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The NetRadiant Level Editor
NetRadiant-custom is continuation of NetRadiant, based on GTKRadiant, which supports numerous games, with some emphasis on Quake.

win32 build
win64 build

Simple install instructions are included in q1pack\q1pack.txt
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- an improvement over 1.5.
Indeed, just rechecked 1.5's behavior; was sure, that it had ability to preserve names. Is quite inconvenient to have no one -)

- Multiple types: atm entity system in radiant is name based, i.e. specific classname must have unique name.
Ic some thirdparty solution
using different classnames for special entities
then batch compilation like:
sed -e 's/oldstuff/newstuff/g' inputFileName > outputFileName
compile outputFileName

- shift+mouse2 = tunnel objects selector in all modes
Were you trying to quit freelook with shift+m2? :-) 
Just selecting multiple brushes, then trying to move the view in order to select some more, but too slow at releasing shift before pressing m2... 
The more power you have, the more control you need -)
Though condition for shift+m2 click/drag selectors is releasing m2, while shift is down.
(+exactly zero move for click and quite big one for drag) 


* ctrl + shift + v: MoveToCamera (translate selection to camera origin)
* m2 in entities creation menu: change classname; ctrl + m2: change classname, don't close menu
* ctrl + m1 in entities creation menu: create entity, don't close menu (+offset every next entity by 8u or gridsize, if > 8)
* m1x2 on clipper point = do clip


* Shortcuts item moved from Help to Edit
* misc->colors->opengl font selector


* do not delete selected on entities creation, just deselect
* ExpandSelectionToEntities: do not select invisible nodes
* fix: snap translation amount on paste/move to camera commands instead of stuff's origin (to keep one with size (2*N + 1)*gridSize on grid)
* MapName build system variable (can use to make build menu entry to run map in a game)
* build->customize: list available build variables
* texture browser: gtk search in directories and tags trees
* fix: build menu->customize Cancel button cancels (was reloading menu from disk)
* build menu->customize Reset button (= reload menu from disk = editor start state)
* fix: laggy selectors, manipulators in mlook mode
* scale free->snapped mode: constrain to two axes, most perpendicular to view direction (i.e. works for two axes in 3d too)
* scale free->snapped mode: use min move delta for scale (was max = hard to scale down); fix ZY projection case
* fix: pointfile was considered as shown, when trying to load missing one
* entity inspector->EntityProperties treeview: Tab keypress = focus Key field
* 2x2 layout: allow gtk to handle separators positions; fixes: unmaximize wnd, maximize = horizontal separators > center
fixes: unmaximize wnd = not updated views glwidget positions on some systems
* fix: paint selector, selecting occluded faces
* camera->field of view option
* wider Texture Gamma preference range
* wad games->texbro treeview: do not group names, using underscore; fixes crash on loading parent; fixes mess if path contains underscore
* fix: do not quit freelook on autosaving
* entity creation menu has ability to be 'tearoff'
* wad games: fix TextureBrowser_ShowDirectory crash on loading common dir (can cfg to load .wad), on loading containing dir (do nothing)
* wad games: fix crash on selecting a shader (not a plain texture) in tex bro
* wad games: more reliable filterbar texturing defaults
* shader for 'caulk new brushes' and 'clipper uses caulk' options is optional via 'shader_caulk' option in .game
* fix: q1 mdl reader out of bounds reading crash
* fix: q1 mdl loading of MDL_FRAME_GROUP case
* fix: rightclick main wnd border, release in texbro glwidget == crash (unfreezepointer)
* texbro: search in currently shown textures
* ask for saving nonsaved map on project settings change
* func_detail to nongame group ents counter
* deiconify main wnd, unmaximize maximized view on app closing to save correct layout data
* close preferences dialog on ESC
* Enter = Ok in global and path settings dialogs
* print renderer stats in XY views too
* global 'show renderer stats' option, def = off
* ~10x faster opengl text rendering
* calculate farplane from g_MaxWorldCoord, g_MinWorldCoord (was const 32768)
* 1.0f nearplane
* numerous code fixes
* texbro search: SearchFromStart option (match start of texture name)
* texbro search: entry is activated/deactivated by mouse pointing
* texbro search: clear button
* renewed q1 gamepack ( by w_w )

Some questionable idea is to remember last action of clipper (clip or split) and use it while triggering action via m1x2 (can confuse...)

Q1 default build menu is open for suggestions: want same simple structure (3 singles, rough test, final)
want bounce for final, may be something else

Question: are filterbar texturing bindings fine in q1 mode? (i'm not experienced in q1 common textures usage) 
forgot .[ExecutableType] in build menu :3
Reuploaded the file 
The Q1 gamepack is somewhat problematic, though (and I accidentally overwrote my own :P). In my view, the way Radiant handles models is impractical for editing, because it displays either the model (if set in the entities def file) or the bounding box. Having only the model can make proper placement awkward. It would be better if the outline of the box was shown around the model as well. As it stands, I deleted all "model" paths again.
Additionally, in Q1 the ammo models are BSP files, so they don't show up in the editor at all. The md3 files referenced in the new gamepack are not included apparently, and furthermore the bounding boxes set in the def file are wrong (all Q1 items are 32*32*56 regardless of their physical size). This can cause items to fall out of the level if placed partially inside geometry by accident.

