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QuakeDroid - Quake For Android
QuakeDroid is Android Quake that should run on any Android phone made in the last 5-6 years, but has only been tested on 2 phones (one 32-bit, one 64-bit).

Designed to have controls similar to popular mobile games (/cough Minecraft). Went deep on the documentation to try to empower the user.

Does not require Quake to install, it downloads Quake shareware on startup.

* How to put your TrenchBroom/J.A.C.K map on your phone
* Where is your Quake folder?
* Difference between shareware vs. registered Quake
* Put registered Quake pak1.pak from Steam/GOG on your phone
* How to set a startup command line.

The menu has 2 methods of navigation, you can touch items like "Single Player" or manually slide the volume slider bar or use the menu nav buttons.

* Tap-fire (double tap on an Ogre to shoot it)
* Drag-look (like Minecraft)
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ignoring keyboards, autoaim is still fairly important for gamepads too.
at its most basic, all it'd need to do is to reduce non-mouse sensitivity while the crosshair is over entities flagged with U_NOLERP (aka: U_STEP), or something (the other option is to network an additional takedamage==AIM flag).

Regarding keyboard users, the view already auto-pitches according to whatever slope the player is standing on (assuming mlook is off). Pitching it towards enemies too might not be too unreasonable as sv_aim basically does exactly this already.
Note that this could actually be done fully serverside inside SV_SetIdealPitch. Keyboard users would then auto-pitch while mouse users wouldn't even notice, both would be catered to without adding any new settings - but what kind of weirdo still favours keyboard-only?!?

The other option is to add some extra userinfo setting(like name/colours) to control sv_aim on a per-client basis, but personally I'd rather the actual viewangles changed instead of just the weapons. 
For reference, in QuakeWorld if the server had autoaim set, you could opt out of that by setting "noaim 1" in your client. 
Kindle Working 
Yeah, so thanks for fixing that. 
Tried it on a Pixel 2 just now. No joy so far...

On launching I get this message:

Which then leads to:

I tried rebooting the phone, didn't help.

Then I tried manually creating and populating the Quake directory.

Made the directory here:

Put pak files in it like so:

Same result when trying to run the app.

Was just curious, so I'm not raging at the sky here, but if there's anything you want me to do to help debug this let me know. 
Ah duh, it needs an id1 subfolder. For some reason I thought I saw that this app was doing that differently. 
@brassbite, @johhny 
@brassbite: Awesome, thanks for the confirmation!

@johnny: Did you get it to work? I'm thinking you did. I'm not sure why it would work differently on that phone vs. all the other phones the various others have tried, but yeah, I care of course! 
Yup works now. Didn't auto-download pak0.pak, but worked when I put the paks in. 
Yeah ... mh and Spike's comments.

I don't want to add "bot-like" behavior and cannot control what a server uses for settings or QuakeC. 
Ok, here is a demo that shows the weird centerview behavior near the end. I don't know how long the whole demo is, but it starts out in e4m7, when I reconnected with the software version because the hardware version had just crashed with that cache error. Centerview kept working fine, until we got to e1m3 at about 18 minutes in, right as we were about to exit. But around 25 minutes into e1m3 there are some good examples of me testing it and saying when I was pressing the button, then I'd wait, and then my view would be centered like 15 seconds later without me touching anything. I'm not positive I was tapping the correct button a few times before that when it didn't seem to be working at all (small android keyboard) but the other guy on the server experienced the same issue at the same time I did. 
Oh yeah, additionally, I find that gl_overbright 0 causes things like doors and ammo boxes to... uh... get extremely blurry to the point where it looks like they are textureless. 
Demo acquired.

saying when I was pressing the button


This one has my curiosity. I don't know how long it will take to develop some sort of plan, but an interesting bug and what should be enough evidence to trap it, is kind of like a 4D Rubik's cube. 
With pq_moveup 1 set, if you go in the water (I was in waist-deep) and tap jump, you just keep furiously bobbing even after you release jump. It only stops if you actually tap a +moveup key.

