up :).
Once again sorry for the exit borkage, it's frustrating for me as everything seemed to be working well. I'll learn to triple check any advanced use of AD gubbins!
#9 posted by
mickmaus on 2018/10/16 17:50:43
It was indeed copper
Got confused about the very final switches there.

Isn't that skybox already in AD? Or is it modified?

It Might Be...
#11 posted by
Shambler on 2018/10/16 21:01:12
...but it's also on a skybox download site someone linked me and a I think I got it from there, so put it in the download in case.

Some Of The Switches.
#12 posted by
Shambler on 2018/10/16 21:01:44
And indeed monster closets and secrets might be derived from the original DM2.

Not My Favourite Of Your Maps But Still A Strong One!
#13 posted by
Drew on 2018/10/17 04:04:43

Can't Believe You Fucker Boxed It
#14 posted by
negke on 2018/11/13 17:34:14
And no mention of GPL (also could have included the map source in the zip for easier compliance).
Copper style looks nice.

#15 posted by
Shambler on 2018/11/13 20:31:33
I coulda deboxed, if I had a strong enough microscope to find the shit that I give.
I forgot about GPL. When I asked specifically about using ID maps as a basis, no-one mentioned that.
Thanks though, the copper style was tricky. The main walls are an edited texture that took me a dozen attempts to get right.

Walkthrough With Secrets And Moan About Textures And Details Here:
#16 posted by
Shambler on 2019/01/07 11:07:04
#17 posted by
Poorchop on 2019/06/01 01:40:52
Fun map chambler. Combat was good and I liked some of the cinematic moments, like the final floor opening up. I think that you were a little too generous with the health because I was playing like a total dummy but I felt pretty secure most of the time. That being said, I'm glad that some shortcuts opened to earlier areas in order to stock up on more health and I admittedly did die once to the final boss.
3/8 secrets, 122/136 kills. Saw some weird textures but I liked the copper theme. Good use of space as well, lot of action without feeling too cluttered although some of the ambushes were rough. Overall a very solid map.

Thanks Man.
#18 posted by
Shambler on 2019/06/01 10:03:07
Glad you liked it ;) Yeah health might have been generous, I do tend to err on the side of caution with that.