Q1 build menu: I don't use that personally. If anything, it maybe should have "qbsp only", "quick compile" (qbsp, light, vis -fast) and "final compike" (qbsp, light -extra, vis -level 4) default options, but even these can vary depending on which compilers are used. For instance, current tools all support light -extra4 for smoother lightmaps, but older tools do not.

Filterbar: They don't seem to do much at all. The only special textures used in Q1 are: "trigger", "clip" and "skip" (no variations like weapclip etc). Some new compilers also have rudimentary support for "hint". Liquids are determined by an asterik in texture name, e.g. *water. A few new source ports allow alpha textures, but I think the naming standards differ - like textures beginning with a }, I think. Someone else please clarify.
There are no internal detail brushes or brush flags in general - the only way to achieve this in Q1 is to turn geometry into "func_detail" entities which newer compilers then convert back to structural brushes without generating vis portals for them. 
Having bbox, represented by lines, is one of wished features, it helps, while placing, for sure; though, i'v been told, that entities with models appear ingame exactly, as seen in editor.
There is visual representation of entity origin atm; it is possible to use it for placing, but need to offset halve bbox size in mind -)

md3 models are included (and more things); try q1pack dir, q1pack.txt

Filterbar: it is reconfigured in supplied, would like to know, if fine or not. 
The q1pack included is basically for ease of use. The filterbar enables filtering (m1 click) and texturing (m2 click) for clip, skip etc.
Also added a scripts folder to go in id1 which allows transparent textures/filtering in editor. You can add any texture to the shader for trans - useful for *water n stuff.

As for models, they show in game exactly as placed in editor; bar the ammo boxes which are all 32x32 big box over the 24x24 small box. The box="" sizes I didn't touch =p
Would be cool to see a bounding box along with the models for sure, 

* extradebug_quicker BUILD mode (defines _DEBUG_QUICKER = no slowing down debug renderables)
* draw bbox for having model + selected entities
* disabled depth write for qer_trans surfs and highlight (=any amount of layers is visible)
* 20x faster light radii rendering
* light radii are coloured and additive
* improved q1 pack (common textures, fix entities sizes)
* anisotropic textures filtering option (def = yes)
* GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP light radii spheres (2.5x faster)
* new very fast entity names rendering system
* render entity names in cam within < 768u dist or if selected
* fix: noninitialized lightradii, if light value is not set (example: lightjunior)
* light power is adjustable by mouse drag
* oranje names for group entities, having childrens selected (also no distance cull in cam for those)
* QuakeLive game pack 
How can I get this running on Linux? 
netradiant-custom.7z/netradiant-custom/netradiant-custom-20161202/src.7z\_bak69/COMPILING :) 
Would it be possible to have two independent "Show" options for the entity names in order to enable/disable their display for each window (one for 2D and one for Camera)? Or maybe a way to customize the rendering distance (either in menu or in .pref file)? 
Im in doubts about entity names options, too much ones are possible -)
Atm thinking about two ones: 'show for unselected' and 'show for selected'
This + may be display dist feels not too much to confuse user
What is your problem, something like 'cam, spammed by names'?
Btw, there was alternative suggestion: command to toggle *hide world + show entity names*

I have question about your crash on switch to diff app, while in freelook: does it always stay in freelook after switching out and back? (i e when no crash too?) 
It's just a little strange seeing all the names through the walls even if the actual entities are blocked by world geometry. If there was an entry in local.pref where one could set the distance at which names are rendered, I would certainly lower it.

Crash: I haven't encountered it again, yet (although haven't done much mapping, either). I tried a few things just now and, at least now, it didn't seem to stay in freelook. In most cases, the camera window was still moved behind the other two windows even when it was on top before switching apps. Tried switching apps with alt+tab, win+tab and win key. Though still not sure what exactly triggered the crash in the first place. 
Made two things about names:
* preferences->display->entities->Names Display Distance (in cam) def = 768u
* always show selected/childSelected entity names (unselected is optional)

About cam window, is funny, but going behind is normal gtk behavior
I made helloworld test app and it does the same (and big gtk apps do)
Basically it displays active window 1st, then the rest of windows, so active appears behind xD
Prolly can grind out some hack around that to present last active wnd, but the rest of wnds gonna be still tossed
mhm, just noticed, that 'activate main wnd, (focus out,in)*2' restores wnds order correctly

About modal windows, going behind: it is possible to set them 'always on top' (this works systemwide)
Sup with nonmodal tools windows then though (want them to be on top of canvas, right?) 
Just to say you are doing God's work here - I love the feel of NetRadiant, and it's just getting better with your improvements :)

A little thing I wondered if you could consider:

Would it be possible to have options in the editor to set the paths to qbsp, vis and light? Currently this has to be done by editing an xml file tucked away in an obscure folder somewhere...I think? 
Atm there is no conception like 'path-to-Nth-build-tool', instead generic variables are used.
So may be ability to edit generic variables?
Or may be built in 'BuildToolsPath' variable, defaulted to RadiantPath and with ability to select path via dialog.
But using that in build menu would break backwards compatibility.
Still is not clear why these extra preferences are needed, atm it's as simple as 'drop compiler binaries to radiant folder, use' and even portable.