In android, r_bloom 1 causes a huge black square to appear and take up almost half my screen. Yeah, I know: experimental feature in development?

gl_flashblend 1 is causing many things to appear with a blue lightball instead of orange.... Watch the start demo and see the ogres and scrags glowing blue.

Tapping the power button on android (normally this would cause the screen to go to sleep) kills QuakeDroid and HARD NUKES all configs. It even erased my name, colors, and social security number. All default controls were set to ??? (nothing), and I had to delete the config.cfg file to even get those back.

I should start holding all my bug reports for ransom.... "Deliver OGG support to the dumpster outside of the Slipgate Complex, or you'll never see your precious bugs again!!" >:D 


Uhhh, In the Mark V thread, Baker said:

Gunter, I just want to point out that it is impossible to play ogg on Android or an iPhone (without unacceptably chewing up metric shit tons of CPU -- hence the frames per second would be absolute trash --- because it is an obscure format and hence does not have hardware decoding in the processor)

Soooo, I just happened to be browsing the File Explorer on my Android device, and in the "Recent" section, imagine my surprise when I found (because I had been adjusting my alert sound): "hangouts_message.ogg"

I tap that and it opens right up in a Google Play Music popup right there on my screen....

So... yeah... it seems Android is FULLY CAPABLE OF PLAYING OGG FORMAT, and at least one Google app includes sound effects in OGG format....


Just Saying....

I guess it remains to be seen if it would actually affect the frame rate, but it seems that QuakeDroid does not yet include any music support anyway -- at least I can't get it to play the MP3s.

Though with Google having OGG support built in and used in some of its major apps on Android... I'd suspect it would not be a CPU-killing format on Android... otherwise... why did Google chose to use such an "obscure" format? 
Since This Is A Good Place For Quake For Android Questions.... 
Quake For Android [EDIT]
Posted by Reyond on 2018/05/29 21:29:46
Hello. I have a question about running my quake mod on android devices. Of course, I can launch quake on android using qi4a port. After that I can replace original ID1 folder with my one.

But what should I do if I decide to distribute my game? How can I add my quake mod to Google play? Is it possible to make .apk file with my mod?

#1 posted by Spike on 2018/05/29 22:01:04 spam
Depends on the engine as to whether it already works. I implemented it into FTE, where it was really handy for touchscreen widgets etc, so maybe it'll work in qi4a(aka dp) already - check the path command to see.

apks and pk3s are basically the same thing so the bulk of the code is already there. Just remember that if you're nesting pk3s or paks inside an apk then be sure to NOT use compression when adding that file to your apk, otherwise seeking gets expensive. This is no great loss - other files can still be compressed, and any files inside the pk3 will still be compressed, just avoid paks).

#2 posted by Reyond on 2018/05/29 23:47:38 spam
Thanks for respond! I will try to do that with Qi4a. However, fte engine is my favorite quake-based engine but it has complicated and not really handy controls. I would like to use fte if it had handy control system. For instance I like how it is made in quake touch

#3 posted by Reyond on 2018/05/30 02:21:40 spam
Also, in FTE port movement buttons and rotating does not work at one time.

#4 posted by anonymous user on 2018/05/30 04:42:05 spam
"QI4A is broken for good I'm afraid. I know this because I had to fix the issue it has in order for QVR (Quake VR) to work correctly. Basically the problem is Android 5 introduced some security checking on calls to snprintf, which means a null string is returned if it detects invalid characters in the input string. As Darkplaces uses certain characters in its netcomms code, it is failing on starting the game on Android 5 and above and is unable to go any further." 
So, I acquired a USB OTG cable from ebay for under $1 (great option as long as you don't mind ordering directly from China and waiting weeks for it to arrive... and I'm a cheapo who hasn't upgraded his WinXP netbook, so that works for me!).

I hooked up a USB mouse, in an attempt to make my teeny tiny Quake device ( ) as much like a teeny tiny PC as possible.

Well, mouse control obviously hasn't been considered in QuakeDroid, but it does function at a system level in Android (just like OGG decoding! XD ), and shows a mouse cursor on the screen.

