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#tf / Func_qmap BEEF Thread.
Inspired by Scampie who has more beef going than the average American "lite" breakfast =).

So let's have it out here...

Scampie vs. Xen

Scampie vs. ProdXL

Maj vs. ProdXL

(actually most people vs. ProdXL)

Wrath vs. Everyone

Grindspire vs. someone it seems

Me vs. Speedy occasionally

Mod-makers vs. well they just look like a right bunch of knobs anyway.

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Well in any case, I'm glad to hear that Marcher 2: Even Marcherer is due out sometime this year. :) 
Feel free to try to ascribe negative motivations to me as you would like. I'm assuming you enjoy wasting your time, it's yours to spend. ;-)

I like starting controversially named threads or disruptive posts for the shock factor or to get people talking.

Sometimes, I have struck gold --- a very provocative rant about Quake 3 vs. Quake 1 mapping created some shockwaves that caused several very cool things to happen.

All just by typing words on a keyboard, haha. 
Well in any case, I'm glad to hear that Marcher 2: Even Marcherer is due out sometime this year. :)

@mukor - Also ... 
It is, in fact, a number of the works for Quake were done for resume enhancements/hopes of gaming jobs and other reasons beyond Quake.

I thought that would make an interesting angle for discussion.

Because more than a fair number of level designers here worked/did work/wanted to work professionally in that field.

It was a significant factor in the creation in a number of prominent works in the past --- where the creators were mapping "for Quake" but they were aiming "for something more".

Are those kinds of level designers with enhanced motivations more likely to try to *really showoff* their talent more than someone new and bored who downloaded a map editor? 
@mukor -- I May As Well Triple Post ... 
Also another sub-theme of the topic ...

Steam newbies or bored people who downloaded a map editor --- they don't really have any detailed knowledge of the history of Quake.

I mentioned FrikaC who is one of the most influential developers of all time -- since I perceive you to be rather new, he was the author of FrikBots and frikqcc Quake C compiler. He also went on to work in the games industry.

But more than that -- like I said, I perceive you to be rather new but it may or may not be the case ---

But if it is the case that you are new, and unfamiliar with the history of Quake or how external motivations may have shaped the game ...

Should conversation topics be dumbbed down to cater to your level of knowledge of the history of Quake?

So there is a question for you ... 
Keep Digging Baker ;-) 
Not even locking his thread can stop the juggernaut that is Baker! 
It is, in fact, a number of the works for Quake were done for resume enhancements/hopes of gaming jobs and other reasons beyond Quake.

I thought that would make an interesting angle for discussion.

Are those kinds of level designers with enhanced motivations more likely to try to *really showoff* their talent more than someone new and bored who downloaded a map editor?

Isnt it a given that those with more experience or a larger end goal in mind, are going to put more effort into something than those who just recently downloaded a map editor?

It seems part of your goal here was to get me to speak of myself in a way that was self serving.

"Ive been mapping for *this long*"

"Ive played Quake for *this long*"

None of that even matters in this context. All the info one wants about Quake is freely available on the internet. Theres countless documentaries, threads on forums, and articles on Quake to fill in whatever type of Quake knowledge one seeks to acquire. 
meant to preview but accidentally posted. Honestly, though, thats probably for the better.

Long story short: Its obvious you havent played my maps or read the readmes attached to them. Meanwhile, I have MarkV pinned to my taskbar and read every post on the recent MarkV thread.

So, thanks man. Really appreciate the sense of comradery you have! 
"Its obvious you havent played my maps or read the readmes attached to them."

Before you think IM being self serving and trying to say "If you played them youd see my skillzzzzz brooo"

But a "You didnt have anything substantial to say about my mapping or me so its obvious you didnt even touch em" 
FFS Baker 
Are you high? OTP and Mukor both called you out for your bullshit. It's about time you'd shut the hell up. 
This Is Vintage Baker 
Also vintage otp. 
On the subject of vintage Baker:

Here he is in 2009 enjoying the economic crisis! 
Is it just me, or is this particular beef seeming quite vengeful? 
Not For Me 
Jesus Fuck What A Fucking Idiot 
I have this mental shortlist of people on func who take things waaaaay too seriously.

This particular thread serves as both entertainment and re-affirmation of said list. 
Shambler is ex bief�ated.

This is what you get when you don't keep the beef thread healthy and fresh. It starts leaking rotten beef juice all over the rest of the forum.

Specifically, Gunter vs. The World has taken over MarkV's thread... 
What do you know, there IS a Beef Thread!

Hmmm... "Gunter vs the World."

Sounds like my next Quake mod!

Nah, actually, FvF is enough. It could already be described as, "Gunter Hates You All And Wants You To Suffer Endless Humiliation."

So you should definitely all come play FvF! We have regular cooperative (Quest mode) games every Sunday night (some weeks more active than others) between 7-10 PM Central.

So come play!

Thennnn my abominable monsters will make you suffer! >:D

If I felt shifting the backlash of my barrelgun in quake, I now was living in a country without a license! 
Ode To Spike 
I didn't point out the fragile progs.dat compatibility landscape in a personal way.

i.e. I wasn't raising red flags because it was your idea.

I was raising red flags because I have seen too many "Hey guys, here is my better progs.dat! It can't load all the existing single player maps because I didn't think about the corner cases and assemble a set of those --- and it can't load save games because I didn't think about that either --- but nevermind these things I didn't think about that will slowly come to light over the course of the next 18 months due to my incompetence, look how great it is!!!".

I pointed out the landmines because I have seen that tragedy before. I simply posted information, because watching re-runs of tragedies makes me want to bang my head.

Karl Marx: "All the great events in history happen twice. The first time it is a tragedy. The second time it is a farce."

Why not type a few words to prevent that?

So I did.

It wasn't personal. I myself like watching train wrecks, but I don't like them to happen in Quake because I think Quake is something unusually special.

/Anyway, without this beer I would have defaulted to "ignore" but I am thinking "convey information" is better choice. DAMN THE TOPREDOS --- SUBMIT!! OH WAIT -- I C 
All Of You Guys Must Be Young Or On Serious Vitality Pills 
20: I hate you and I will fucking kill you.
30: I dislike you greatly and I will make sure you know it.
40: You suck and I don't have the time or energy to tell you why or argue it.

I'm thinking 50 will be something like...

I need a fucking nap. 
Guess who can dish it out but can't take it? 
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