Skill 2:
That was a fun ride, so many creative maps it was an absolute blast to play!
I love the warm lighting here and the multiple layers, but the immense amount of in-your-face monster spawning got to be overwhelming. I liked the infighting that could happen on the top level though! Nice chunky brushwork as well.
This one steered away from the dank windy sewers to another realm. I liked the subtle green lighting you put on display here. I also like that you did something different with the trigger_push...making it almost like a vessel to create several small arenas. If I can throw a critisim it would be I would never say: "This is like E3M5!"
The name definitely suits the level layout! Very confusing use of trigger_push I almost felt like I was being watched by someone above the whole time. Different than the rest and I enjoy that fact. Again, I did not get an E3M5 vibe from this one.
The soft lights absolute drench in atmosphere and I certainly got the dark sewer vibe from this one. Menacing monster fights with the last one being an adrenaline rush! I liked the secrets. I think some of the sequences were a bit hardcore...perhaps too much so!
Award for the most unique map I would say. Really different...felt like some madman's medieval playhouse. No wind tunnel vibe here even though there are wind tunnels. The fans were a nice touch and not used to convey air pushing on any other map in the jam. Lighting was very flat.
Another very different take on wind tunnels. I liked the entirely different texture set used and the fact that the wind tunnel is used for a final send-off. I can't get a total sewer vibe but it's there!
Really awesome jam, it was a blast to make my map and I hope others had fun as well. I love seeing what people come up with when presented with the same theme.