Posted by Baker on 2010/08/20 23:27:49 |
This engine needs its own thread.
Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
http://quakespasm.sourceforge.net/ |
Transparent Lava (NOT !)
#937 posted by Barnak on 2014/08/10 18:43:19
Is there a way to make water transparent, but lava opaque ?
What are the commands for this ?
Real lava isn't trasparent. It doesn't even make any sense !
#938 posted by ijed on 2014/08/10 20:46:45
We did this in RMQ/e with different keys for telealpha, slimealpha, lavaalpha and wateralpha.
But it wasn't adopted by other engines.
#939 posted by necros on 2014/08/10 20:47:11
Not without map hackery. you could make a thin illusionary brush over lava and give it an alpha key of 1.0, but I assume your question is as a player. RMQEngine has separate alpha values for each liquid.
Other Way Up
#940 posted by Preach on 2014/08/10 21:14:02
you could make a thin illusionary brush over lava and give it an alpha key of 1.0,
Actually you don't need the alpha key to get a non-transparent brush. Also, you can put the illusionary a few units below the actual lava and get a dual layer effect on the ripple.
#941 posted by anonymous user on 2014/08/10 21:32:48
Fitzquake 0.85 introduced an ambiguous feature that allows wateralpha to affect water-textured brush entities. Illusionaries too, I think.
If It's In RMQ/e, Then Why Not In QS ?
#942 posted by Barnak on 2014/08/10 21:52:11
If there's an option to define different transparency effects for water, teleporters and lava in some engines, why not in Quakespasm too ?
Water should be transparent (at least partially), but lava SHOULD stay opaque. Also, the teleport field should be opaque.
I'm even getting some weird rendering artifacts/weirdness in QS when I look at some lava fields. It's so ugly that I think to make all water/lava opaque, because of this.
What is the command to define opaque water/lava/teleporters in QS, for ALL maps/mods ?
#943 posted by ericw on 2014/08/10 22:22:00
Fitzquake 0.85 introduced an ambiguous feature that allows wateralpha to affect water-textured brush entities. Illusionaries too, I think.
Hm, didn't realize that, but I can confirm it works. However, if you set an explicit "alpha" key on the entity, that value is used regardless of r_wateralpha.
@Barnak, just set "r_wateralpha 1" if you want to make everything opaque.
I wouldn't be opposed to adding the r_slimealpha, r_lavaalpha, r_telealpha keys. It does have a small potential for visually breaking existing maps if the author includes an r_wateralpha setting in the map (in a config, or trigger_command, etc.) and expects it to set the alpha of slime, lava, and teleporters, not just water. Not sure if that is a realistic problem or not.
#944 posted by necros on 2014/08/10 22:23:00
What is the command to define opaque water/lava/teleporters in QS, for ALL maps/mods ?
because that is the original command from glquake. the engine doesn't really make much distinction between liquids (although it is aware of it), it's only in the qc that things like damage and slower movement speed are taken care of.
#945 posted by Barnak on 2014/08/10 22:32:33
May I suggest to add the options to add r_slimealpha, r_lavaalpha, r_telealpha to QS ?
I think this would improve a lot the rendering in Quake. Water as semi-transparent liquid, lava and teleporters fully opaque.
What is slimealpha ?
I currently use r_wateralpha 0.8, as a compromise for lava/teleporters and water.
Backwards Compatibility
#946 posted by Preach on 2014/08/10 23:33:08
I wouldn't be opposed to adding the r_slimealpha, r_lavaalpha, r_telealpha keys. It does have a small potential for visually breaking existing maps if the author includes an r_wateralpha setting in the map (in a config, or trigger_command, etc.) and expects it to set the alpha of slime, lava, and teleporters, not just water. Not sure if that is a realistic problem or not.
The way to make this backwards compatible is to say that when r_slimealpha etc are set to 0, slime transparency defaults to the value of r_wateralpha. Essentially these cvars become overrides for r_wateralpha, and ideally they'd work selectively, so if you're happy for slime to be as transparent as water you only need to set r_wateralpha and r_lavaalpha.
I'd also recommend that whoever implements this also adds support for worldspawn wateralpha/slimealpha/etc keys in the way fog works now, so that the new de-facto standard that is created incorporates two good ideas at once.
#947 posted by mfx on 2014/08/10 23:49:47
r_skyfog too?
#948 posted by Lunaran on 2014/08/11 03:37:54
Doesn't FQmk5 have a cvar for an ignore-wateralpha list? You have to put texture names in it manually, which is dumbish, but there it is.
and please, _worldspawn keys for this shit. I miss when the primo engine port was being developed by an actual mapper, who gave us control over what our maps looked like and left everything else alone, instead of cvars for everybody to twiddle, so debugging new content became a hopeless crapshoot.
And What About Gibbs Staying On The Floor ?
#949 posted by Barnak on 2014/08/11 03:48:58
Currently, the gibbs and dead bodies are smoothly fading away or slowly moving under the ground to reduce the impact on frame rate and memory (I guess). On modern computers, I don't think this is a concern anymore.
So is there a way to tell Quake to leave all the gibbs and body parts there ? If not, it would be cool to have a new option about this.
I love to see the mess I do on a map, especially at the end.
What do you think ?
And Frame Rate Counter ?
#950 posted by Barnak on 2014/08/11 04:12:03
Is there a frame rate counter in Quake1 (I suspect there isn't) ?
Probably no so usefull (the frame rate appears to be very high on my old 2009 Mac mini).
So a few options I would like to see in QS, that could improve the game or the user interface :
1. FSAA (antialiasing). I think ericw once add a good piece of code to add this (I have an old experimental version of Quakespasm OS X with FSAA, from him).