About floating windows layout: after fairly massive research i see two ways to fix that:
One is to make canvas wnds children of main wnd (i e built in = delimited by main wnd borders); examples: doom3edit, jack
This would be quite straight way to fix wnds order problem
Second is: dynamically set tools wnds transient to canvas ones in focus in event of 2nd ones; it seems, that gimp does that for detached canvas wnds
This is more tricky and risky option + there are plugins windows out of simple reachability
Tossing wnds would still occur on app focus out, in... that is how gtk transient function works; if i grab Windows Manager window and set transient via Windows function, it works just fine (no tossing); though that is really hacky (and Windows only) 
Build Tools Path 
Ability to edit generic variables sounds useful but obviously not worth doing if it's gonna break backwards compatibility.

It just took me a fair bit of fiddling around before I realised how to change the paths, but probably more my dumbness than anything.

Rather than dropping the build tools in the radiant folder, I prefer to keep them in a centralised place so multiple editors can reference them, and when the build tools need updating I only need to update them in that one place. 
I don't quite understand the window fixes, but from the sound of it, the first one seems better. Although, like I said, I haven't encountered the crash so far. Maybe it's already fixed? Only things about the windows I noticed (that are different compared to Gtkradiant 1.5) is that some windows sometimes require me to click on their title bar to focus instead of just anywhere inside them. And I occasionally close the entity window by accident, and upon toggling it again, it's centered instead of the position it was before. But this is a not really an issue.

Feature request (unless already present in some form): it would be nice if one could use the mousewheel to zoom in and out onto an object in orbit mode (freelook+tab), because with the default distance, the object in the center can easily be obscured by other stuff.

Not to be bothering about the entity model + bounding box display again... but would it be possible to include an option (e.g. checkbox in preferences) to enable the rendering of the bbox around the models all the time instead of only when they are selected?

By the way, is it just for me or do the buttons read "Cance" instead of "Cancel" for everyone else, too? 
It displays all models except for player.mdl?! 
-window fixes: it's not about crash, but occluding some wnds like scale dialog or csg tool by canvas wnds (in floating wnds layout)

-some windows sometimes require to click on their title bar: only time, when this happens, i'm aware of, is trying to bring on top already focused wnd (after app focus out, in: this doesnt happen in 1.5, since no wnds tossing in old GTK version, used there); Calling present() function on all clicks/scrolls isn't healthy (adds lag), so is called only on focus change

-entity window is centered instead of the position it was before: what are steps to reproduce? after some change in GTK there actually was problem with correct wnds positions restoring, but entity wnd has workaround already (floating canvas wnds still need that)

-orbit mode: it's ''fit selection bbox to camera view'' function actually; not sure what to do, since no things like distance there (though i agree, usability of current function is limited)

-bbox around the models: will add, can imagine its usability (but spoiling the view on the other hand)

-"Cance": Is it true for any dialog? "Cancel" here usually, may be button size < text with your settings?

-player.mdl: it's the way, .ent is configured; ww decided to left boxes there, because same model would be used for various spawns; might be fine idea to use model there too, as ent names are shown in camera too 
Seems I Suck 
I thought the entity window thing was sometimes triggered by closing it with ESC when actually intending to deselect an entity, but I can't seem to reproduce it now...

"Cance" was indeed caused by the custom text size setting in Windows. I had it at 125%, because otherwise the text would be a little too small for comfortable use. Something about the transition to Windows 10 that caused this hiccough. I've now set it to default and then back to 125% and it say "cancel" like it should. However, now certain other things look a bit weird, e.g. the menu bar buttons are slightly larger and the lines in the 2D window are fairly thick and black. Some weirdness in other programs, too. FFS, Windows!

Player.mdl display works, too. I did add it in the .ent file, but it still didn't show up, that's why I wondered. Apparently the reason is that I had backup copies of the file in the same directory ("entities - copy.ent" as Windows does it) which Radiant loaded instead of the actual file. :P 
It loads all found .ent and .def files.
So it's easy to drop in mod entities.
To make backup change/add some other file extesion 
So I keep fiddling around with this script for hours, wondering why it wouldn't work, just to discover Custom Radiant simply refuses save entities that don't match the .def?! In this case, a point-based trigger_once when the def has files as group-based. I would very much appreciate if Radiant would stay the hell out of my meddling and save everything I do regardless of how erroneous it may seem! (1.5 did) 
Re: Angle Decimal Rounding Bug 
It appears to only affect point entities without models that have a negative angle set, and only changes the value when moving them. So for instance, angle -2 (=down in Quake) becomes -2.000006. Obviously, this must not happen, because it makes the affected entities stop working correctly. 
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