It thinks my screen on QuakeDroid is rotated 90 degrees to the left though (same with the softkeys being along the right side of the screen), so when I move the mouse up, it moves left on the screen, moving the mouse right moves the cursor up, etc.

It acts as a "touch" rather than functioning as actual mouse1 or other mouse motions. If I hold down mouse1, then I can "drag" the screen around just like with touch aiming. Double-clicking makes it fire, and I can click through the menus (sideways...).

And if I use the mouse cursor to press any of the onscreen controls, it activates that control, just like a touch.

So actual mouse controls might be viable, assuming the mouse can be separated from touch controls. But I'm not sure how possible that is.... 
I have never seen any app for android, where the mouse does more than stay a cursor. Mouse is probably not supported in a way that would enable FPS Gaming.
Though in PUBG Mobile, there are people ”hacking“ which means Android emulator users from Windows using Keyboard and Mouse. Those are not supported by the actual game and are very unfair for other players. 
relative motion requires android 7.0, and even then I've no idea how to hide the cursor itself.
android just wasn't made for mice... 
Hm, there do seem to be some methods for distinguishing mouse input:

At the very least, perhaps the mouse could still operate the menus, if QuakeDroid and Android could agree about which direction was "up." 
Feature Request For Your Next Coding Season

I'd like to play in ”full immersive“ mode, without the black Android navigation bar with the gray triangle, circle and square (see scr.)

Also, I am unable to play mp3s. My CD-Rips are mp3s at 256kbs, because I have enough space for good quality.
Do I need to lower the bitrate? Which bitrate is recommended? 192kps? Or even lower? 
How to compile quakedroid?
i got this error

executing external native build for ndkBuild 
Compiling QuakeDroid ... 
Assumes you have quakedroid_gl_source_20180508.rar downloaded ...

For source folder named:


Open folder C:/quakedroid_gl_source_20180508/Android_GLQuake

// 1. "make_symlink.bat" may need admin privledges to create the symlink ...
make_symlink.bat (double click me ... you need only do this once to build folder reference)

// 2. Compile ...
gradle_assembleDebug.bat (double click me to compile!)

// 3. Install on your phone with USB cable connected otherwise having your phone with ADB development mode available
// Which may require drivers
adb_debug.bat (double click me me to install on your phone!)

Android development can be cruel and brutal.

Android NDK (C/C++ code like QuakeDroid) is several times as cruel, as Android is geared towards Java and support for C/C++ code is awkward.

It is best if you do several Android tutorials before stepping on to this playing field to get your phone setup right and get a handle on the basics!

Finding adb drivers for your phone might be a challenge or it may go easy ... for my phone finding the drivers was moderately difficult and it was a minor nightmare finding them for my phone model.

Every phone has a different manufacturer and tons of models, etc.

ericw compiled without guidance, so I think I did a pretty solid job making it as easy to compile as possible.

May fortune ever be in your favor! 
I found the problem,that was whitespace in Program Files (x86),dumb error:)

another problem in
Error:(47, 19) SDL.h: No such file or directory 
SDL.h: No such file or directory

See #2 above "make_symlink.bat (double click me ... you need only do this once to build folder reference)" 
I tried,its show this:

C:\Windows\system32>rem cd "C:\androidprojects\SDL\app\src\main\jni"

C:\Windows\system32>rem we are in C:\Dropbox\quakedroid_source_20180401_controllerus_functional2\SDK\SDL2-2.0.8\android-project

C:\Windows\system32>rem need to nav to app\src\main\jni

C:\Windows\system32>rem sym to here C:\Dropbox\quakedroid_source_20180401_controllerus_functional2\SDK\SDL2-2.0.8

C:\Windows\system32>rem Kill the fake folder

C:\Windows\system32>rmdir /s /q app\jni\SDL2
The system can not find the path specified.

C:\Windows\system32>cd app\jni
The system can not find the path specified. 
Forget about all this:)
just done that commands in cmd

got apk:)
Uploading file
local path: C:\quakedroid_gl_source_20180508\Android_GLQuake\app\build\outputs\apk\QuakeDroid-GL-debug.apk 
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