2. Gibbs and dead bodies staying on the floor.
3. Independant transparency control of water, lava, teleporters.
4. Frame rate counter.
5. A better looking icon on OS X ? I think it's currently too thin, especially on the OS X Dock.
6. An option to make the Shamblers serve beer, instead of electrical discharges.
#951 posted by ericw on 2014/08/11 05:32:33
Preach, thanks, that sounds good.�I tried implementing the cvars and worldspawn keys, and seems to work.
I guess I should use underscores for the worldspawn keys, like "_wateralpha"? "fog" and "sky" don't, but they've been around forever.
mfx, supporting "_skyfog" as a worldspawn key sounds good, and it's trivial to do.
The straightforward way of implementing all of these worldspawn keys is to just set the cvar whenever the map is loaded (whether from playing a demo, dying, or starting it normally). Setting the corresponding cvar will mean they persist for the rest of the quake session, unlike "sky" and "fog" which are cleared whenever a map is loaded. Does that sound like a problem?
The only real workaround is e.g. turning r_skyfog into a command like "fog", where the value gets reset to its default (0.5 for r_skyfog) whenever a map loads. I wouldn't want to change r_wateralpha like this since it's been a cvar since glquake.
Also, quakespasm has archived r_wateralpha in config.cfg since 2011 or so. I'm not really a fan of this, because it means maps that use trigger_command to set r_wateralpha (or the yet-to-be-added _wateralpha key) cause the last value used to stick across launches of quake. r_skyfog is not archived though, and the r_slime/tele/lavaalpha cvars wouldn't be archived either. I would be tempted to stop archiving r_wateralpha in config.cfg, not sure how the other QS devs feel though.
Lunaran, yeah, hopefully adding support for these worldspawn keys is a step in the right direction.
Barnak, re: gib removal, it's probably the Quoth mod doing that. IIRC, it's not configurable by the player. You can get the fps counter with "scr_showfps 1". FSAA is on my todo list.
#952 posted by Spirit on 2014/08/11 08:14:47
could there be a _cvars key that simply accepts a semicolon separated list (that does not get archived)?
#953 posted by negke on 2014/08/11 08:42:40
No Texan Style approach to feature addition.
Gibs And Bodies
#954 posted by negke on 2014/08/11 10:25:34
Gibs always disappear after 10-20 seconds. It's standard Quake behavior set in QC. The corpse removal in this case is most likely from Quoth, indeed. I hate how the mod defaults to this instead of being opt-in. Neither should be overriden by the engine.
All Your Gibs Belong To Us
#955 posted by Barnak on 2014/08/11 15:43:46
So there's no way to prevent the gibs and dead bodies to disappear and make them stay on the ground ? (so we can eat'em later)
Quakespasm.pak File
#956 posted by Barnak on 2014/08/11 16:27:21
What's in that quakespasm.pak file ? What are the differences if I remove it ?
The readme doesn't say much about this :
>Quakespasm content customization moved from engine-embedded
> into a new optional quakespasm.pak file.
Music List
#957 posted by Barnak on 2014/08/11 18:09:44
Maybe another feature request : a command to list all music files.
I can't remember all the music file names I placed into the music directory.
Currently, we can browse the map directory with TAB. Maybe something similar could be usefull for music ? Or at least a music list command ?
#958 posted by Lunaran on 2014/08/11 19:03:17
hopefully adding support for these worldspawn keys is a step in the right direction.
Agreed, and thank you! Still, if only one engine out of a half dozen implements it, or if they all implement it different ways, it's still effectively unusable.
I really don't want to just say "this mod requires this engine" because everyone has their own choice based on personal preference, or based on what engine they can even run (because they're on a Mac or whatever), so that isn't an option either. That limits level designers and modders to the subset of features that are global enough to be effectively standard, which at this point is a _fog key and an .alpha key and not much else.
I explored using stuffcmds to switch the skybox during gameplay, so the player could go underground and emerge somewhere with a different backdrop, or to simulate lightning flashing during a storm. Research immediately revealed that not all popular engines have a console command to change the skybox, and the ones that do don't use the same command. The idea survived about five minutes.
Recent QS changes have even made me back off on stuff that would have been possible in stock Quake. I'm now greatly constrained in how I print text to the screen and how much (any more than 384 characters and apparently I'm creating a "rude mod," to quote the QS readme), and I've given up on having a custom demo or set of demos to play at the main menu because someone contributing to QS decided that the startdemos command in quake.rc should just be ignored, for no other reason than he prefers it that way. These are rather disheartening precedents.
So, yeah, _skyfog and _whateveralpha keyvalues would be nice! but unless we can convince Baker, LordHavoc, et al to implement the same things the same way, from the perspective of a mapper there's not much point. :(
Random Map Command
#959 posted by Barnak on 2014/08/11 20:56:32
I have hundreds of nice custom maps inside my id1/maps folder. Very often, I simply don't know which one to play, and would like to be surprised.
So a "randommap" command could load some randomly selected map from the whole list. The player would then be surprised each time he calls "randommap" from the console. A keyboard shortcut could even be assigned to the command.
Wouldn't that be great ?
I'm not a programmer, so I don't know if this could be done for QS.
What do you think, Quake Gods ?
_wateralpha Sounds Pretty Safe
#960 posted by Preach on 2014/08/11 21:33:45
I can't really see how people would implement _wateralpha differently, it's a much safer bet than fog ever was for being consistent. It's also one of those gracefully degrading features like skyboxes - your map doesn't stop being playable if the water is off. That means there's a nice path to adoption, you get a "recommended engine" not a "required engine".
Suggesting people should bundle it with the newer features is a bit of a risk, but hopefully the one will carry the other...
Let's Get That Rolling Stone Gathering Moss
#961 posted by ijed on 2014/08/11 21:42:22
...like a base that belongs to us.
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