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Q1SP Mod DevKit - Progs_dump
progs_dump is a QuakeC compilation intended to give Quake mappers more creative options than “vanilla” Quake, while retaining the look, feel and gameplay of the original.

Features include:

* trigger spawned monsters
* custom sounds (ambient and triggered)
* custom models and sprites with optional animation frames
* multiple targets, targetnames and killtargets
* custom trigger_push (can be used for water currents, et al.)
* enhanced triggers (start off and is_waiting flag to delay triggering)
* enhanced plats (toggle, start at bottom, etc.)
* trigger_setgravity (on player and / or monsters)
* trigger_usekey (trigger volume that requires a key to fire)
* tele_fog (play teleport effect e.g. disappearing monsters)
* Rotfish fixes

Sample Maps by Ionous, Mclogenog and dumptruck_ds

Please read the manual for full details.

NOTE: If you use this DevKit, your map should be released as a stand-alone mod and installed into its own folder in the Quake directory. This is not intended to be a mod that people make and release content for.


Ionous' map
Yoder's map
dumptruck's map
Ionous' 2nd map

There will be some bugs. I'll do my best to keep this updated regularly. I hope you find it useful!

4mb download on Quaketastic.
Or on Dropbox

Source on Github
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Looped Sounds 
Don't know why but the play_sound_triggered entity in my maps always loops the sound-file with or without markers. So I had to trigger it again to stop. 
You are probably triggering it with a trigger_multiple so it's just firing it over and over.

Did a trigger_once on a play_sound_triggerd with a soundfile without markers and the sound repeats and repeats. Did it with a trigger_relay and it happend the same.

So I now shoot two trigger_relays. The first starts the sound, the second, with a delay of the length of the sound, stops it.

Have no idea why it works this way today.
The first time I worked with this entity a trigger_once was enougth and the sound stops after playing. 
No idea what's up with that but I am glad it is working now. 
Version 1.1.0 Release Candidate 3 
progs_dump 1.1.0 Release Candidate 3 is now available for download.

Highlights in this release:

custom health on monsters
trigger_take_weapon (for axe only starts)
weapon_shotgun with metlslime's mdl or Slapmap's version
c0burn's switchable light styles and fade / up down of lights
lightning trail entities for traps and decorations (DOE)
visual effects entities: play_explosion, play_tbabyexplode, play_lavasplash
misc_particle_beam from Zerstörer
func_fall - brush that drops upon touch
trap_shooter - spikes, lasers, rockets, grenades, lavaballs, gibs and voreballs
"retriggerable" func_train with custom sounds
new sample maps for reference

The final version will be released some time in June. 
Bumping This Thread 
For folks who may have missed it due to spam posts tamping this down. Still working on the final version, should be out by the end of June.

The final will have a few new features and a proper hub for the test levels:

** Added func_bob and misc_bob (RennyC adapted from AD)
** Added misc_sparks (Rubicon2)
** Added misc_particles (misc_splash from Rubicon2)
** Added sight_trigger - monsters fire targets upon seeing the player
** Added keep_ammo to Ogre, Soldier and Enforcer (no "DropBackpack" if set to 1)
Progs_dump_devkit Version 1.1.0 
The new version of progs_dump is here. Designed to give mappers more visual effects, game play options and quality of life features while retaining the look and feel of vanilla Quake. This is a massive release compared to version 1. It's thoroughly documented and has been tested over and over. Some highlights include:

*visual effects like particles, sparks, lasers and lightning
*pain_targets that fire when a monster reaches a certain health level
*c0burn's switchable light styles and fading light effects
*trap_spikeshooter now shoots lavaballs, voreballs, rockets and more
*Rubicon2's "retriggerable" spawnflag and custom sounds to func_train
*ladders and two varieties of breakables
*various Hipnotic and Rogue entities like func_counter and earthquakes
and much, much more.

You can download it from the Internet Archive or from Quaketastic

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3
Screenshot 4


Thanks to Qmaster, RennyC, c0burn, Spike and many others who helped me create this devkit. Enjoy! 
You weren't kidding when you said you could rush it out sooner 
I stayed up late to wrap it up... enjoy! 
Finally Downloaded It And Started Brainstorming 
Just played the cool demo maps and read the manual. Aw man, such great quality of life improvements for mappers! Quite an effort you've made here, Dumptruck! Good job to the other authors as well!

While reading the manual, I was wondering if you've considered adding the option of making aggroed monsters "going back to sleep", for example, by triggering one of the monsters targetnames when they are aggroed?

And now that I'm getting started, maybe add spawnflags that tell the monster to target a specific path_corner once the aggro has been disabled? There could be spawnflags 'upon_sleep_targetx', where x is one of the monster's four targets? If the spawnflag's not active, the monster would just simply stop when "put to sleep".

Another option could be that if the monster is touching a path corner (either a point or a brush path corner) when the aggro is disabled, the monster would start following that path.

These options could enable powerful tools for making custom monster AI!

And now that I'm really going down the rabbit hole, maybe add the possibility of enabling path corners the monsters would follow only when they're aggroed. If I recall correctly from an earlier discussion here, Quake II (or should I say Wor, Kinn?) ;D has those, right?

Or on second thought, should I just stop right here? xD There was a discussion in the Copper Quake thread about making a too involved AI, wasn't there, and it wasn't found to work very well with the game, right?

So, maybe as a compromise, implement just the option of making monsters going back to sleep and none of that pathing nonsense? xD 
Thanks for the kind words. I'll look into something like this for a future release. Will be a long time though (see below.) I suspect what you are suggesting is likely possible. But moving forward with the mod keep a few things in mind:

**I am shying away from specific requests. If a number of people ask for something I will add it to a to-do list. A good example are ladders and breakables. I did not want them in the mod as they were not id1 features. But I added them because a lot of people wanted them!

**I am taking a break from progs_dump for the next 90 days with the exception of bugs. I want to focus on other projects and this one grew beyond the original scope very quickly.

**I started by following tutorials and copy and pasting code and testing a bunch. I am still very much a newb when it comes to coding and QuakeC. So to implement something like you suggest above I would really like to really understand how that all works. So I am not saying "no" but I am saying anything like this would take me a some time. But I will absolutely look into it! 
Don't worry, take a long rest; You've deserved it! ;) I kind of hesitated making my suggestion in the first place, because you've just finished a gargantuan task, only to be greeted by more requests. @_@ I didn't want to make myself come out as unappreciative for your work, but more like excited about seeing the kit become even greater than it already is.

Yeah, I recall the original purpose of this devkit being id1-like, so I was wondering whether my suggestion, at least the aggro pathing part, was id1-like enough. But since there was already non-id1 stuff like breakables, I was encouraged to go for it. 
No Worries 
Happy to have any feedback and suggestions! 
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