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New Q1SP (AD) Forgotten Sepulcher

The next big release for Arcane Dimensions is finally here! This a technical masterpiece and a monster of a map with roughly 60k brushes. All beautifully realized by Simon, and made possible through the engine updates by Eric. Please take note that you need AD 1.5 and the new engine provided in this thread to play the map. I would also recommend reading the ad_sepulcher readme for further information.

** this map requires a new engine and AD 1.5 **

New Quakespasm / Quakespasm-spike Engine

Map file:


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"Someone Should Do A Secrets Guide For AD" 
totally :)

well, i'm going to play it through again, so i'll try harder this time around. 
Nice Article Here:

Great publicity for the map and how it shows how much Quake has progressed through it's lifetime. It would have been nice to have mentioned the context of a thriving mapping scene and other recent maps though! 
what a map!

i loved the new monsters, the crazy amount of detail, breakables and two-layer brickwork.

several of the new monsters exploded in my face when i was in a battle or distracted, it's a very nice addition

i made a demo, but my internet is working awful this week. i will upload it another time 
"Works", But Maps Don't Load 
I'm having trouble actually playing the levels.

I've done exactly what it said - I'm doing it via Steam:

1. Downloaded the latest Arcane Version of Quakespasm
2. Extract Quakespasm into your Steamapps/common/Quake root folder
3. Downloadrf Arcane Dimensions 1.5
4. Create Folder in your Steamapps/common/Quake and call it AD
5. Extracted Arcane Dimensions 1.5 into AD folder
6. Downloaded Arcane Dimensions 1.5 patch
7. Extracted patch into Arcane folder8. Download Arcane Dimensions 1.6 sepulcher map
9. Extracted Arcane Dimensions 1.6 sepulcher map into AD folder
10. Run Quakespasm-admod.exe
11. Edited the video settings and controls
12. Select Arcane folder from Mod menu or type game Arcane into console
13. Start a new Game.

I did all that, and the main "HUB" world works just fine.

But no matter what entrance I go in, it immediately goes to the "finished level" screen (but only shows the 'HUB' that's "finished); and then I have to start a new game which takes me back to the HUB again.

In other words, the maps aren't loading.

My maps folder is in "...Steam\steamapps\common\Quake\AD" where it should be, shouldn't it? 
Hit Fire 
I am serious. The HUB level has an "info_intermission" before the next level loads press fire... try it. I bet this is the "problem." 
For me to exit the intermissions it's right mouse click or hit the spacebar.

Hitting fire just cycles thru the other info_intermissions, isn't that standard? 
Also some parts of your process say that the folder name is "AD" while other parts say "Arcane". Which is it? 
Well maybe Spacebar then? Works for me. My last post was from memory. Sorry you are having problems. Sock can be found on Twitter.

Did you perhaps extract to AD maps instead of just the AD folder? 
What I meant by saying "isn't that standard" is, it's standard for Arcane Dimensions. I think this was a QC modification/change. It's now tied to any "jump" key instead of "shoot".

Regular Quake ofc, just shoot. 
Source For Qs-spike-admod? 
Is the source for the spiked version available so I can compile on Linux? 
Is the source for the spiked version available so I can compile on Linux?

Download the Windows executable; there's a file in the zip called "readme". 
Since I Have The Readme Already... 
Is this what you(#219) are looking for? 
QS Spike Source

Damn, I wish I had known this earlier! (just found that in the readme as per mh's instructions.

Would someone be so kind as to give foolproof instructions on how to compile this on Linux? I compiled the regular version using ericw's instructions from post #11 above, but on my own I'm lost. 
Rusted Key In Demon Head And Planet Alignment 
After I have haxed all the bodies on the hidden pentagrams, I got a message saying that a kind of rusted key was to be found in a demon's head. Which head, where ? I didn't found the key. I need help on this !

Also, I found that secret room with a portrait of sir Isaac Newton and planets on the ceilling (that was so cool, by the way !). Walking on the button made the planets to align and got a message about something was set. What this alignment is doing ? I didn't found anything new or special on the map from this planet alignment ! Any experience with this ? 
OH Yeah! Silly Me! 
Oops, oh yeah, I'm a complete idiot!

Pressing spacebar *does* send me into the level

Really sorry about that ^^; I shall enjoy the levels immensely when I have time to play on them :) 
I had a feeling I was right on this one! LOL glad you got it working. 
Would someone be so kind as to give foolproof instructions on how to compile this on Linux?
Should be the same as post #11 except you also need the zlib dev package from your distro ("sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev" for ubuntu/debian) 
The message means that you now have the key, although there isn't a status bar icon for it. You don't get to use it until near the end, though. 
What About The Planets Alignment In That Newton's Room ? 
What is this thing doing ? Is it just "decoration" ? 
508/509 Kills, 41/50 Secrets, But... 
what the fuck are the planets doing ?

And where hides the last monster ? After countless hours exploring the whole map, I'm unable to find the last coward.

And I need to solve that planets mechanism mystery.

And geez that map is amazing ! 
Sock, If You're Reading This... 
although there isn't a status bar icon for it.
Would it be within the realm of possibilities for the final 1.6 release to have a custom AD HUD a la -hipnotic that could display any custom key, provided that said key comes with its dedicated icon? 
Custom AD HUD 
Also needs engine changes.

I recall Sock posting something, here or elsewhere, that indicated he was looking at doing something with centerprints for this. 
Yeah, A Centerprint Menu, I Know, 
and it's cool but TBH it's a kinda makeshift solution. A custom HUD would be better. As for engine changes, modern engines already support the hipnotic HUD, so I assume it wouldn't need much more tinkering. AD wouldn't run on vanilla engines anyway. 
The CRYPT Key... 
Is it really that hard to find, it's driving me bonkers?! :(

I have 40/50 secrets, 470/508 baddies and I've been wandering around for hours now. Looking for that damn key!!!

Did it fall out of the map, hahaha 
Anyone Here Found The Planets Room ? 
What the hell is the mechanism doing ? 
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