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Slip & Frag - Release 1.0.28 Is Out
Due to a recent migration I performed of the Bitbucket repository into GitHub, there is now a new release of Slip & Frag, the Quake sourceport for modern machines & VR devices.

The new version has a fix for a few unexpected bugs related to model, sound and particle handling in the core engine. Also, most visual artifacts present in large maps / mods were finally removed, due to optimizations applied to surface lightmap handling when rendering the VR versions. And, finally, there is now a new PCXR version (that is, a PCVR version that runs in Windows, that uses the OpenXR runtime from Meta for their devices) which should run as well as the standalone version.

Get the details and the downloads for all releases at . Also, the app is available in SideQuest at .

As usual, feedback is welcome. Be sure to visit the Discussion channel in GitHub and leave your impressions of the new release!
March Update For ..::LvL
Two very strong fresh releases have been added to ..::LvL - These two have come out of the recently completed 25th Anniversary Pack to see if they can stand on their own. There is no doubt about that, the really do.

* Exhumed - Humiliation Redux by Foo
* Mondkind by acid

LiveView, video and panorama for each.

..::LvL -
Colony 3: Demon Keep (Q1SP)
A new map has just been added to Quaddicted that AFAIK hasn't been posted on any news channels yet.

Some of you with a good memory of classic 90s Quake custom maps may recall a two-part series "Colony" and "Colony 2: The Culling Station", by Mark Turner. Well, 27 years later, he has returned with the next map in the series (his words: "I got side-tracked, I guess")

The map follows a classic episode 1 medieval theme (think E1M2-E1M3) and can be downloaded from here:

If you wanted to check out the previous two maps in the series you can find them here:

Reviews on Quaddicted are encouraged!
25 Years Of Q3A At ..::LvL
25 years of Q3A at ..::LvL - Map-Center's Quake 3 25th Anniversary Pack is a great release to help reinforce the longevity of Q3A. Find some time, download and enjoy this release.

* Map-Center's Quake 3 25th Anniversary Pack by Various
* Atomized - Rebirth Of Mayhem by Shub-Niggurath

LiveView support and a panorama for all. Video only for Atomized.

..::LvL -
Re:Mobilize Jam 2: Re:Visions
A set of 6 maps, plus a start map, created for a map jam event held from January 1, 2025 to February 8, 2025, using the Re:Mobilize mod. The objective of this jam was to re:imagine multiplayer maps from different games as single player experiences, all while making use of the three Re:Mobilize mechanics (trampolines, wiremeshes, and lighthooks/lightpanels).

Map-Center Retrojam3: Maps Inspired By E2M2, E2M3 And E2M4
RetroJam 3 is out!


Dumptruck reviews some of the maps that are part of this great collection:


I've played 2 maps so far, and they are intense even when played at normal.
Kick Start 2025 At ..::LvL
What a way to start 2025 at ..::LvL - We have an amazing and visually rich new release from Requiem. We also continue the hunt for missing older releases with another Dead Simple remix.

* Blast from the Past by Requiem
* Dead Simple (6) by CUTTER

LiveView, video and panorama for each.

..::LvL -
New Game: Threat Vector
Battle across the solar system as annihilation looms over mankind in this action sci-fi horror FPS. Powered by id Tech, THREAT VECTOR delivers classic FPS combat throughout a suite of concise, potent levels infested with deadly horrors… and loaded with enough firepower to destroy them all.

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