Is It Possible To Toggle Lights On And Off (delay How Long "on")
#74 posted by
Newhouse on 2017/01/07 08:03:00
Random Shot
#75 posted by
mjb on 2017/01/07 08:15:12
#76 posted by
Newhouse on 2017/01/07 10:24:09
I knew it, water element ;)
#77 posted by
topher on 2017/01/07 13:03:54
trigger_relay maybe?
light with targetname "l1"
trigger_button or trigger_multiple, turns two relays with the same targetname "tr1". one relay with delay 0 (or 1, or 2, etc). the other relay with delay 20. then trigger_button/trigger_multiple will need a wait of 20 at least.
that might work