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Inspiration & Reference
I just wanted to know if people had any links to good websites for either level design inspiration (photos, paintings, concept art, etc.) or just for architectural reference. We had a thread like this on the old qmap, but we know how much good that does us.
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Age Of Conan Ctf Level

Spotted this after Metl linked to the guys site for some GTK article. 
nice model:

seems like he was inspired by the Q1 Ogre! 
He did one awesome model, lots of other nice stuff worth checking out in this year Dominance War finalists: 
Soviet Flying Bedstead 
People Cooler Than Me Have Seen This Already 
people cooler than me can suck my dick 
Take Your Pants Off. 
Yes that blog is cool. 
is it just me, or most of the art is charachter-centered, while finding inspirational environment art is much harder 
plus, it's mostly chicks aged 18-24, and a smattering of weird monster characters...

few artists seem interested in painting men, old women, or children (unless they are disturbed and-or sexualized girls.)

These guys do have a lot of talent, though. 
Chicks And Monsters 
Are the bestest things to draw, metl -- EVERYONE knows that

Excellent stuff, Lunarol. 
Oooooooh - Bengal Doing Spiderman 
not that I really care about spiderman but bengal is cool. 
The Architecture Of Alfred Hitchcock 
stairs dammit, stairs 
If Stairs Are Suspense 
then a ceiling fan is horror.
And couple em, you've got twin peaks. A girl told me she remembers only that from watching it as kid and it was a strong experience. 
I Love Stairs. 
Staris are like one of my fave tings to map in maps. I really have no idea, why -- but I always find them appealing in games, and even in architecture. 
Beyond Gritty 
Not Quakey In Any Way: 
Looks Like 
The Buenos Aires Italian Qaurter. When the immigrants came off the ships they had no paint for their houses, so bought it on the docks. The paint was all for ships, so the colours were from all over the spectrum. 
I Dunno What I Like More, 
that every house in that shot is a different color, or that every house in greece is whitewashed with a blue roof:

So Mediterranean. 
you're thinking of Camino street in Boca. What you say is right back then, now only one street (the tourist street) has house like that. 
Fair Enough 
I was there less than a day. 
Yay, Precarious Heights. 
Truss Reference 
Warren Spector Master Class 
These are some great (and long.. over 2 hours each!) videos of Warren Spector interviewing a bunch of game industry people for a master class at U Texas.
mirror of videos:

I watched Hal Barwood, Richard Garriott, and Tim Willits which were all quite interesting. Willits kept calling Quake a "mess", and seemed to like Q2 more. 
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