#19 by Shambler on 2019/01/20
U bellend. It's the same but different. And more betterer.
#214 by muk on 2018/03/10
... rmine which anon is which so as not to confuse "anon thats a total fucking bellend" with "anon thats actually kind of reasonable"
#261 by Shambler on 2017/04/06
... Kinn might get an extra shiney bellend point for playing on a console, but then he gets an extra cuddly Kinn poin ...
#13 by metlslime on 2017/03/19
... interesting to see who uses different words the most on this board -- for "bellend" it's basically shambler & ijed: http://www.celephais.net/board/search.php ... ?q=bellend
#157 by Shambler on 2017/02/05
... <Shambler> i also wouldn't like hammering nails into my bellend to see if i could get just the right pretty pattern after 3245 attempts
#9286 by Shambler on 2016/06/10
... gonist in the history of gaming, they should have had QuakeGuy instead of Bellend Jensen Dullardfuckwhit), MD looks promising too. GFX look a bit busy, comb ...
#1209 by the silent on 2016/02/05
... I loved the "eyeless bellend" design of DOOM 3, looked fittingly mean, IMO and they stretched out a lit ...
#1196 by Shambler on 2016/02/04
Daz ur such a bellend. But regardless, new trailer looks cool, apart from takedown moves. Also Q ...
#1191 by Kinn on 2016/02/04
... original Doom, sometime after all those boring, samey, greyscale, eyeless bellend-head monsters were made, and said "haaaang on....why don't we just make mo ...
#8784 by Shambler on 2016/01/03
Spunk Bellend Turdgargler Fuckbollox Complete Spack Hulk clone done in a 1998 engine wit ...
#26326 by oh, that person on 2015/11/10
... <Shamblurp> kinda tingly on the bellend
#623 by Kinn on 2015/06/17
... eneric ones (Imps, Hellknights) with their Alien-inspired Doom3 Hellknight bellend-heads just look...ehhh.
#91 by oh, that person on 2015/04/04
... This does not, however, cancel out your being of a bellend, but the net total has gone up considerably.
#11914 by Lunaran on 2015/01/06
lower right dome looks like a bellend #sorrynotsorry
#7612 by negke on 2014/07/25
Say what Only a complete bellend would rate Risen 3/10. It's definitely a great game, look above in this th ...
#7108 by ijed on 2014/01/31
I was talking to Nitin You bellend.
#6645 by Shambler on 2013/05/28
... I'm not quite sure how much of a spectacular fucking bellend you have to be to somehow contrive to have your own gaming experience """r ...
#6303 by ijed on 2013/02/18
... ound like a <q> high on glue </q> ... <q> self-evidently wrong </q> ... <q>bellend</q> to anyone with even half a brain cell.
#6300 by Shambler on 2013/02/18
What... ...a fucking bellend. It's demeaning to even consider replying to someone who is so self-eviden ...
#4197 by ijed on 2011/02/24
implied even You bellend.
#1517 by Shambler on 2003/07/21
LOL. Once again speedy you have proved yourself to be the prize bellend of #qmap.net. Well done.